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Posts posted by twofortheroad

  1. I have been to the Holiday Inn a number of times over the years and yes, it is very good but if you want a true British style Sunday Roast then it has to be the pub. I have been eating roasts there for about 8 years and it is always good.  He will do a mixed meet plate on request also......  The portions certainally aren't small and if you want extra potatos they are more than happy to bring an extra mountain of them for you.  Yorkshire Puddings are great also......  The Olde Bell is a good place and I enjoy almost all their pub fare, however I have tried Pedre's roast and the beef was par to chewing my loafers and the veg under cooked......  IMHO, the pub is by far the best spot for Sundays........

    Pretty typical for TV. Someone joins TV, claims to have been around for years, then they proceed to either bash someone's business or promote another (in this case both). Some things will never change.

    I agree. Newbies should start off by maybe contributing to the likes of the Rain thread, then let us know about where they bought their Honda Wave, and after a few weeks of similar posts then they can let us know about the important stuff like Best Sunday Lunch / Fish n Chips/ Burger etc. As for criticising another business, they shouldn't really do that in the first month or in the first dozen posts, whichever comes first.

  2. E.g. Would 2 or 3 Club Soda's qualify if a person doesn't drink alcohol, or would that be abusing the offer?

    Commonsense and a sense of fairness should be enough to answer your question. I'm off the booze at the moment so if I went to see Pedr on a night with a free buffet I would order something from the menu if I was hungry. I wouldn't feel justified in helping myself to a free buffet if I was only ordering two sodas. Tight-<deleted> and free-loaders  may feel differently.
  3.  I have two boxes, one of which is  very old, and that one has Aerial out , RCA out and SVideo out. I  had to replace the other decoder because it no longer worked. The replacement box only had 1 output, RCA, and I was told that if you want to connect 2 TVs you need 2 boxes (at an extra charge of course). These are now the standard issue, besides the HD box.  I then replaced that box with the new HD box, which has RCA and HDMI output. I think it may have a connection to a computer.

    Does anyone know where I can buy a HDMI splitter and any idea of what I might expect to pay?

  4. Already happening , the radio delay website on Two for the roads post has been blocked  by  ICT.

    I'm not really sure what you mean by that. Daansystems.com is the site from the developer or Radiodelay (free program) , which doesn't appear blocked to me, but there are plenty of other sites to download it too - CNET, softpedia, brothersoft etc. I did see that radiodelay.net was suspended but that wasn't the site for the radiodelay program.

    While we're on the subject, I noticed a few odd problems last night. Firstly, as the game progresses, the delay seems to increase - I went from about 1.2 seconds at the start up to about 4.5 seconds by the end of the game. Any theories on that? Secondly, towards the end of the Spain-Switzerland game the sound suddenly went about 10-15 seconds behind the video, which meant radiodelay was useless. Anyone using a different programme other than Radiodelay?

  5. On the menu, the "R" in "River" is quite clearly in italics.

    So it was meant as a pun, as in Thai pronunciation.

    The restaurant's name is The Pun Pun, after all.... :D

    Northern Thais can't get their tongues around their r's. :) (no pun intended!)

    Although an R is pronounce as an L, the reverse isn't true, so I'm solly to say that the Pun Pun's pun isn't quite light.

    Does he have lice on the menu?

  6. Just a quick question.

    Are all the guys that were guaranteed 100% English commentary, either on the phone, face to face or in writing, going to make a joint complaint or give True back the equipment.........or just mai bpen rai?

    That would probably depend on how long they've been here or how daft they are.

  7. Excellent post and advice. For those of us with just one computer, here is the answer....

    Light travels faster than sound, so to create the necessary time lag, purely site the computer 1 to 2 rooms or what ever distance necessary away from the screen you will be watching the match. Use the above advice to attach it to a stereo, then just adjust the volume to a level that you can hear it.



    I bet you've got a Blue Peter badge, to go with all them Boy Scout badges. :)

    I took your advice. I couldn't move my Desktop PC so I've put the TV and Hi-fi in the toilet. Much better acoustics, almost like surround sound. The toilet roll is also handy if the wrong team scores.

  8. If i was 30 years younger i think i might have had a chance :)

    Have you reached that age when, if you see two women walking towards you, you turn to your pal and say, 'I don't like the look of mine'? :D

  9. If you don't get much response here, try calling into the Gymkhana Club and asking the guys that play there. Generally, someone playing most nights at about 5pm.

  10. If you don't get much response here, try calling into the Gymkhana Club and asking the guys that play there. Generally, someone playing most nights at about 5pm.

