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Jing Joe

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Posts posted by Jing Joe

  1. My power bill is zero with the newly installed Mitsubishi Heavy industries 9.2 kW, (2.54 kW consumed) for 92 sq metres.

    That's only because of 18 x 250 watt panels and am off grid and using a 3 kW inverter. This will change to a 4.5 kw dedicated DIY inverter I'm making.       That's bye the way info but shows it can be done.  

    As others have said; insulation, sun shining indoors , and all else that robs efficiency should be looked at.

    Mug3K ;- You've got some good info coming  from Crossie and  Naam (hi guys) and found  from my experience here is that once the humidity has been condensed out it seems to stay dry and very little consumption to maintain at 28. The pedestal fan suggested is great on the skin getting cool air into in an awkward dead-end extension where the air takes a while to flow.   Once the sun has set its amazing how quickly it cools outside so off with the air-con  and let the natural airflow through. only If/when suitable.    If you've got access to the condensate  drain you'll be surprised how much there is and proves refrigeration is happening,  But also the inverter compressors are great to hear them gently "purr" in to action and then slow down to an idle as required or to drop right out. Then there's only two fans running; inside and out.   

    I measured the water purity here at 27 ppm of TDS  Total dissolved solids and probably tastes like PVC pipe but could be used for car batteries and radiators, pot plants and washing the dog.     smile please.

    Good luck mug3k. with the recent heat waves here in Oz I wonder how we did without it.


  2. 43 minutes ago, robblok said:

    Even in your country (every country) cops are reluctant to intervene in domestic incidents because both parties can turn on you. 

    About a year ago a motorist here in Oz stopped to help a young lady being bashed by her young man, who in turn pushed the Vietnam veteran backwards hitting his head and he died.

    I think the young man is in jail now.

    As others are commenting, --- what do ya do,  or don't do?


  3. 16 hours ago, Suradit69 said:


    OK. I have to ask. If you want to release them up country, why would you pour cooking oil over them?

    Sorry,  I didnt explain a bit more that the stickiness of the very sticky stuff lets go. 


    Edited;-  And I now see others have said ditto.  

    Just how re-usable the pad is afterwards I don't know but washed with detergent and hot water could be ok??   

    Amazing traps. Are they on sale in L.O.S.??          I want to tell my relatives.

    BTW  The shape of that snakes  head looks like some of the harmless ones in Oz but I would have given the benefit of doubt in LOS and kept well clear.

  4. Have you seen the VERY sticky pads for catching mice/rats?       Very cheap and on a stiff card base.

    They vary in size and design but will also catch snakes and if the pad/s are fixed to a board or inside cardboard box (with holes)  they  wont move around much once they're stuck.  

    If you want to release them up country instead of drowning them , cooking oil poured over may do that.

    BEWARE They could be as mad as all get out when all stuck up.


  5. 4 hours ago, kannot said:

    You mean like   promising to change that bald tyre  tomorrow  but I have to go now  officer as I have 20  passengers to cram into my 13  capacity max      "minideathvan /mobile crematorium"

    AGREE.   Why not start 2 days ago with those shocking tyres as above?

    They have the jurisdiction.

    I bet new tyres would have happened or put off the road if  relatives of the cops were due to travel on that mini bus.

    unbelievable slackness.      Mai pen  rai,         She'll be right mate.

  6. On 22/12/2016 at 2:09 PM, Lex Talionis said:


     I'm still trying to find out how I can get a hold of her. 

    Hey Lex think about this;-  Because beauty can be skin deep etc etc,i f you did take up with her think what a straight line you'd  walk and knowing the super jealous trait in some Thai ladies, you could easily be judged unfaithful about any lady walking past you in the supermarket. Tell me about it.

    But surely what  would keep you super straight is the thought of what she might do to you, rightly or imagined.

