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Posts posted by Max4243

  1. Don't the government agency on getting rid of rats taking any action to trash the rats? I saw a photo report on Bangkok Post showing a large group of rats getting to higher grounds and wonder if the agency in charge do anything about getting rid of those rats? I doubt anything done to control these rats. Now with the disease appearing linking to the rats urine, I hope the agency in charge has already taken action to rid the rats.

  2. Doesn't sound intentional to me either.

    Probably some acidic liquid fell from the construction above the station.

    There is also a possibility that the cleaning crew of BTS spilled some chemical as they were cleaning the station. By her description of the injury, it seems that the acid is not too strong.

    BTW, I liked your avatar, with the ant crawling about and I trying to thumb it when I first saw it on my screen. I had a good laugh when I realised it was your avatar.

  3. Well one can always use a taxi? So there is an answer to the problem.

    You are right, but then with the traffic jams, its going to make your travelling time bad, besides the hefty cost. Well, there is another alternative - take the bus, but the jams would not go away either, although it is cheaper. There is always an answer to the problem and this will depend on how you want to travel from point A to B.

  4. Since the opening of the Sukhumvit extension and the offer of a free ride from Bearingup to On Nut, those using from Bearing onwards to the city has increased and this added to the congestion problem already on the Sukhumvit line. I doubt the BTS operators took much action to increase the frequency or add more trains. Not that they have no extra trains, as one can see the number of trains parked at their Mor Chit station.

    BTS operator may have some plans on hand to solve this congestion especially on the Sukhumvit line. BTS management should come out clean to explain the situation and their plans to solve this and should not just keep quite and hope the problem will go away. BMA governor should also take note and chip in to solve this situation. Lets hope he does.

  5. Hell I feel sorry for all those that express negativity willy nilly without any thoughts or ability to being proactive and creative and see the good actions that are already happening.

    It's easier to be critical than be correct.

    Give the Lady a chance...... its easy to say "i told you so" later if she does get it wrong......but so far she's doing just fine with her stated aims during the election run-up.

    But whatever.....as farangs we are powerless, there is not a damned thing we can do to change anything.

    Settle back in ur armchair pick up ur beer and .......Enjoy the ride.

    Now watch the Flames arrive.

    Totally agree with your comments. Those Thaksin bashers should take your cue.

  6. Korn wants Thaksin to pay back taxes, but he forgot that he had 2 years in term of time when he was the Finance Minister to collect this. The Thai court had made their decision on this case and one wonder why Korn and Abhisit decide to take this issue up one day after leaving office.

    Anyway, the confiscated amount from Thaksin was more that the 11 million tax bill and this confiscated amount was the profit made from the sales of Shin Corp to Temasek. So technically, since Thaksin did not profit now from the sales, Korn should suggest that the tax department should collect the tax from the confiscated amount.

    As MP now, Korn and Abhisit should take this up in parliament to debate and demand their "wants" as Korn forgot that he is no more in power as a FM and so the "wants" is not for him to decide. If this tax is an issue, if truly is an issue, then former FM Korn should be brought to task for not collecting the tax when he was the FM in charge of this tax issue. In fact Korn was the one to sign document relating to NOT collecting the tax.

  7. "Korakarn started her career as a bodyguard in 1995. Among the VIPs she has taken care of are Hillary Rodham Clinton, Empress Michiko of Japan and members of the Thai Royal Family".

    Correct me if I am wrong but dosen't Hillary Clinton travel with her own personal bodyguards. I know when she was in Australia, Australian security were not permitted to get up close and personal with her and she insisted on using her own team. Aussies were in the background yes but they were hardly her bodyguards. I guess this thai woman is one of the best in the world if Hillary replaced her own team with this woman, or maybe her team were denied work permits.

    I am not knocking this womans ability to do her job for the Thai Prime Minister, she is probably capable. Just questioning the Hillary Clinton thing.

    Hillary Clinton is being protected by the US Secret Service since she is the Secretary of State. Even before she became Secretary of State, she gets Secret Service protection as she was previously the First Lady. In US, all past Presidents and wife gets this Secret Service protection for life.

    So you are correct, she gets her own team of bodyguards and her Secret Service team would not allow others to get near to her, especially if you are dealing with the US Secret Service.

  8. "It is not appropriate for male bodyguards to enter private spaces such as women's bathrooms."

    But it's ok for female cleaners to mop around your feet when you're trying to take a leak in the mens room at 'Lotut':wub:

    It happens with you too? All along I thought it was just me they were following lol

    I notice that the lady cleaners seem to be cleaning near the area where a farang is taking a leak and it is not the first time I notice this. LOL :blink:

  9. Democrat & leaders seems to have very short memory. They had forgotten how they got into power by wooing the banned politician Newin and others with flowers to form the government. No one seems to bothered to complain to EC for dissolution of the parties concerned. Now the Democrat lost in this election and instead of being a positive opposition and respecting the people's decision, they became sour grapes and hope for a second term in office.

    Grabbing power for the second time through dissolution of other political party would be tough this time and there are consequences. Obviously Democrat is aiming for this, but lets hope the EC could rule fairly for the sake of the country and not getting rid of PTP on technicalities.

  10. As far as Yingluck, I give her at a maximum of 6 month and then she will disappear from the political arena...but PLEASE, let us all enjoy at least one interview of her on BBC Hard Talk or similar before she is gone, will you! ;-)

    I agree. Abhisit got absolutely owned on Hard Talk last week, I doubt she'll fare any better.

    She'll never go on Hard Talk! She isn't qualified for that. She's more like a "twitter" leader. And Abhisit handled that very well, much have watched different interviews. Apparently, Thai voters don't watch Hard Talk.

