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Posts posted by twofortheroad

  1. I live here ....... but if I didn't have a Thai wife, I would be gone.

    Don't come, not worth risking your life.

    This could get very nasty, very fast.

    At the moment it's just buildings being burnt.

    And what buildings were burnt in Chiang Mai?

    There was a gate at the governor's residence, a fire truck and fireworks thrown at the Bangkok bank Tha Pae Gate but I haven't heard of any buildings burning.

    A building at the Governors residence was burnt but that's the only one I know of. 

    BKK post reported it yesterday and more importantly, I saw it myself. 

      "Protesters burned the house of a senior provincial officer located in the compound of the provincial governor’s residence.

       A number of old tyres were also burned at the compound."

    Chiang Mai is very quiet at the moment. Extremely unlikely that foreigners will be harmed, unless they are joining in any protests.

    I'd be more concerned about getting married. That's really scary.

  2. 1 To get rid of a scorpion you need a snake.

    2 To get rid of the snake you need a cat.

    3 To get rid of the cat you need a dog.

    4 To get rid of the dog you need a sling-shot.

    If you already have a sling-shot and you are good with it, you don't need 1 to 3.

    As regards to your wife sucking hard, it would be better if she blows hard, depending on the size of it. That's my experience, anyhow.

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