    Give her a miss Lex.   :-)

  7. 9 minutes ago, dotpoom said:

    I have to admit, that as a person who frequently has a go at the "Thai Bashers".....this one has left me speechless. How can the "system" be expected to defend this action. It's not as if it was a situation where new evidence has come to light (that would have been mentioned surely). I'll say no more.

    I'm not any sort of basher.  Did you read the rather detailed and lengthy URL news item?       like I've said ";- if she really did arrange for him to be killed, it might not have been long and the news would be the other way round.     Except he would personally be the killer.     There is a recent post suggesting her having stolen valuables from his locker. This isn't  connected with old evidence about him threatening her and the kids.     I'm reasonably sympathetic to her now but don't condone murder, and don't know what I'd do in her situation.     With him being a gun /owner/expert and  "psychologically  and drug challenged"    her chances of self-defending in a critical situation would be slim. 

  8. 1 hour ago, doremifasol said:

    He threaten to kill his wife, all her family, and even his own children .

    He was described as an hallucinating and paranoid man.


    Full story here


    Just saw this post and read the full story and can now understand and    almost    sympathise that it happened.    

    If she really was responsible for his death, it may not have been long before it was the other way around. She was in an almost inescapable situation with him at home.

    A sentence has been pronounced and so surely an appeal is pending?    

    Almost an ongoing terrifying scenario compared to the also-beautiful farm lady whose would-be rapist was knifed by her on his first and last attempt.   She had lots of sympathy in those TVN posts.    

    Beauty is irrelevant, I'm just referring/identifying  to that case.


    • Like 2
  9. 10 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:


    A few other felons were told exactly the same thing.

    Where are they now ? Not here.

    May have been with others but I doubt with her being so beautiful she could hide/work anywhere in this "small world" for long.

    Even with fake passports the timing of increased International security is against her successfully doing a flit?

    And what a miserable life-in-hiding it would be but,  what frame of mind is she in at the  moment to even contemplate it?

    If they take her life or give a long prison sentence she hasn't got much to look forward to  whichever way she turns eh?

    Whatever the reason she murdered, in the mean time she's unlikely to be a risk to the public , or wherever she hides if she runs, unless she's cornered somewhere and  resorts to protecting her identity.

    So may if's and no doubt this will be closely followed by many.

  10. 22 hours ago, lostinisaan said:



      Would any woman in America, Germany, etc....jump on a motorcycle with two drunk and unknown men on it and then sit between the two men?



    Sitting bunched up like that would have to be as "groovy" as all get out for the guys and enough to tempt many guys, let alone them being drunk to boost their bravado/lust. 

    As someone posted; "didn't her mother teach her anything? "   and I'm not blaming her except for putting herself in danger. Don't pat wild tigers would surely equally apply?

  11. 5 hours ago, Artisi said:

    The tight fit is not turning you on, is it? ?

    Funny man.   :-)  

    I thought my suggestion about BIB possibly being underpaid/underfed  might stir up corruption suggestions.    Shhh  No one has noticed so leave it be.   :-)  

    My wife cant work out how come Thais in L.O.S. eat so much carbohydrate e.g. rice and there are not all that many fat Thais.      She's got a very active job so maybe its just the Ozzie grown rice here that's helped her put on 10 kg?  

  12. 3 hours ago, Artisi said:

    In Thailand it's the former not the latter.

    Thanks folks.  Yes understand now;   BIB = Boys in Brown for LOS. And have you noticed how mostly slim they are and the  uniforms so tight fitting? :-)            Maybe they are underfed and /or underpaid?    Now that suggestion will raise a can of worms. :-).

    Boys in Blue for elsewhere is fair enough.  

    Amazing is this ThaiVisa site.       Learning so much. :-)


  13. 22 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    That must be the scumbag at the back, behind bars,

    with the bright fluorescent t shirt,lets hope the time

    fits the crime,just wonder if these rapists have not

    done these crimes before,that were either not reported,

    or not investigated by the police.

    regards worgeie

    Yes agree 'W".    Khwaibar was looking on the wrong side of the bars as to who was in custody.  :-)

    Oh Dear.   "EW"  there's that dreadful "S" word again.    Just joking mate.


