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Posts posted by federico

  1. You say you have friends who are happily married with Thai ladies, so I would try to be introduced to the friends of your friends wives. All Thai women have many female friends, and they are willing to have everybody happy around. My wife has tried to set up matching couples between her friends and my single friends... though without success so far. I wd try to head this way if I was you. I think you wd have more chances to get into a true relationship than on date websites. I wish you good luck.


  2. Hello gentlemen,

    Thanks for all those posts. As i read them, i just realize how lucky i've been when life put my wife on my path.

    And i've never been so lucky with ladies before. Most of them were pains in the ass, hysteric farangs who cant take work and raise children at the same time and make you pay for it... or fighting lovers who can handle a relationship with a man only through arguments about everything and mostly nothing, or inventors of problems that dont exist.

    Now house is peaceful since my wife came and live with us (my daughters and i) here in france. She works hard but never complains always thai yim on her face she supports my daughters when they have problems she's curious and interested about everything she even know about french politics now, she can adapt to every kind of people and everybody likes her... she went to school until she was 17 years old but she's smart and always have a right answer full of balance... her behaviour has never changed from the time we didnt have much money and now that it is much better, always happy and positive she's sunshine in our lives and she gets better and better year after year as a good bordeaux and so do we try to. And last but not least she is very very good in bed with half of candor and half of lust that makes me crazy.

    I only hope i give her enough in return because she deserves the best.

    There are great ladies everywhere in the world but mine is thai and not far from being a diamond. So maybe you guys didnot find yet the one that will match with you but who knows about future ? Here is my experience i wanted to share with you.

    Have you guessed i was in love ?

    Sorry for long post and poor english



  3. 35 years ago i made a trip to usa with a friend and my brother. We were on the greyhound bus on the way back to new york to catch our plane back to paris. And we were completely out of money because we lost it. We could buy our tickets only until chicago and we were talking about how we re gonna get to nyc in the coffee shop of the bus station. At the next table sat an old man. After a while he talked to us in french to say he understood the whole story and offered to pay for our tickets to nyc. He invited us for coffee and some sandwichs too. He said he was in the marines and made the "debarquement" in normandy in 1944 and he learnt some french at that time. He said he had very good times in france though it was war time and that he had a few affairs with nice french ladies which left him sweet souvenirs. I asked for his address and told him we wd pay him back when in france, he gave his address but refused about money. When we got back in paris we sent him a box whith fine wine and champagne bottles to thank him, but he never answered. I hope he received it well and appreciated it.

    Not the same story because we didnt ask anything to anyone and we didnt want to scam anybody but we were very very happy that someone help us. I never forgot about the old american man in chicago and i hope he spent the rest of his life happilly.


  4. My wife has always done so. She would change place of furniture and artefacts and even plants in the whole appartment every month or so. I was wandering about and even posted here on tv to ask if it was specific to thai ladies. I had replies about feng shui too but my wife doesnt know about it. She told me she likes to change. I hope its only about furniture...

    Since she doesnt want to change husband (so far) it doesnt bother me and i dont wonder about anymore... i think she s happy with taking care her home and it s ok for me. I see it like an other part of the mystery of those great women and their enigmatic culture. Cheers


  5. I would advise the 10 day Vipassana Meditation retreat by S. N. Goenka.

    No robes, no shaved heads, about 70-80% Thai, the rest foreigners.

    I have attended 3 different times, all good. Out in the countryside, they take your there by bus. They do not ask for money, but any donation you can spare at the end is appreciated.

  6. I would advise the 10 day Vipassana Meditation retreat by S. N. Goenka.

    No robes, no shaved heads, about 70-80% Thai, the rest foreigners.

    I have attended 3 different times, all good. Out in the countryside, they take your there by bus. They do not ask for money, but any donation you can spare at the end is appreciated.

