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Posts posted by liveinlos

  1. Good luck, get the papers together to get her a VISA to your country<BR><BR>Once she it is there, see how you two get on in your own country<BR><BR>If she fits in and is a keeper, set a wedding in your home town

  2. What does this have to do with Thailand or anything else?

    Instead of blindly posting other news stories, why not do a little research and see what the experts predict?

    Like a newer version of the IP protocal that will handle much more than IPV4

    The V stands for version and with any device known to man, the versions roll on and on and on and on

    IPV5 is right around the corner so no one panic

  3. When you take a look at the customs tax and shipping, you will find it is probably not worth it

    Customs will eat up at least 20% and shipping on top of that the get the items to Thailand.

    Then the goods sold from Thailand require tax to be paid on the sale

    One thing interesting to note.

    I read an article from one of the big business men in Bangkok's Chinatown.

    He claims they float all the goods from China by river down into Chinatown, not paying any import or customs tax at all


    He sends 10 chairs down at $100 each or $1,000 total

    You send the same 10 chairs ( if got the same price in China $100 as he did) you have $100 +$20 import/customs tax or $120 in each chair plus shipping.

    The Chinese guy sells his chairs for $120 each wholesale

    You have $120 each plus shipping in each of your chair so there is no way you can beat his price

    The reality is even worse as maybe as a foreigner you could not get the same $100 price but maybe $110 or $120 cost from China

    If everyone was on the same level playing field, it would be easy for everyone to make some money

    However, you see the Chinese are all super rich in Thailand and no one else is making a thing from China because they get around the import/customs charges

    Chinatown, if you have ever spent anytime there at all, is the major supplier to every single Thai vendor you see selling anything

    The Chinese can offer goods to Thais wholesale, cheaper than Thais can buy, import and ship to Thailand themselves

    (All you ebayers and small potatoes this is not about you, talking about big business)

    These impossible situations is why only a few get rich in this country

    They have stacked all the rules in their favor

    Show me one BIB that would move against Chinatown?

    Because they simply do not dare to touch that

  4. Why women especialy, want to drive a 4 wheel drive in a city environment is beyond me.

    OK, so most of the time you don't really need 4WD. I'm wondering how often the average person encounters something more than a sedan can offer. What would you say the percentage is? 60on-road/40off? 70/30? 85/15 99/1?

    You can get a 4 wheel drive stuck easier that a 2 wheel front drive.

    Think about it.

    4 wheel drive the power train is applied to all 4 wheels and in a slippery or muddy situation this gives you 4 wheels spinning you deeper into the mud

    2 wheel front drive the power train drives the front 2 wheels only, meaning the back two wheels do not dig in deep to the mud

    Trying to use percentages to quantify how many percent an average person does this or that is pretty ridiculous

    Only you know your own driving habits and unless you have never driven in your whole life, what makes Thailand driving any different than anywhere else in the world

    PS These Mountains in Chiang Mai are ant hills compared to the rest of the world

    A honda wave can go up any Mountain in Chiang Mai with no problem

  5. Bumjathai Party, for joining the coalition govt., got control of the Transportation Department

    How much corruption money do you think is involved in building roads and bridges?

    (PS The Don Muang tollway is up to 85 baht for cars and 125 baht for trucks)

    Maybe no one followed the new hospital proposal in Isaan which has the majority of the money for the hospital being spent on the parking garage which was to be built by the MP's father's construction company?

    The only reason to get in Thai politics is for the chance to write your own checks for what ever department your political party controls

    How do you explain every single MP in this whole country is a millionaire?

    You cannot really think anyone does anything honestly here can you?

  6. In Bangkok there are times there are 6 to 8 people playing in a group because of of them is a high ranking general or policeman and no one dares tell them to speed up or get out of the way

    That's life in Thailand

    I had to play every week for a couple of years with my company

    Balls all over the place, scores above 125

    Thats life, it was meant to be an outing and these guys made the best of it

    It you want to be serious, get on the Seniors Tour or play in organized tournaments

    Recreational golf is just that, for some people it is just a day out of the office to beat the ball all over hel_l and back

    Why be so serious?

  7. So what is new?

    This has been the way of Thailand for years and years.

    Thais are basically self-centered and selfish, caring only for themselves

    Dumping trash is a major problem and I think if most Thai's could get away with it, they would even dump it over the fence into their neighbors yard

    I don't see this selfish attitude ever changing, only getting worse

  8. Had to vote 'Not Sure' as you failed to tell us whether we got a decent lawyer....its way too subjective content....depends on witnesses are the police directly involved....high ranking Thai officials pissed off ...and on and on.....

    You ask too much of me. I can't deliver. However, what I think you are saying is that if you were very confident of being acquitted you would come back. But even with that confidence, there is always the risk. It occurs to me now that I should have also said to presume that the hypothetical you would be able to settle in a country with no extradition agreement with Thailand.

    Remember the Russian Pilots that landed at Don Muang with all the artillery and weapons on board and the Thai govt let them walk away after about 2 months of legal wrangling?

    The same thing with this Russian Pianist

    He is so famous the Russian govt is now involved and I suspect he will be cleared of any charges whether he is guilty or innocent

    Power has a place in Thailand and without it, he would be in jail already

  9. lets keep it real and not get to carried away with these guys/girls, after all they are only (although annoying) trying to earn a living which gets spent here,

    I find them on par with ferral dogs and mosquitos, annoying but not dangerous

    well dogs can carry rabies and mosquitos carry dengy fever and maleria. personally i find them more annoying than the people of amsterdam selling there share of so called parradise.

    anyway. there is no need for them infact this is a need to not have them. for us long term people it is ok it is the short term people who have there holidays reuined. I want samui to be a tropical havon away from these pests specially when most of them are home breed from our native countries. plenty of way tpo make a living in thailand. wwhy pick anoying people.

    Have you organized a blog, website, facebook page with photos to alert potential travelers to your area to be weary of these blokes?

    Please send me all the photos of these guys and the all the company info as much as you can

    I will make people aware of this

    I never visit your island and really you have a point that unsuspecting tourists should not have their holiday ruined by these scammers

    This is not a cheap scam and it can ruin lives if people get suckered into it

    If you care, send the photos and let's get the facts out there

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