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Posts posted by cardholder

  1. It does look like this thread has nowhere to go.

    Dave Lee Travis has been charged and is innocent until proved otherwise.

    It is speculation to assume that these incidents centered around occasions where the radio personality was in the company of fans, groupies, fringe dwellers etc. Frankly, I doubt that DLT went round peoples houses, or abused any position of trust, in getting involved in whatever activities warranted the police charge.

    It would seem that a troll is preventing any discussion about whether 'groping', and the like, was a part of growing up in the 1960's and 1970's and certainly part of the music scene where girls were attracted to music and media stars. We are similarly hampered by talking about whether it right to bring charges some 30/40 years later for, what many believe to be, 'trivial' matters and whether a hindsight judgement could ever be fair after that length of time, and based on current values.

    Please do not think I would ever 'trivialise' a sexual crime. The debate that we appear to be unable to have is maybe about whether a crime was committed.

    Perhaps after the case has been to court................................

  2. Your girlfriend was quite lucky. I know of several stories where motorcyclists have been involved in an accidents and the offender has 'finished off the job' to avoid the risk of having to pay compensation.

    Not sure if Stories is the correct description, I think hoax would be better fiiting.

    No. They may not happen in Pattaya but there have been several incidents in the boonies.

  3. gone are the days when you could grab a girls ass, and it was fun for both partys,,

    or even talk about there ass for that matter,

    but girls were as bad,

    did you ever live TJ,

    have fun as a kid growing up,

    ever sit with a girl and experiment,

    bloody nora, lighten up mate

    Think tubby will campaign for CCTV cameras to be installed at the back row of cinema's next. laugh.png

    I have had a few fumbles in the back row.

    Buying the girl's ticket bought the right to a bit of slap and tickle. If she was a good girl she would put up a bit of a protest but was really consenting.

    Not sure how Tubs would view that ?

  4. Hmmm ... Why would a 15-year-old girl remain silent about rape for most of her life? Pain? Shame? Psychological trauma? Fear of ostracism?

    Why do thousands of boys abused at the hands of lecherous priests in Houses of God keep their traumas a deep secret until it becomes too much too live with later in their lives and they need to come clean?

    Get your arse off that barstool and your mind out of the gutter. Look around you, broaden your mind. Try practising compassion and empathy and you might see the light eventually.

    Tubs, you keep confusing "sexual assault" and rape.

    Do you have any sexual experience........ at all ?

    I was no great fan of DLT but your posts are moving me towards empathising with him......................

  5. A smart-arse Falang to boot !

    You know Jack sh!t.

    Anyone who quotes "Paragon 300 Baht" in the context of this thread must be some sort of moron. Anyone with the slightest inkling would know that better quality food can be had for 50/70 Baht a dish at hundreds of decent Thai restaurants. That is without the many food courts that are well maintained, clean and have a good range of reasonable quality foods.

    I repeat - street carts are for Thais and wannabes.

    LOL there's virtually no discernible difference between most street food and those little basic restaurants serving food for 50-70B. The only difference is you sit in doors in a smell, hot, dirty, rat infested, location instead of outside. The same people who eat at the street food stalls also eat in these places.

    You're kidding yourself. Quality is no better. Seems to me you just can't handle sitting on the street.

    I think you must be visiting the wrong sort of establsihments - or maybe I am just downright lucky in finding clean, well-presented food courts and decent Thai restaurants, many with aircon, serving good quality Thai dishes.

    Do you not think there's any merit to seeing the food and how it's prepared (in the case of street vendors) versus the whole process being blind to us in restaurants? I would never assume that just because I am in an air conditioned restaurant everything is clean and wonderful in the kitchen.

    I've got to admit that food courts appeal to me over restaurants -- not only because they're usually better value, but because the handling and preparation is observable. In restaurants, who knows what goes on behind those closed door.

    Oh, I agree that an enclosed kitchen can hide a myriad of things. But, just because you can see it on the street doesn't make it hygenic - sometimes you can see some if the obvious health hazards mentioned above - ie dirty water, meat left out in the heat, dark cooking oil. I would never say ALL street food was crap but there is certainly an increased risk attached to street food carts.

  6. A smart-arse Falang to boot !

    You know Jack sh!t.

    Anyone who quotes "Paragon 300 Baht" in the context of this thread must be some sort of moron. Anyone with the slightest inkling would know that better quality food can be had for 50/70 Baht a dish at hundreds of decent Thai restaurants. That is without the many food courts that are well maintained, clean and have a good range of reasonable quality foods.

    I repeat - street carts are for Thais and wannabes.

    LOL there's virtually no discernible difference between most street food and those little basic restaurants serving food for 50-70B. The only difference is you sit in doors in a smell, hot, dirty, rat infested, location instead of outside. The same people who eat at the street food stalls also eat in these places.

    You're kidding yourself. Quality is no better. Seems to me you just can't handle sitting on the street.

    I think you must be visiting the wrong sort of establsihments - or maybe I am just downright lucky in finding clean, well-presented food courts and decent Thai restaurants, many with aircon, serving good quality Thai dishes.

    • Like 1
  7. Tattoos and the way people dress don't mean anything.

    Guys in prison are also covered in tatoos, but maybe that doesn't mean anything either....