  7. Hello everybody
    I would like to share with you all my positive feelings about a 3 days trek I made in this very peaceful and nice area of Sanghklaburi at th beginning of July. Sanghklaburi is next to the Burmese border and is inhabited by a large community of ethnic minorities such as Karens and Mons which are prosecuted by Burma government.

    I took contact from France with our guide and we arranged all the settings with him by mail.
    We (my thai wife and i) met him at our hotel the evening before the start and took appointment for the next morning. À car took us to the edge of a natural park and there we go.

    It's about 5 hours walk a day on path that are sometimes very narrow. You must cross rivers either on bamboo bridges or direct in the water if not too deep (don't bring your brand new nike if you want to wear them again one day !). The ground is mud with a carpet of dead leaves or rocks you must climb. It's slippy and not easy but it's so much fun ! You are surrounded by the highest bamboo trees and you can hear all those magical screams and sounds from animals and birds, it'the jungle like you dreamed of when you were a kid, watching Hollywood movies of the 50's.

    After walk,you arrive at a lost village of a few houses and you stay in a family home where you rest and have dinner. There is no running water nor power but replaced by a nice welcome from family and children. The second family was particularly welcoming with a will of communicate though no english spoken. I will always remember the father sitting down with us after dinner and saying to Jack "it's too bad cannot talk, only with smile" and then we started exchanging with the very few thai words I know and the translations of Jack. A great moment. Then You sleep on the floor on bamboo natts and you spend the best night with the deepest sleep.

    I must say walk is a bit hard on a physical point of view but that's what I was looking for any way and I haven't been disappointed, you must be in a good shape (though not superman) because you must renew your efforts 3 days in a row. I am 55 years old and I felt tired on the 2 last hours of the last day only.

    LeT me tell you now about our guide. His name is Jack and he is a Karen and he perfectly knows the area as he was born there. First he will adjust his rhythm to yours so you don't fear to be beyond your physical limits. Sometimes he stops and silently shows you some animal or plant. Something I appreciated about him is that he don't speak more than necessary and as for the rest he don't do too much or too little. I think he's in the good balance with some humour. I enjoyed his work with us. He organized perfectly all the practical matters and last but not least (mostly for a frenchman! ) he's a good cook!

    Well you understood I have only positive things to say about those 3 days in this amazing environment of nature and people. If you wish to contact Jack you can send me a PM.

    Well that is my report I hope you enjoyed it though my poor English.

    Thanks for reading !

  8. Hello everybody,

    I am married for 6 years with a wonderful thai woman and we live in Paris. Life is great with her, and i thank Buddha everyday for meeting her. But there is something that seems very strange to me : every once in a while, when i come back home from work, i find she has changed things from one place to an other : some table in the back of the living room is now by the window, some artefacts on the bookshelves now stands in the bedroom, and the plants are frequently travelling from one room to an other. I clarify that i dont mind it at all. I only wish one day she dont need to change her husband for an other...smile.png

    And i clarify too that she's not bored because she works and has a real social and professional life here.

    I wonder if you guys have already noticed such behaviours with your thai wife, or is it only mine ?

    Thanks for reading,



  9. Hi to everyone,

    i understand exactly what you mean because my wife is from ubon and we live in Paris. Even when we're only the two of us dining, the table is always full of many dishes and enough food for 10 people. I think it's about generosity, and because food is among others one of the most important thing fot thai people. But i am used to it because it was the same with my jewish mom, who always tried to feed us more and more.


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  10. Hello,


    i am fred from Paris, have a thai wife and travel to Thailand as often as possible. We plan to go and live there when i will retire. I love this country and my wife and always have the best time but i am a little fed up with that poor thai music i hear on the radio (poor commercial melodies and arrangements, sounding like lift or supermarket music). I wd like to ask  if anybody can tell me about good thai bands or singers, i mean real musicians, and if there is good radio station. I play the bass and i am found of rock n roll, pop, funk soul etc... and an important precision : i am 54...


    Thank you in advance for your answers and my apology about my poor english ...




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