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Posts posted by rexall

  1. 15 hours ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

    Aside from the van+laptop=smart van ridiculousness, what - are they going to now randomly check foreigners? That'll be great for tourism....

    You're kidding, right? There is no stigma here about "profiling." If your face is white or black, you may be up to something shady, and there is nothing that legally prevents the cops from checking up on you just to make sure. Any time the boss gets a hair up his butt to do so, he can turn on the switch for random checks, just to make sure.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Leatherneck said:

    Agree. I think the same...if the apartment manager doesn't do it, then the fault will be mine.


    As for no one knowing about whereabouts during my road trips inside Thailand on my motorbike, I assume that hotels that I check into will report me wherever I go so there will be a paper trail of where I am or I've been...until such time as I return to my apartment. Thus, the dilemma upon my return...and the distasteful feeling of being constantly monitored.

    I misspoke.  I should have said if you are traveling around Thailand staying with friends, who's to know?

  3. 1 hour ago, johnny49r said:

    So if you are here illegally there is no need to notify local immigration. Good to know!

    I wonder what the immigration folks actually do with all that redundant info? Is there any nationwide database where it all collects or is it just another way to make life more difficult for the evil farang.

    It eventually gets sold for scrap. Which is why you should always sign and date any photocopies you give to the gov, and write the purpose of the copy, such as "For 90 Day Report Only" somewhere on the face of the document, not in the margin.

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Leatherneck said:

    I fully understand that when I return to my rented apartment after reentering the country that I need to update my TM.30 at immigration.  Done it twice already without a hitch. But I'm still uncertain/unclear about what is required if I travel around only inside Thailand and return home, am I required to also update my TM.30 at immigration? Or is the onus of responsibility on the apartment management where I live? And if they don't do it, will I be the one at fault and subsequently fined.

    Technically, the onus is on the "house master," the manager or the owner. However, I strongly suspect you will be the one at fault if the manager doesn't do it even though that is contrary to what the law requires.  Having said that, if you are just traveling around Thailand, who is to know except by some fluke?

  5. 30 minutes ago, klauskunkel said:

    and from one officer to another. And from one Immigration Supreme Chief to another.

    Glad he "cleared" that up.


    Look here, Master of Immigration, you are acting on a 40 year old law. Tourism has changed, infrastructure has changed, demographics have changed, communication has changed, data storage has changed. You are trying to apply this law to new circumstances via amendments and letting your officers interpret it as they want. Don't use band-aids on something that is fundamentally broken, you need a new law. 


    No, no, no! They don't need a new law, for Peter sake!  Just get rid of the old stupid one!

    • Like 1
  6. I won't say good news exactly, but encouraging.  An OP on the Khon Kaen Forum visited Khon Kaen Imm to get re-entry permit, and  as a "trial run" presented bank documents cross-referenced with TW pdf receipt printouts.  Was told that would be acceptable when he returned for is extension renewal.

    Please take with a huge grain of salt, but it is one bit of info that might be encouraging; it is only one I/O at one Imm office, but it is at least "interesting."  We need a lot more reports like this before forming any expectations.

    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, Tanoshi said:

    You should be calling the office in your home Country as they are the one's sending the wire transfer to one of their offices in Thailand. They then 'tag' the wire transfer to the bank partner office of your choice.


    I spoke to TW in OZ twice today.  The second time was as I described in my earlier post. The first time I specifically asked which office I should call. I also called to confirm that they even  know what I was talking about in requesting that the transfer be manually routed to Bangkok Bank. She was very clear it didn't matter which office I called, and also confirmed she understood the drill regarding requesting manual routing. 

    This is not trivial because of the time difference between Thailand and the U.S. and I wanted to be able to initiate the transfer and then immediatly phone customer service to request the manual routing.

  8. Several (many) of us have been told via phone and e-mail by TW that we may call and request that TW manually route the transfer through Bangkok Bank so that it shows as a international transfer rather than as SMART domestic. This is always with the proviso that they will try but cannot guarantee it.

    OK. I just tried this for the first time a few minutes ago and initiated a TW between First Internet Bank in the U.S. Bangkok Bank.  I called a nice lady at TW OZ and requested it be manually routed through Bangkok Bank to post as an international transfer rather than SMART.  She sounded a little like a deer frozen in the headlights.  I don't know why, I not that scary! Anyway, she said she would do her best and then it was done and dusted!

    Maybe if everyone does this, TW will get tired of processing all the phone calls and will provide a better solution.

    I'll let you know when I know more . . .

    BTW, you can call any TW office for customer service. It doesn't matter where you reside or where your banks are. 

    Here are some TW offices.