  14. 5 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

    Cat.....I guess you have never dealt with a pissy drunk before? And that can be proven by evidence and witnesses....

    Just generally speaking;-  in the many years of the entertainment field, the experience I've had with drunks showed how obnoxious they can be, but that was nothing to the guy last weekend I saw who most likely on ice. He was truly frightening.   Like a spring wound up and obviously a fighter.    Tragic times ahead for so many youth getting hooked.  

  15. 1 hour ago, jacko45k said:

    How about a taser or Mace (pepper spray)?

    Thanks Jacko.      Yes,  others have suggested both but best appeal is loud whistle and pepper spray. Must look up capsicum alternative.       Satay sticks, kinfes, etc could turn around nastier to my niece.  Others have suggested Bill and lunch.Never heard of that pommie slang before but others put me straight. :-)     I have yet to learn what is BIB. Been to LOS only 3 times and speak quite a bit of Thai but maybe BIB is some kind of police.?   Mai pen rai. 

    Seems like women need a bit more protection than ever.

  16. 56 minutes ago, bandito said:

    Just read a story, 5 minutes ago, about a 18 year old girl in Italy who fought off her assailant, who tried to rape her, and bashed his head in with her shoes needle heel and he died.

    She will be charged with murder, how about that?

    The mind boggles.

    I'm guessing most countries would/should have the formality of a murder charge up front and one would hope the mitigating circumstances would clear her as self defence, ending even in possible manslaughter and then pardoned?  

    it could take months? before you could catch up again with that story again and even then it mightn't catch the headlines like the first part has done.

     Hope she gets out off scot free. 

  17. On 11/12/2016 at 9:30 AM, Crossy said:


    I'm never going to be convinced that any DIY battery can out do a commercial unit on a cost or performance basis. Particularly one where you have to load an "offer" in order to access the instructions. I don't own any Apple devices anyway so no way to take up the "offers".


    Thanks Crossy for the URL.  I didn't want to download but accepted your word of scepticism.     

  18. On 10/12/2016 at 4:37 PM, KonaRain said:

    Wow, thanks..
    Re: Solar Panels, hard to beat $1 per watt..
    Aloha, Boys..

    The 250W panels I bought second hand 8 months old were about $61 each. And they will be getting cheaper, and even the 310 W  panels too.

    Bought another 24 x 250W panels recently and will install 18 of them, the max. the second identical Midnite controller will handle.

    This will make 9kw.  Even with the existing 18 panels the aircon can run all day and the batts are still fully charged by sundown.   22kwh per day with the aircon running is typical collection at present.  

  19. 1 hour ago, Artisi said:

    Actually it was a typo and should have been lunch box but it read OK for the majority to understand the inference so let it stand as it was. As for the " Bill" it's  pommie slang and again understood by most.

    Bit wiser now guys and thanks.   Best reply re my niece's safety has been the loud whistle and the pepper spray. Thanks all.     Is capsicum spray equal? 

  20. 2 hours ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:


    Of course i know that your post was not serious.

    And if you have ever read any of my previous posts on the subject of where a woman has been subject to a sexual assault or rape,you will find that i am more than sympathetic.I am sorry that the sensitive poster was upset,but unfortunately i have the sense of humour that does not suit all people.It was i,when the post came out earlier in the week, that critisized the posters here who refused to believe that it was all her fault.I am viciously against any man that sees a woman as a chattel for use as he sees fit,when he sees fit .But here, it seems the norm for the male ego to expect sexual gratification in anyway he does see fit,and the points go up alarmingly when it is committed on a ferang woman.This (can i use the word?) scum will not be treated in prison here as he would in one of our nick's.He will be a hero,who will regale to his wing buddies,nightly, the story of how he got to have sex with a white woman,and what it was like,because that will be the question on all his verminous cell mates lips.

