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Posts posted by hayden5650

  1. Mind, though, that unless you have a return ticket within 30 days of departure, your airline will most likely not allow you to board.

    Best option is to get yourself to the Thai Embassy as in right now, and ask them for priority processing. They may be able to do it the same day.

    I wish people would stop posting this bullshit. I flew out of Christchurch 2 DAYS AGO with no visa and a return ticket 6 months in the future. It was NO PROBLEM.

    Just like it was no problem last year.

    The only reason an airline would refuse you entry, is because if you are denied entry they have to cover the cost of returning you to your last port. We NZrs don't need a visa for 30 days so will always be allowed entry!

  2. I'm in Thailand now!

    The only time a return ticket was queried was in Christchurch airport, it was pretty much a fleeting comment as she was already in the process of printing my boarding passes.

    Anyway my passport was stamped with 30 days from 24 May, which gives me until 22 June to leave and get a double entry.

    Being 3 days overstay last year was no issue at immigration.

    Are passports supposed to be stamped chronologically? My stamps this year preceed my visas from last year!

    Edit by Mario208

    Racist comment deleted.

  3. Thailand was the first country to which I have travelled and stayed long enough to require a visa.

    It did come as somewhat of a surprise that I had to leave to country to gain a visa, that they weren't simply available at immigration or an embassy.

    However, you'd have to be a bit of a dunce to think you can buy one in a shop. Even a n00b must realise it has to come from somewhere governmental.

    How did he get nicked? Was he attempting a border crossing?

  4. If coming from Auckland, New Zealand they will ask to see your onward flight or return flight ticket. I go caught in the same situation and had to rush to buy a BKK to KL fare on the Internet before they would let me board the aircraft.

    They were sweet with me, as long as a had a credit card with enough to buy a ticket if I couldnt get a visa.

    Please stop telling me about this, you're answering a question I'm not asking.

    I merely want to ensure I will not be a few days overstay.

  5. What I want to do is..

    Arrive Suvarnabhumi 24/05/2011 11pm (Visa exempt 30 days)

    After 28 days go to Laos (I went last year) and get a tourist visa that will enable me to stay 6 months, perhaps requiring leaving and entering a couple of times

    Depart Suvarnabhumi 28/11/2011 - A total of 188 days after arriving.

    Any problems with this?

    I had no problem with the airlines last year flying in with no visa and a return ticket for 3 months in the future. Staying longer this time though :)

  6. Firstly, my aeroplane will arrive at Suvarnabhumi at 11pm. Can I wait until 12am before going through customs and extend my stay by a day?

    Also, my first 30 days are Visa exempt, as I'm from NZ. After 28 days I will go to Laos and get a tourist visa, 6 months double entry. Does the 6 months take effect from the date the visa is issued, or from the date I first arrived in Thailand?

    I'm sure the answers are already on here somewhere but I'm pushed for time right now. Thanks.

  7. Why the big Jerk Off to get the file?

    Both links don't get the file, in fact I went through 4 pages and only got a .jpg of what the front page looks like.

    I gave up already. If your trying to increase readership then I suggest you just link straight to the PDF. Too much effort just deters people.

    There is a lot of Pattaya news available and it's not like I really needed another publication, but I would have read it if it was a simple one click download.

    Just something to think about.

    Happy New Year !!!!

    It took me all of 2 clicks and bang, I've got it

  8. Volks, that was the thing that shocked me when I first came to Thailand, there are no rubbish bins anywhere!

    And it really goes against my whole upbringing to just discard rubbish on the side of the street. I always felt quite awkward throwing my empty drink bottle of packet of smokes down on the footpath, it's not something I've ever got used to.

    But it seems these people don't mind. It is the 3rd World after all and they don't call it that because it's clean and tidy!

    I guess if all the rubbish was contained in rubbish bins like elsewhere in the world, where would all the rats get their food?

    And also, there mightn't be jobs for the 8 or 10 Thais who hang of the back of rubbish trucks picking up all the rubbish.

  9. Building giant tunnels is one thing, and will probably look great on the cover of newspapers, but actually getting all the flood waters into those tunnels is quite another matter.

    For how long will all the auxiliary infrastructure be maintained?

    As while it may be a few yards of water that is what costs lives, it is only a few feet of water that can cause millions of dollars worth of damage.

  10. Actually, I Christian and I believe everyone should have a chance for Redemption of their immortal soul.

    Yeah, study up on what happened to Saul of Tarsus (Paul).

    Saul of Tarsus, self acknowledged persecutor of Christians, was struck blind by Jehovah while he was on the road to Damascus; afterwards he was Redeemed and became Paul who spread the Gospel farther than anyone previously. If it were up to me, Saddam would not have been hanged. As long as someone is alive, there is a chance for them to rehabilitate themselves. Death, not so much chance. Please be specific.

    Tropo, told you it wasn't me who said it.

    Now let's be specific about you. You have an extra chromosome, don't you? :lol:

  11. Actually, I Christian and I believe everyone should have a chance for Redemption of their immortal soul.

    Yeah, study up on what happened to Saul of Tarsus (Paul).

    Saul of Tarsus, self acknowledged persecutor of Christians, was struck blind by Jehovah while he was on the road to Damascus; afterwards he was Redeemed and became Paul who spread the Gospel farther than anyone previously. If it were up to me, Saddam would not have been hanged. As long as someone is alive, there is a chance for them to rehabilitate themselves. Death, not so much chance. Please be specific.

    That's not always the case. Paedophiles, for example, are always better off dead.

  12. What a disgusting headline, shame on you, THAIVISA !

    Who in his right mind would repeat such a disgraceful nonsense?

    A Thai-national was murdered in NZ and all you can write is " Thai Sex Worker Murdered And Left To Rot In HeJJ New Zealand Apartment"- That's a new low.

    "New Zealand sheep-breeder-shearer-butcher killed Thai-national" would be the right heading... learn from your mistakes...

    What is wrong with that headline? And what is with the HeJJ ?

    I'm working as a sheep butcher at the mo, getting some quick $$ together before making my permanent move to Thailand. What's wrong with that?

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