    Well Abhisit is known as a good talker, after all he is a British/Thai and educated in England, but many also said that he is a NATO (No Action Talk Only). What is the use of good at talking espeically in the interview on Hard Talk when nothing much is done, but talk only. This will not bring in the votes for his party.

  11. I'm sure the jet-ski people will take the warning seriously and be completely honest from now on...not.

    Doubt they will change. The best way to solve this problem is for tourist to stop doing business with the jet-ski owners, but then tourists would not learn the lessons. Their thinking is, no, this will not happen to me.

    Thailand Tourism Authoirty advertisement says.....Come to Thailand, the land of opportunity. Yes, opportunity for scams. Only way is for people to download all the various scams onto YouTube and let the world see.

  12. <font size="4" face="Arial Narrow">The recent jet ski incident and scam is a good example of tourist fraud. There are so many other tourist scams and it is always a welcome thought for the government to take notice, especially coming from the DPM. However, talking and doing nothing after that is the norm here. It is always NATO. (<strong>N</strong>o <strong>A</strong>ction <strong>T</strong>alk <strong>O</strong>nly).</font>

  13. Whether the British Embassy is doing their job or not is another issue. The Thai police should take the blame for not taking any action like referring him to a medical facility instead of the Mai Pen Lai attitude and let him rot there in jail and cuffed in that horrified living condition. The police should at least contact the British Embassy for assistance if they don't know what to do. If they have done so and the British Embassy has not done anything, then the British Embassy should bear the bashing.

  14. I can think of only one reason why those on here are opposed to the work of the gray man and other organisations. Need I say more.

    Can't see any poster opposing the Grey Man work as you stated posters here are opposing. Posters here just don't agree with the way they go about doing their work like raiding bars etc. If they want to help, they should work closely with Interpol and let the Interpol work with the Thai police. The Grey Man Organisation should support these countries with other ways of support like education etc.

    Posters here I believe do support any organisations trying to curb underage sex trade be it in Thailand or SEA countries. Moetownblues, please do read all the postings carefully before posting. Sure, you don't need to say more as you are getting the whole picture wrong in the first place.

  15. It is sad that this terrible topic is being used by private and self-declared "humanitarian" organisations to make money. The Grey Man Charity itself stays anonymous, but claims to work with the Thai police. Did you know that they have their annual fund-raiser event coming up in a couple of week? Don't you find it odd that they tout their involvement in a Thai undercover-operation just now? Just a coincidence? What about if they sell their film material for money? How true are their claims? How come they are allowed to work whithin a supposedly highly corrupted system? How are they being financed? And how do they buy their way into the Thai crime business? Why does this Australian organisation not help the cause of the Aborigines? This "humanitarian" stuff smells of a very fishy business. Jumping on the human-trafficking bandwagon just to get some fake glory and to make money does not help the real victims at all...

    Alot of rubbish...................read this blog about there fund raising!!!!


    Established in 2004, The Grey Man is an international organization dedicated to eradicating the trafficking and exploitation of children. Based in Brisbane, Australia our activities are focused on the countries of SouthEast Asia.

    Our main role is the rescue of children from traffickers. However, early on we realized that rescuing children was not enough. Once they enter sex work they can become socialized to their life there and it becomes difficult to convince them that they deserve something better. Many of them will be physically or psychologically damaged and face the prospect of death from AIDS. We realized that we needed to stop them from entering the sex trade in the first place.

    Our website is http://www.thegreymam.org

    Reading your various postings defending the organisation with much anger, I have a feeling that you might be associated with this organisation. Whatever intention and motive they have in trying to eradicate the trafficking and exploitation of children in South East Asia, this organisation you so grossly defending in this forum should do their charity work at home first, as the saying goes, "charity begins at home". The first issue they should investigate and help is the trafficking of Aborigine underage girls for sex in Australia itself. It is still happening right at the orgainsation doorsteps.

    Let the South East Asia countries police do their job and also in Thailand. The Grey Man Organisation should not try to be acting like Interpol, just because most of them are ex police personnel. They should work with Interpol and let Interpol work with Thai police in this case.

    I smell a rat by the way they are conducting their raid, especially now in Thailand. If The Grey Man organisation main mission is to help underage girls from entering the sex trade, they should help to provide assistance in terms of education and support. There are many ways they can help. The mancho way of trying to conduct bar raids when you are not even a Thai police official here is like telling the Thai police and official that they are not doing their job and need some Australian to do wake up calls here.

    I support their work if they are doing this the proper way, but in this case, it seems that they are going about doing the wrong way.

    Oh BTW KunAussie52, I notice that you are using the word "there" many times when it should be "their". Thought you might want to take note and correct it.

  16. That's depresing news because Carrefour will soon become more Big Crap locations selling low quality junk with limited varieties of non Thai food products. My guess is that business will drop because Big C doesn't have much of a clue what the farang customers want. It will be a downward spiral from here for the Carrefour locations.

    I think it is too quick to judge Big C on this takeover. I do hope there would be no big changes from what Carrefour has offered so far. As for catering for farang needs, I am sure if you feel Big C is lacking, there are many other Supermarket that do cater for farangs needs. Try Villa Mart at the new Paridise Mall. You can also find the Supermarket at Paragon and Emporium useful for farang shopping.

  17. good news, but that doesn't make the junta look better though.

    Good luck and all the best to her and her family and relatives.

    I'll second that, good luck to her and it's about time.

    Stay safe dear Lady and (literally) watch your steps...........

    regards to All,


    Wish her luck , she needs this. Hope she watches her steps carefully as you just cannot predict the junta ways of doing things. Wish her well and all the best for her new future.

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