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  1. Elon is Trump’s Dick Cheney, aka Darth Vader, we could do worse 🙄
  2. For many the simple presence of another person in their life may be simply to check up on them, in whatever capacity. This may be more for peace of mind than actual need. The perceived embarrassment or humiliation that their dead body is not going to be discovered for days, weeks, maybe longer because they were utterly alone is enough to induce one to some kind of living arrangement, well-check, etc. The fact is you're dead, no need to worry about the gossip, or what people think anymore. Scores of elderly die everyday in run-down tenements, only to be discovered by the landlord due to the odor coming from the dwelling. I for one will simply go on until I don't, and that will be that, my apologies to neighbors for the smell 😉
  3. There always is, Usually a chain of events in themselves that may be small but at some point one of them is the catalyzing event, of course the first one is usually alcohol, wich impacts judgement and it's down hill from there.
  4. In the west there is a saying, those with the most toys, win. Which I assume would mean upon one's death, the amount of material things they've accumulated is an indication of a successful and prosperous life.
  5. As others have mentioned, at some point one may miss social interaction, be it a small island or a remote cabin in the middle of nowhere. Then again, others enjoy the isolation. The key is not residing on a island so small you become friends with a soccer ball.
  6. Before you go you have to have a place to go, In an ever increasing digital world it's becoming more difficult to stay under the radar, If you're talking something apocalyptic those things will have little value, gasoline, small caliber bullets will be the new currency,
  7. Chances are yes, I've read over 30% of all on-line interactions are AI generated, either to promote site traffic, sway opinion or to promote something. What is needed is some sort of Turing filter, which would give you a probability percentage of whether you're interacting with a BOT or a human.
  8. 1. Having a full head of hair, 2. Fit, 3. Generous with $$, (#3 will make or break the deal, though 1 and 2 you may get a pass,)
  9. There are many would be better candidates, but it cost millions to effectively run a viable campaign, media coverage, travel, staff. Certain wealthy individuals can self-finance, recouping back most of the money thru campaign contributions through PACs, Most of the substantial $$ coming is from lobbyists, Corps, and dark money, all of which will require favors when elected. Broke Joe Blow has little chance of ever being a viable candidate though they could be very effective if ever elected. It's all about money and who you know and what bargains with the devil you are comfortable with.
  10. Back in the day I used TC's as an emergency option if wallet were to be stolen or lost with credit, ATM cards, etc, and cash on hand was low. Most higher end hotels had no problem cashing them, as well as banks, They were convenient getting larger amounts of cash as ATM's usually have a daily limit on cash withdrawals. My local bank still sells them so they're probably still a viable option, but in this day and age more convenient options are available.
  11. ..... in a Stanford study, ChatGPT's version 4 tested within normal ranges for the five traits but showed itself only as agreeable as the bottom third of human respondents. The bot passed the Turing test, but it would not have won itself many friends.Feb 22, 2024 ..... hmm. sounds like a few well known posters we know, 🙄
  12. The Hilton's balconies as with most others are still very low, this is an architectural choice, most likely as to not diminish the view from inside,
  13. Elon M puts low birth rates ahead of AI as the most serious threat to mankind,
  14. Look at some of the attendees in the audience roll their eyes while watching this ridiculous staged demonstration by SS,
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