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Posts posted by cardholder

  1. You mean an abundance of a drug known to induce heart attack is not wort mention? Or do you mean that when it happens to you, you want that information omitted?

    it is a fairy tale that sex enhancement drugs cause heart attacks. correct is that an overdose can lead to death but not by a heart attack.

    Er, sorry but .. .

    In 2000, researchers at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles did an analysis of 1,473 major adverse medical events involving the use of Viagra. There were 522 deaths, most involving cardiovascular causes developing within 4-5 hours of taking a 50 mg dose of Viagra. The majority of deaths occurred in patients who were less than 65 years of age and had no reported cardiac risk factors. . . Cedars-Sinai researchers concluded that there "appears to be a high number of deaths and serious cardiovascular events associated with the use of Viagra."

    Fairy tale? More like Grimm reality.

    Add this one to your bedtime reading:-

    The American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association concur that sildenafil is safe for men with stable coronary artery disease who are not taking nitrates, but should never be used in patients who are taking nitrates. (Nitrates include all forms of nitroglycerin - sublingual, transdermal and spray forms - as well as isosorbide mononitrate, isosorbide dinitrate, pentaerythritol tetranitrate, erythrityl tetranitrate, and amyl nitrate.)

    It should be noted that, while in the past nitrates were the foundation of therapy for coronary artery disease, this is no longer the case. In the era of angioplasty and stenting, coronary artery disease is usually manageable without resorting to nitrates. Patients who are being prescribed nitrates and wish to take sildenafil should ask your doctors about alternate forms of therapy for their coronary artery disease.

    There are other groups of heart patients for whom sildenafil may be potentially dangerous. These include patients with unstable coronary artery disease or active coronary artery ischemia (i.e., patients whose coronary artery disease is not stable.) These patients, obviously, have an active medical problem that needs to be stabilized whether or not sildenafil is being considered. Once they are sufficiently treated, the use of sildenafil (as well as all other forms of routine, daily life such as exercise) can be entertained.

    Other patients who may have trouble with sildenafil are those with heart failure accompanied by borderline low blood pressure, some patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and possibly, patients on complicated drug regimens for hypertension.

    With these exceptions, sildenafil can be used safely in the vast majority of patients with heart disease.

  2. This was one of many news updates in my email inbox but marked, "must read". I was expecting some kind of sensational twist to the story but instead am presented with the completely unremarkable report of the death of another sorry-ass, sex-crazed, geriatric. Isn't this an almost daily occurrence in Pattaya?

    Are you normally prone to jumping to half-assed conclusions based on the flimsiest of evidence ?

  3. So there you go then. Farang Connection open seven days a week selling "English Breakfast"( no grits please we are British) and Lorenzino's breakfast no longer on the menu for lack of interest.

    Who has their marketing correct?

    I wonder which is the most profitable ?

  4. The bit that is confusing for me is, does the OP usually take his own drinks

    with him when going to a restaurant for dinner?

    As he wrote:

    For the first time, I let my guard down and didn't take my drinks with me, ....bad move !

    NOW I understand why so many people take their own booze with them.

    I thought they were just being tight or had an obsessive craving for Regency (or at least that is what it said on the bottle wink.png ) - now I can see that is to safeguard against some crazed bar tender who is intent on spiking your drinks.

  5. You mean an abundance of a drug known to induce heart attack is not wort mention? Or do you mean that when it happens to you, you want that information omitted?

    it is a fairy tale that sex enhancement drugs cause heart attacks. correct is that an overdose can lead to death but not by a heart attack.

    As your direct post appears appears to have been deletedm I have to reply via Naam's post.

    GirlDrinkDrunk - not sure if your post was deleted fot it's ignorance or insensitivity. If you cannot see the irrelevance of the inclusion in reporting then you are even more stupid that your posts have hitherto suggested.

    • Like 1
  6. I've exhausted all avenues for wifi,ais and true have towers within 3 kms of home but ais is still 2g and true say their tower is only good for phone and aircards.

    Cat were the most helpful,gave them my gps location and they tried many different scenarios to see what they could do.Unfortunately i have too many mountains obstructing from their main towers.

    So final straw was back to tot and paid for a fibre optic cable to be installed 3kms 112,000 baht with a business package of 20mbps at 1500 baht a month.

    Just waiting for installation,if this doesnt work i will be going for a piece of rope.