    Beam me up Scotty whistling.gif

    Get me out of here please, Scotty saai.gif

    What a narrow-minded bullshit, give me break! Thai Buddhist monks, high-standing people who are, in fact highly educated, posses an excellent reputation do, have tattoos...so what meaning has that IYHO? I am more than curious to get to know what shady group you're going to associate these people with. I am a female, living in the LOS. I do have various visible Tattoos and I am NOT a bar girl, no punk, no rocker, no sailor, not lesbian, not a tomboy, not a trans, I have NEVER ever been in prison - last, but not least, I don't do any kind of drugs... and I find my self in good company, I had and have the pleasure to meet with and get to know quite a few really interesting, inspiring and worldly, tattooed people with backgrounds similar to mine in terms of individuality, education, zest of life... no matter what the sex, female, male or something in between, great people from all walks of life, many nationalities and cultural backgrounds. Well, Mr. Lancelot, what does this mean, what is your bias against people like me? Get a life. Open your mind! Life can be so very much more bright and fun...

    I think you have misinterpreted his post. He was expressing an opinion that reflected his personal choice ie. He did not want a tattoo and did not want to have a wife or GF with one. That is something he is entitled to do as you are entitled to put forward a counter argument for your point of view. As for Thai Monks being high standing, I suggest you try and read some of the many articles (a lot are in Thai) on monks gambling, going with prostitutes, not to mention the rampant corruption that exists within any number of temples where donation money goes straight into the monk's pocket. Not what I call "high standing"

    Sent from my GT-P5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Add kiddy-fiddling and animal abuse and you will have covered most of the video content currently in circulation.

    A saffron robe and an orange bucket does not automotically turn a drunken fornicator into a man of God.

    • Like 2
  8. Will they be the fast moving type of Zombies or the slow moving type of Zombies? Aggressive Zombies or placid Zombies?

    Given that we are in Thailand ... I'd be punting for the slow shuffling type ...

    Probably easily out-run as they would be waiting for the Taxi to chase you.

    But, eventually, (figuratively) you succumb.

    We all succumb eventually.


    Now there is a verb that may not be out of place in Nana Plaza.

    • Like 1
  9. You said it your article. vendors have a "meager budget" if you don't like it go eat at a 5 star restaurant, there's plenty of them. Or you could always get a cab to the airport. smile.png

    Part of the reason you came here was for cheap food etc, now your complaining about it, time to go.


    As my missus says "Street food is for Thais who cannot afford anything better. It is not for Falangs."

    I need to show her where the good street food is then. Haha. Meanwhile, she can go on convincing you to got to Sizzler for dinner instead in her beguiling way!

    Yes, I would imagine that some Falangs think that they could do that.

    Sizzler - pah bah.gif

  10. You said it your article. vendors have a "meager budget" if you don't like it go eat at a 5 star restaurant, there's plenty of them. Or you could always get a cab to the airport. smile.png

    Part of the reason you came here was for cheap food etc, now your complaining about it, time to go.


    As my missus says "Street food is for Thais who cannot afford anything better. It is not for Falangs."

  11. I avoid eating street food if I can . It's just not healthy for you , even if some of it tastes good.

    Yes I am paying 100 baht for my dinner inside a small restaurant instead of 30 baht outside.

    And you think the ingredients are different???

    Most certainly are if the restaurant is any good at buying.

  12. Mate you are seeing everything from a tourist's point of view, with the tall tales and all. Living here is another reality.

    Understanding Thailand - Advice for those who would make a holiday in Thailand

    You're right. You can't understand a country or a culture by holidaying in it.

    Indeed. To understand Thai Culture would take a lot of reading material such as Thailand Fever and Stephen Leather - Private Dancer.

    My OP was not intended to teach Thai culture.

    I am alarmed that so many tourists have their holiday turned to a holiday from hell or worse, because they fall into so many of the simple traps that lay around.

    2012, Two young lady tourists die in mysterious circumstances after drinking at the beach. DEET / Insecticide implicated? Did we ever hear the truth about that schocking event?

    2013 An American murdered over the payment of a taxi fare.

    2013, A 51 year old stabbed to death and his 27 year old son badly beaten because "They wouldn´t get off the Karaoke Stage"

    Every year countless number of tourists killed or maimed on hired motorcycles.

    Rape, theft and murder on a daily basis. Just read TVF.

    People need to take off their "holiday head" and stay alert!

    I was very pleased to see the posts by bangkokstick, and Jody, to help people to understand the realities of the dangers of holidaying was my aim.

    It is a wonderful country but I feel that many have the wrong idea about what they are going to find in Thailand.

    It is NOT a place to enjoy recreational drugs, nor is it a sex free for all.

    The days have gone when Thailand was a glorious, inexpensive tropical paradise.

    I was first here at the end of the 60´s, the then to now difference is almost un-comprehensible.

    Now It is crowded with tourists, various MAFIA in the tourist areas, the Tuk Tuk and Taxi MAFIA in Phuket is legendary.

    The Jet Ski MAFIA is one to be reckoned with.

    There is even a beach lounger MAFIA in Phuket.

    The locals are no longer wide eyed at the carrying on of a few tourists. It is a now major business.

    A tourist is a cash cow.

    TAT expect more than a billion Baht from tourism for this year alone.

    These comments only scratch the surface, feel free to add your own.

    I think you will find it is pretty much a "sex free for all".

    Or perhaps I have been living in the wrong parts of Thailand.

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