  11.  In case anyone wants to try this out, this is how I did it.

    1. To overcome the problem of BBC RadioFive Live being unavailable in Thailand, you need to set up a Virtual Private Network. To do this I subscribed to the following site for 5 pounds a month   private network  . They give easy instructions to set it up.

    2. Connect to  Radio Five  using your browser and then connect your laptop to your hi-fi using a jack with a lead that has a head-phones jack one end and a two pin audio jack on the other end.

    3. The audio is probably out of sync by about 3 seconds. If you can't live with that, here is the fix.

        1. you need two computers. Use the first computer to play Radio Five Live and on the second computer, download a radio delay program radio delay.

        2. Connect the first computer to the second using a mic to headphnoes jack , which I bought at Panthip for 30 baht. Both ends are a jack that fits into Mic or headphones on your computer. The jack should be connected to headphones  socket on the computer playing Radio Five Live and then into Mic socket on the other computer which has Radio delay program running. The second computer should be connected from the Headphones socket to your hi-fi. 

         3. Select the input source from the Radiodelay program and then select the delay amount ( 3 seconds?). Press play on the Radiodelay program then adjust delay accordingly to sync with the video. 

    If your not clear , PM me.

  12. Why can't it be called a 'roll', 'sandwich' or 'Baguette' then? Sub seems such a strange word.

    In England they were called submarine sandwiches, for obvious reasons. Sub is an abbreviation.

    I'm English. I've never heard that!!!!! Learn everyday, huh?

    In Northern England, we called them a 'nudger', which , according to the Urban Dictionary, is defined as ..

    "To have an erection. Derived from the increased prominence of the penis when it is erect and ability to poke a women's leg if they are in close proximity." :)

  13. No commentary in English.... TIT

    Also for twoforthe road.

    Got it sorted, VPN connection is working and VLC has built in synchronization so you can set the delay for what you need ie. English commentary in sync. (has taken me all day, now it's time for a nap)

    Today it should be perfect :)

    Well done. I'll pop by again soon.

  14. Sorry to say but I donot have the keen sense of smell you have. Could you do me the pleasure of telling me what rats and snakes smell like? Is it offensive? Is it pleasant? Can you describe it please. I am very interested to know.

    I'm still not sure that the smell in the kitchen was a snake, hence the post.

    I can detect dead rats, sooner than most other people around me can, but live rats odour mostly comes from their urine which is quite unpleasant. You would only notice it near their nest. In the past, I've had to remove a dead rat that was stuck behind a partition (as I pulled on it, it fell apart revealing a mass of maggots   :) ), and I could only do it with a lot of vapex rubbed around my nose. Even then it was so bad, it had me gagging. One of those smells that you just won't can't get rid of.

    If you want to test your skills there are plenty of rats around the moat late at night, espescially after the bars/restaurants have left their black bags of rubbish out.

  15. In the bar where I watched the first game, they had two screens, one showing TRUE HD and the other on Thai TV ch3, through a TRUE decoder. The images were about 3 seconds apart, which confirmed what I thought beforehand, which was that getting the video and audio from two different sources and having them in sync would be all but impossible. The owner tried the game with just the backgound noise, but there was a better atmosphere when the Thai commentary was opened.

    I then tried Dragonfly Bar for the late game. The owner said they had commentary for the opening game, but a customer said it was out of sync and slightly irritating. The late game he had difficulty in getting the audio, so that was shown with just the background noise. It is a small bar and was busy so the crowd noise helped and overall it was quite enjoyable(except for the one guy who was particularly loud, drunk and foul-mouthed - an English teacher, I was told :) ).

  16. I've been gifted with a very useful talent which only became apparent when I started living in Chiang Mai. I can smell a rat. If there is a rat within 20 metres of where I am sitting, I can smell it , espescially when it is recently deceased. An enviable talent, I'm sure you'll agree. In the last few days, I wonder whether I have become aware of an equally important skill, namely my ability to smell a snake. For at least three days I have been bothered by a strange odour in my kitchen at home. Like every Thai woman, my wife eats some strange and smelly foods. Despite the fact that there was some grilled sqid on the table and durian in the fridge, I still had this notion that the strange smell wasn't them, or even the combination of the two smells.

    This morning (more like afternoon actaully, having watched the late game last night) I was awakened by my daughter-in-law calling me with a definite air of alarm. When I asked what was the problem, the answer was 'ngoo', or as we might say 'snake'. I made my way down stairs to find my frightened son and his wife pointing to behind a cupboard. Equipped with the usual armoury of a long brush, I opened the nearby back-door, moved the cupboard away from the wall and coaxed the indignant snake out. Problem over, snake removed and my esteem increased, all before breakfast.