    I can receive a '3g' signal from CAT/TRUE and DTAC using an antenna on the roof, so I have internet - but the limits are frustrating. This is why I am specifically interested in the WINET service.

    Good luck with your installation, there is NO way I would be giving TOT that kind of money !

    totster smile.png


    I had similar 3g with true but was costing 4000 plus a month for data required on aircards.

    Once you get a taste for it then suddenly your throttled back and cannot finish what you started its more frustrating than anything i know.

    I know its expensive but somethings in life cannot go on,for me its crappy internet.

    I have waited for the cheaper options but fear could wait a lot longer yet.

    A friend down the road has had fibre optic the same for over 12 months with no problems,hindsight says i should have done it then.

    Good luck with your mission.

    I am in the middle of a rice field and have the same issues.

    Good luck with your installation - please report back once you are up and running.

  7. The series is lost, it's all over. Huff and puff all you like. The next two tests are show matches.

    Incidentally like you guys I've followed cricket since boyhood, a short playing career of three years, 37 years of watching it. Give it a by with the stupid comments about Scots, there are plenty of Scottish cricket fans and virtually all of us support England.

    Sorry to burst your ill founded "caber tossing, what do we know" puerile crap.

    I just hate it when someone destroys my ingrained prejudices and stereotypical views ! biggrin.png

    • Like 1
  8. I usually go to Numchai on Sukhumvit and have done for years ,called in the other day ,good as usuall ,but tried powerbuy ,the new one next door to Foodland and they have a great sale on ,we had already decided on a Samsung and got a led 40inch with a good discount (there were larger sets discounted as well) picture is great ,

    ps ,one of the reasons we chose Samsung is they have a very good service dept here in Pattaya

    And you will need it! My friend ownes a dozen rental condos and fitted me out with Samsung LCD TVs and front loading washers. Has had to take several of both of them in for expensive repairs over the years. My own 8 year old Sony LCD tv and my Pano plasma tv have never had a problem and are still going strong.

    Korean brand appliances and electronics are cheap because they are cheaply made...inferior components, manufacturing, and technology as well. You get what you pay for.

    Had Samsung for 5 years and not a sniff of a problem.

    Also bought a TCL, on a wing and prayer, 4 years ago and that has been trouble free.

  9. These people who avail themselves of these "creative" visas are richer (and braver) than me !

    My preference is to pay my 1900 for a 100% legal extension of stay !

    ... and you fully appreciate that some people are in a financial position to take the 100% legal extension of stay route.

    Not saying that I condone it - in fact it makes a mockery of the system.

    I do applaud the mods for allowing a potentially 'illegal' discussion to run. I think it is important to know what goes on and what the options are.

    • Like 1
  10. Surely the distance from Thailand is irrelevant?

    Whether in Australia, the USA, Europe or wherever; whether 5, 9, 11 or however many hours away: she is not going to be able to pop home every time she gets a bit homesick or misses her family!

    Unless married to a millionaire, which, sadly, my wife isn't!

    You bring up an interesting point for those who have now moved to Thailand. Because it is as you say in the opposite direction for us.

    When we lived in the US we made of course had much better incomes & it was no problem to come back to Thailand

    every year for a month or months at times.

    Now we live here instead & the income of course is not like the US so we cannot afford a yearly trip back the other way .

    Or at least do not feel as financially easy about doing so.

    You kind of get economically assimilated in Thailand & have to be more cautious with money because of it.

    At least we do anyway

    At the risk of diverting the topic, I agree 100% about living in Thailand. I have no desire to go back to the UK and although I miss my daughters, they will visit here. I would rather pay for them to travel this way, than we go west.

    We just got back from a month in the UK, which was the first UK trip for my missus. She loved it - I loved it too because I saw the UK at it's best and she really enjoyed seeing the places that I thought she would like.

    At first she was a little on the back foot - foreign country, foreign language (mainly Polish!) cold at times, too HOT at times and light until 10.00 pm smile.png. I had noticed this on an earlier visit to Malaysia so I factored in regular opportunities to talk to Thais and to have (real) Thai food.

    She was a pleasure to be with because she traveled with an open mind and appreciated the different type of beauty that the Lake District, North Yorkshire Moors etc holds.