    I hope i have been apologetic to the degree that satisfies your request and i stand admonished in the high realms of the TV forum.If not,i will willingly slash both my wrists in shame immediately.

    Agree above - and please don't lose your sense of humour.  I feel sad for that guys family. Like I said he probably was a good father, not a good husband but lost his life through using his wrong head for brains.

  21. 9 minutes ago, UPDEHSOI said:

    You know those shishkabob skewers that are EVERYWHERE in Thailand? Got a few lady friends ( Thai and Falang ) who have taped three ( or more ) of these together. They made sure the pointed ends stick out unevenly. They slip those underneath their wristbands, watch bands, etc. or they wear them in their upper shirt pockets. A couple of the ladies have even glued a little dangly thing to the end of the skewers, and wear them in their hair as a decoration...looks okay too, and very inconspicuous. They skewers are legal to carry, unlike a knife, and as the younger crowd would say, makes an awesome damn weapon. Not likely to kill a person, but can do some serious damage, especially if connected with a face..eyes, nose etc. AND the "weapons" can be in the hand in an instant, whereas a knife would most likely have to be carried in a purse or a pocket. I have not heard of any of the ladies having to use the skewers here in Chiang Mai, but it makes the ladies FEEL safer. However, I have seen them in action a few times over in Udon. A fella tends to forget about sex or trying to snatch a purse as he's trying to stem the flow of blood while picking a piece of wood out of the side of his nose.

    Thanks "U" . I read this advice 50 years ago about a single metal skewer/hat pin and they rationalised that "his weapon of choice"  could do severe internal damage needing surgery and that was before the proliferation of so many STDs now days.     So "her weapon of choice" back then was justified.    The oversized "hat pin"  was suitably hidden in the hats of yesteryear.    I reckon more damage than you suggest above could happen.

    Had some other suggestions;-   Avoidance, Pepper spray, taser and last resort a knife.    And the local bill??  and "lunch"?? 

    i would gladly pay for a trustworthy taxi if one could be found. Making ongoing enquiries.


  22. 5 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

    'Scum,'The poster who has rarely heard the word should know that it is a common word in the country where i come from.Scum: A dscription of the residue of soap,dirt and bodily oils found at high level in a ring around the tub,when the bath water is drained.The density of the said is reliant  upon the original amount of filth washed from the body or item of the article cleansed.This residue can also be found in other vessels where a filthy object has been cleaned.

    Scum: The disription which is used to describe the decencey("they acted like scum,they are nothing but scum") of people or persons having committed a vile criminal act against one or more other people or animals or the public at large.

    Scum: a great movie starring a young Ray Winstone,and other young actors,centered around a boy's Borstal or YP offenders prison.ray Winstone plays the part of 'Carlin' the main protagonist in the story.Also seen are other actors,when younger,who have now become somewhat prominent in the film/TV industry.

    My apologies to any body, living, who,has the misfortune to have the surname 'Scumm' either as a syllable,or in its entirety.

    Of course you do realise that this is not a serious post.

    Dave, mate.  Could you please be more sensitive to the very offended serious poster.

    You have said that "S" word so many times above they will be shocked to the core.

    We can all learn something every day and out of curiosity it would be interesting to know what country it is that takes offence.       Never thought I'd learn this on Thai Visa.

    Of course you do realise that this ALSO is not a serious post.   :-)

    But seriously I feel for the attacked woman who will live with some degree of trauma for the rest of her life and now there's a family without a probably-good father who's wrong "brain" did some fatally errant thinking.



  23. 1 hour ago, Artisi said:

    A very loud and very clear message in his ear might  just do the trick plus a word with the local Bill along with appropriate lunch -  no need to wait for any outcome.

    Thanks A.    But not sure meaning of   "the local Bill"  and "appropriate lunch".   

    Is  this generalised or something I don't know about in Bkk?

    Not Aussie slang I don't think.

    reckon its about someone appropriate and taking a trip maybe?? 


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