    Munching on my breakfast a thought came to me - could that odious smell have been the snake? I'd like to think it was, as it would be another feather in my cap and a further entry on my CV but I'd never heard of snakes having a smell. Am I giving myself too much credit, or do snakes really have a noticeable odour? :)

  17. i'm hoping to watch every match this world cup same as i did in 2006. see you in tuskers for the greece match at 6.30pm saturday then. :D

    the big sportsworld shop in kad suan kaew on the first floor had both home and away south korea shirts when i was in there last week.

    :)! Do you happen to know how much?

    didn't look i'm afraid. they're nike official ones though so i would expect a couple of thousand baht or something?

    I heard that there was a raid by copyright police in the night bazaar recently and about 3m Baht worth of World Cup stuff was confiscated, so cheap options may be limited. Rumour has it that the boys from BKK will be here for the remainder of the month, so probably no dodgy watches or hand-bags if you need one.
  18. ]I saw a beer delivery van driving round the other day promoting the match and it said "700 yr stadium' on it.  The web-site says the same. I'm definitely going, and I'll have room in the car for 4 if anyone needs a lift.

    It's very kind of you! I'll come to the bar as well, and it'll be great to go to the game together.

    We meet at about 4 and since this game is at the 700yr stadium, we'll probably leave at about 5.20 - time to get there, park the car, get a program and a pie, and find a seat.

  19. If we forget about the English Commentary part of the original post, then it would probably be easier to ask which bars aren't showing the world cup. Since it is shown on Thai Tv then I amgine every bar with a TV is showing it. Some have better facilities than others, but of the few set-ups I've seen Tuskers is the best.

    I imagine most bars will show all of the 6.30pm, 9.00pm games, irrespective of who's playing, but I wonder who is showing all of the late games (1.30am local time). I know that Tuskers, and Olde Bell  are showing the late England games (and possibly a few more, espescially quarter finals onwards) with the other games being shown according to demand, but is there anywhere that definitely will show all of the late games?

  20. Did you mean "Yaa Bah".

    I do not think drugs are the biggest problem. There are problems but

    I have to Say when I lived in london drugs where much more prevalent

    than anywhere I have seen in Thailand.

    I would say there is a bigger problem with Alchohol.

    Amphetamines used to be known as Yaa Maa (horse drug) because it helped people to work longer hours (labourers and bus drivers). About 10 years ago there was a spate of incidents in which guys high on Yaa Maa went on crazy rampages wielding a knife threatening to kill the girlfriend, the kids or themselves. Also a lot of big death accidents due to bus/truck drivers falling asleep when the effects of the drug wore off. A short while later, in an attempt to convince people not to take drugs the government agencies decided that it would be a good idea to change the image of the drug and instead of calling it Yaa Maa (which implied it made you as strong as a horse) they suggested that from then on it should be called Yaa Baa (crazy drug) which implied that taking this drug would make you crazy. The press agreed, so Yaa baa became the standard. It was so successful that you hardly hear a reference to Yaa Maa any more.

    Thailand does have a big drug problem and I can recall that my wife was telling me there was a problem in the schools when my kids were younger - ten or twelve year olds were selling them . When Thaksin had his war on drugs a lot of ordinary people supported it because they didn't like it being sold to such young people.

    As far as I remember there was a warning before the operation took place - a month or so. The word was put around - if you're selling drugs stop, if your friends are selling drugs stay away from them, because next month we're going to sort it out. When they went ahead and did it a lot of people approved, because they thought those that were killed were stupid not to heed the warnings. Supposedly, the drug problem diminished.

    It may seem harsh, but I wouldn't be surprised if the average mother or father in the West had a similar view. How many people sympathise with a drug dealer being shot? Not your average Joe who's kids are being targetted by these guys.

    I'm not saying that I approved of the methods, but there are a lot of peole that did. One of the reasons they supported Thaksin!!

    In the West , most people have no faith in the judicial system and are sick and tired of hearing about drug-related crime, so I wouldn't be surprised that the majority there would approve an extra-judicial system. Drug-dealers aren't very popular.

  21.  Having lived here for a long time, I certainly don't think of myself as a guest. If I had spent this long in most other countries, I would certainly have become a citizen by now. I live here, have a wife, kids, grandkids even, a business and I pay taxes. As far as I'm concerned I live here. I may not legally have the status of a citizen but that's what I think I am. The labels don't matter to me, but those that use the term 'guest', tend to imply that I should act like a tourist, or somebody invited to stay for a short time. I got past that many years ago. Don't get me wrong, I still treat people with respect , but I don't act like a guest - this is my home. 

    I do like the idea of being an alien though. 

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