  11. In which case you will understand that any advice (or guess as some refer to it) is only good in context and is only valid at the time it is given, not three weeks later for example! But in fact my guess of 35 comes from this forum dated six years ago when GBP was falling against USD and still not a month passes where some idiot body says hey CM, you said blah blah blah. Well yes indeed I did, when GBP/USD was 75 and falling I did indeed call 35 but sadly it only made it to 43, what more can be said.

    It could be said that you are overly-cautious and opt for the worse-case scenarios.

    It means that at some point on a recessionary economic cycle you can say "I told you so".

  12. There is no need for a lawyer if will is registered with amphur. I have checked this out ,with my bank and boss at amphur.

    So you think that a beneficiary can walk into a bank waving just the deceased's bank book and a copy of the Amphur Will and say, it's mine, give me the money? Good luck with that, I'm pretty certain you will need a court order before the bank can change the name on that account and give you access.

    No. Add the death certificate to the above and... bingo.

    You certainly do not need a court order for a simple situation as described.

    • Like 1
  13. last nights dinner

    Starter - seafood bisque with crispy croutons

    Main (Adults)- seafood rissotto with NZ mussells, shrimps and squid with a mixed salad

    Mains (Kids) beef patty sliders, crinkle cut chips

    Finished off with no-bake lemon cheesecake (kids made that)

    washed down with a crispy Australian Chardonnay

    Unfortunately the kitchen smelled like a fishmongers house after hours of reducing the fish stock down for the bisque and the rissotto - still, I think it was worth it. Bon Apetit!

    Good to see you integrating into Thai culture.....................................

  14. Mate, I know I'll get howled down for this, but how someone else in Thailand drives, rides, cycles, whatever ... as long as it doesn't affect me or mine directly ... I don't criticise, I don't berate, I don't judge ... it's not my business ... I move on.

    Saves my angst.


    I f you have not yet been directly affected by 'stupid' Thai driving - you WILL, at some point.

    You will then better understand the OP's reaction.

    Mate, I know you spend a lot of time in Cambodia (or used to) ... how do you compare the driving styles (Thai vs Cambodia).

    my exposuse was to driving in Phnom Penh and those guys made the Thais look like saints.

    But you've had more experience ... what's your thoughts?


    I agree - it looks like the madhouse in PP smile.png - I imagine Vietnam would be similar.

    I have a theory that the reason that you rarely see an accident is that (a) they drive more slowly than in Thailand and (B) there seems to be some inbred understanding of the ability to criss-cross over a road (rather like the wall of death riders in a circus!).

    It is like the Thai joining traffic - they don't look but instinctively turn in sharpely left to hug the left hand edge of the road (unless they are shooting straight across to reach a U-turn junction - then it is in the lap of the Gods!).

    I did notice in Siem Reap recentlt that there were more 'close shaves' - I THINK because the tuk-tuk drivers and m/cycles are going faster and the volume of traffic is heavier.

    It remains a mystery to me that the Thais have a pefectly good Highway Code that nobody bothers to learn and the authorities fail to enforce. Either side of 8a.m. and 6 p.m. there should be public safety announcements. Start with (a) Drive in the left hand lane and position yourselfto the nearside of the carriageway (B) STOP (or at least pause) at all intersections and LOOK RIGHT to ensure it is clear to enter the traffic.

    Having said all that I do admire the Thais rule of being able to make a left turn against a red light (if it is clear!).

    • Like 1
  15. Mate, I know I'll get howled down for this, but how someone else in Thailand drives, rides, cycles, whatever ... as long as it doesn't affect me or mine directly ... I don't criticise, I don't berate, I don't judge ... it's not my business ... I move on.

    Saves my angst.


    I f you have not yet been directly affected by 'stupid' Thai driving - you WILL, at some point.

    You will then better understand the OP's reaction.

  16. So I finally got into Surin. I got the bus from Rattanaburi to the town. Bus stops just before the bus station.

    I think the places there serve their purpose really well. I had an English breakfast in Farang Connection. Very nice.

    After having wizzed around Surin in a Tuk Tuk taking in BigC and the likes I got back to the bus. It wasn't leaving for a while so I went to the Sports Bar. I had a meat pie and a beer. That too was great.

    All of this talk about nowhere to go. I can't believe you lot. These places are just what I needed.

    This is a good example of why there will always be a market for places serving 'basic' foods. Travelers to/from Surin often just want to tuck away a breakfast before/after their travels or have a beer and some wholesome food.

    If staying in Surin one can then take time to find 'better/other' places - The Green Terrace would now be very high on my list.

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