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Posts posted by MRToMRT

  1. Irrespective of the subject matter, as journalism its poor as it is not balanced in that only one side of the story is told. 

    One could argue its opinion not journalism. There may be pertinent facts that are deliberately not shared.


    Why does not the Nation print stories of the larger cases, involving the rich, and what seems to be a lack of action against them and the possible reasons for that? Because it does not fit The Nations editorial agenda?


  2. The Dr in the video says 25% of people already have this microbe in their gut. So it just seems this couple had a non-normal reaction? The Dr further says that many Drs believe this microbe is not a problem to us. Their eventual cure was antibiotics (a one month regime) which would wipe out everything in their system?

    It seems to be a questionable reporting with a bias toward a headline rather than science. 





    How can the Police offer him protection if he refuses to put himself in potentially dangerous situations? How can their protection be seen/interpreted as being aligned with his causes? What guarantees would they have that he would not use the police protection to further his own aims.


    Yes he has the right to freedom of speech and freedom of political will but to offer protection to someone without them being willing to make common sense decisions on their own safety would be madness. Why would a police force (in any country) put its officer at potential risk if the protected party does not agree to reduce his/her risk profile?







    • Haha 1
  4. 3 hours ago, MRToMRT said:

    Yes you are correct. 

    1)  Private Pension

    2) Pay into account outside Thailand, pref Offshore but not nec', on the basis you not reside in the originating country

    3) Deposit 800,000 baht cash into the account (780 actually but be safe)

    4) Transfer 65,000 per month to a Thai account



    and result ..... meet ext' of stay based on retirement qualification in Thailand .... and legally have a tax free pension..... there are many variations on this .... but I am not your tax advisor, you need to go and see a tax advisor for that.




    • Like 1
  5. 14 hours ago, ThomasThBKK said:

    Alternatives are greek,portugal,spains golden visas.

    I looked at these as well. Spain and Greece do come at a tax cost though as they tax based on worldwide income, starting at 20% as soon as you go over 6 months. Portugal has 10 years tax free available.  


    As a non-EU resident I liked many European options (especially bang for buck on property) but the tax thing kept rearing its ugly head.


    It's hard enough on a pension and the thought of it being reduced by tax is difficult.

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  6. 34 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    I agree. How the law is being enforced is changing daily. Hence my interest in someone posting that at CW they were not asked for a TM30 for their Extension. This seems to be happening to people on Work extensions, rather than Retirement or Marriage.






    Theres a number of articles (with a few disclaimers to be honest) popping up around the online press (the origin seems to be an article on BKP) that a number of "situations" will not require a TM30 at CW.


    • Like 1
  7. I did some shopping at GMarket (owned by Mall Group) in Bangkok this morning. It was all song and dance and press/TV as the did the launch for this "environment saving initiative".


    I bought 6 items, all were individually wrapped in plastic. The lady in front of me had about 20 items. What makes Mall group think that by giving her 20 plastic bag wrapped items and then denying her the 21st bag to carry them all in is going to help the planet??


    This is just greenwashing clap trap.


    I also noted that WWF were supporting them (Mall Group) for the initiative. Guess the wildlife is buggered as well then if this is the standards they work to.


    What a s+*t world we live in.

  8. 7 hours ago, looking for LIFE insurance said:

    ......even though this was Thaksin's baby.

    Good point, much as I don't like the man maybe (?) that was the last time the Gov did anything positive and forward thinking for attracting expats and making immigration a little simpler. 


    If I was under 50 and planning to stay long term I would, personally, get one.

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