    Select a region United States
    +1 888 908 3833

    Mon - Fri 8:00am - 8:00pm EDT
    peak to a team member nearest to you
    Select a region Australia
    +61 28 0466 244

    Mon - Fri 8:00am - 8:00pm AEST
    peak to a team member nearest to you
    Select a region Singapore
    +65 3158 3259

    Mon - Fri 9:00am - 5:00pm GMT +08

  9. 6 hours ago, sniggie said:

    None of us know what Immigration offices will accept come next year. Ideally they should be satisfied just with 65k into one's bank account as it is. After all where else is a retiree going to get that sort of money other than from abroad? I don't think there are many jobs (including cooking chicken!) here that pay that sort of money and the vast majority of us are far too old and decrepit to have any chance down Boys Town. But, hey ho, we will have to fit in with an individual IO's requirements.

    That's clever, but clever may not cut it during a renewal. An appeal to logic will not be received well if the mindset of the I/O is that deposits must show on the bankbook/statement is "international transfers." Maybe your logic will appeal to them, maybe it won't. But there is no reason on gawd's green earth to believe that it will or that is has to. 

    • Like 2
  10. On 7/5/2019 at 4:52 PM, wgdanson said:

    My Transferwise two days ago was sent to Bangkok Bank via Kasikorn and shows as a SMT transfer as opposed to FTT as previous six transfers.

    Just been into Phitsanulok Immigration and showed them the papers from T'wise, money leaving UK on 3rd and 65k into my Bkk Bank on 4th. They said all OK, accepted.

    Thanks for that!  Of course, it is only one Imm office and one incident, but it is encouraging.  Looking forward to hearing more reports from others.

    • Like 1
  11. On 7/5/2019 at 4:26 PM, chilly07 said:

    TransferWise will set up a specific recipient only using Bangkok Bank if you ask them which always shows as a FTT and then Bangkok Bank will give you a Credit Advice confirming this. Has worked for me for the last 12 transfers. But you need to ask them to specifically set up the recipient for you.

    How do you do that????  Tks.

  12. On 7/5/2019 at 4:18 PM, Moonlover said:

    What damage. None of my T/W deposits to Krungsri show up as foreign remittances.


    Simple answer. Download the T/W transaction slip and staple to bank statement. Absolute proof of a deposit from abroad.

    It is "absolute proof" in your mind. That doesn't mean it will be absolute proof in the mind of the I/O.  And, please gawd, I hope you are correct. I will want to hear how well this works before I place any confidence in it. 

    The unfortunate thing is that there is nothing "shady" going on here. All we are trying to do is comply with Imm requirements  to demonstrate deposits of offshrore income without having spend $40-$50 on wire transfers. Sigh!

    • Like 1
  13. On 7/5/2019 at 3:46 PM, misterphil said:

    When i use Transferwise from the UK to my Kasikorn statement says DUMMY BRANCH with a 3 letter and 5 number code MCL12345 for example.


    You can print a PDF receipt from the Transferwise app and it shows the money came from a UK account and has been sent to my Kasikorn account with the account number. 


    It also says it was delivered via a local bank transfer and the partner bank is TMB (THB)


    On 7/5/2019 at 3:45 PM, featography said:

    I just did my 9th transfer thru TransferWise and every one of them posts as a FTT. I have had conversations  before with TW personnel and can share that they have always used 3 banks in Thailand, Bangkok Bank, TMB and BBL. Everyone that I have interacted with in Thailand that has transfers post as in country transfers were using TMB or BBL banks. For those folks as well as us Bangkok Bank account holders, can go on to TW site and print every transaction done, and with a printout of home bank deposits and transfers, I am confident it will fly. I extend my visa in November, so I will be putting this to the test. 

    Cross-referencing actual TW receipts with items on you bank statement theoretically "should" work. However, I think being "confident" is hardly called for. If this is new to the I/O and if he or she is confused by what you are describing in any way, it is likely to be questioned.  Maybe it will fly and maybe it won't.  The safest way for an I/O to cover his or her ass is to simply reject anything that seems irregular.  Sigh!

    • Sad 1
  14. I realize this is an old thread, and this info is slightly off-topic. However, recently I and several others I know of who have been using TransferWise have had their deposits to Bangkok Bank show as SMART (local) deposits.  Previously, they were showing as "International Transfer" which is what those of use who must demonstrate offshore income to immigration need. I read a long time ago that this was a possibility.  There doesn't seem to be any way to avoid this or to determine which deposits will show up as local.  I wrote to TW the other day, however I think it highly unlikely they will provide any useful info.

    Of course, during visa renewal, you can always present your TW receipts showing the funds originated offshore and cross reference them with the SMART deposits on you bank statement.  However, I am not optimistic that would go over very well without some specific prior word from IMM that it is OK.

  15. 3 hours ago, lkv said:

    With all the bad foreigner propaganda, you finally bought into it, didn't you?


    There are bad apples in every country, however other less nationalistic or less communist countries would not use limited examples as justification for oppressive policies to the extent Thailand does.


    The bad apples saying is actually considered by some a logical fallacy in certain contexts.


    "Group punishment" and "Group sanctions" as a means to deal with a few bad actors are policies abandoned by most developed countries.

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