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Posts posted by Max4243

  1. I don't think we should jump to conclusions just yet, how about this scenario!, the said farang has invested heavily here in los, and the wife and stepdaughter stand to benefit substantially should the farang be out of the way, so between them decide to accuse him of the said offence, think about it, OK, he might well be guilty, but he just might be a victim here

    You may be right here. There was a report on a case I heard from a pal where the mother of a young girl encouraged her daughter to have sex with her reasonabe well off boyfriend and later accused him of rape. She blackmailed him to give her a million dollars to settle the case and she got the million dollars.

  2. What it takes to do visa run in Singapore?

    Before yours visa expires - you go to Malaysia -JohorBahru by local bus,which cost - 15baht.

    You can come back the same day, with new stamp valid another 3 months.

    all it takes is 30 baht and may be 2 hours.

    So,why he did not do it?hBecause he did not give a damm...

    Now,he is crying about racism,discrimination and 100% he will ask President Obama for help.

    And he creates problem for all expats in Singapore - generating precedense.

    Good for him!

    Not only he did not give a damm, he was very busy conning and scamming people there. The Singapore police is now charging him for these crime. Visa run in Singapore is so very easy and cost so little in transportation. No fee for the visa either.

  3. Thai police have been heavily corrupted by Thaksin, and Thasksin alone. It is like a kind of illness.

    It will take a while after Thaksin death for the corrupted police to recover.

    Pointing your finger at Thaksin alone is extremely bias. Police corruption is century old. Which finger would you be pointing at prositution here, which is many century years old.

    Seems you are no supporter of Thaksin, but be non bias in your comments please. BTW I am also no supporter of Thaksin too. :angry:

  4. oh no, we come to pattaya for the shops and the haute cuisine...

    Understood. However, my feeling is that the beach promenade should be a pleasant place for everyone, including the many families we now DO have here in great abundance. The prostitutes are so thick there that they soil what should be the most important geographical feature of any urban beach resort. There are still hundreds of thousands of prostitutes available anytime within mere minutes of the beach road promenade.

    Bu but but but.............. I thought prostituion was illegal in Thailand????:lol:

    Its only illegal if the brown uniform gets nothing.:rolleyes:

  5. Why go to the extream to solve this problem of yours? As one poster suggested, why don't you talk to the kids or maybe unable to do so due to language problem? Sorry can't think of a better way to suggest except talking nicely to them and explain you have a baby that need to sleep etc. Get someone that can speak Thai will help. This way will cost you nothing and no need for repair if the electronic system you want to install breaks down.:rolleyes:

  6. I was in the fight and i did nt even know what it was all about.

    Tell me if you happen to find out what it was all about as my gf want to know why beer chang shirt is torn up.

    Remember i was grabbing you by your chang t-shirt otherwise a chair would have got you. Sorry your chang t-shirt was torn up. Next time I see you I get you a tiger beer t-shirt. :rolleyes::D

  7. Porn massage and kids wear?

    What a strange mix.

    Nothing strange about it unless he is here with his family. He could be a single dad. He may want to buy kid stuff for his nieses and nephews. Don't just jump into conclusion.

  8. Come on guys,admittedly this was extreme even by my standards of morning non-awareness but I'm sure some of you have been caught out as well. Never been walking to work and wondered why you kind of limping, and then you look down and and realise one foot has a loafer or deck shoe on it and the other a trainer ? Can't only be me..... can it ? :ermm:

    Very true pal, but not many guys keen to share those funny moments. Glad you did and shared your funny moments that made most of us laughing to the loo. :lol::D

  9. Most Thai are shy I am sure they would not have pointed this out to you, but I would have happily pointed out to you anyway by asking you if this is a new fashion type of bag you are carrying. You went to Lotus to grab some stuff and the staff did not stop you for not paying for the undies attached to your bag when you left?

    Anyway, true or not, the story is great and gave me a good laugh. :lol:

  10. I wonder if it's the same thing as when someone loses a hand or foot, and on occasion feels like it's still there.

    I also didn't realize there were specialists in dick reattachments.

    He should cut her vagina off.

    Oh yes and the Urologist can even do a penile prosthesis implant too if the "member" was found to be in bad condition.

  11. In order to reduce the number of people trying to bring in dangerous drugs, Thailand should impose the death penalty and or life sentence like many countries are doing. The law is here in Thailand, but unfortunately not being imposed properly.

    Look at how Singapore and Malaysia handle drug dealers. Manatory death or life sentence if caught, depending on the amount of illegal drugs being brought in. Thailand should learn from these two countries if the Thai Government is serious in stamping out drug being brought into Thailand.

  12. Armed Men in Black - sound too familiar. The police said they had not enough man power to do the necessary arrest. What about getting the army in to control the situation and help in the arrest? Isn't Bangkok is still under SOE? These people are breaking the SOE rule and the authority seems to forget that this SOE is still in force and doing nothing much about the situation.

    Sure, the House Committee will investigate the incident and at the end of the day, nothing will happen and case close.

    Amazing Thailand isn't it.

  13. Is it not illegal to carry firearms in Thailand?

    Not if you have the proper connections B)

    All MP here are allowed to carry guns and the Government even gave them a discount if they purchased from the Government armoury. For others, true, if you have the proper connection, getting a license to carry one is as easy as ABC. Then there are those that don't even need a license at all.

    In other countries, the SWAT team would be called in, but here, the police talk peace with these 40 armed men. I thought SOE rule is in force in Bangkok? The CRES should call in the army and their snipers instead of the police. Armed men in BLACK (sound very familiar):rolleyes:

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