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Posts posted by rexall

  1. On 2/28/2019 at 11:03 AM, Pib said:

    Yes...other first hand reports of people signing up via long distance...just search the other DeeMoney threads over the last six months.

    Thanks Pib.  The confusion seems to be that the main call center told us (an apparently is telling others) you need to apply in person at Bangkok. However, other staff are providing an online option. I just emailed them my application, so we will see what we will see. I am a little concerned that the application and fields for work permits, but nothing for "retired."  As I am on a retirement extension, I hope that does not turn out to be a problem.

  2. Tks! The materials are not costly, but as the format is rather large, 2 slabs 4 X 8 ft, with future board attached front and back, if we don't get the glue and the paint right, we pretty much need to start over.  It is EASY to paint the future board, a roller would probably be easier less costly than spray, but if won't be much fun if the paint readily flakes and peels and is an ongoing headache to touch up. Same with the glue or adhesive.  When we stick it down, want to make sure it stays that way.  Lots of Youtube DIY videos about this, and future board and styro are notoriously difficult to bond well. That was why I was so jazzed about the Glidden Grabber.  It produced a stronger bond than a half-dozen other agents they compared it to. Also cheap, and can cover every square inch of both surfaces. But naturally, can't get it in Thailand, apparently.  I saw another video suggesting using ScotchBrite rather than sandpaper to remove the surface sealant from the future board to get the paint to stick better.

    Thanks for your suggestions, guys. If anyone has actually worked with these materials before, would love to hear about your experience.

  3. 15 hours ago, sometimewoodworker said:

    Sanding the surface with 220 grit sandpaper will do that.


    Google doesn't seem to know anything with that name.

    Tks. Plenty of google hits.  Maybe Glidden Gripper Latex Primer and Sealer.  It's on their website => glidden dot  c o m .  Still, the important question is do other primers have this sticky quality or is there something special about this Glidden product?

  4. Thanks, Kwasaki,  Assuming that your "Why not?" is actually a question, we are trying various solutions such as hanging different kinds of  fabrics from a rod.  They all have advantages and disadvantages.  Using 2 rigid partitions in a wide delta formation has a number of advantages such as adding depth to the background. Rigid styro partitions is what a number of other photographers and videographers do. In the U.S. it would be a snap. Just grab two big 4 X 8 slabs of styroboard from HomePro, paint them, and ready to go.  I don't think TV allows me to past the URL to the Youtube video where I got the idea.  So, far, unfortunately, we have only been able to find 60 X 120 cm pieces of that very light weight styrobord.  Hence, my idea to sandwich four pieces of 60x120 styro them between layers of future board to get a 120 x 240 (4 x 8 ft) partition.  They would be easy to move around and arrange and you could have one color on one side of the wall and a different color on the other side. 

  5. My DIY skill set is pretty limited. I want to make rigid partitions to use as photography backdrops using 5 cm styrofoam board sandwiched between 2 big sheets (130 x 240 cm) of future board. 10 mm future board would be great, but I doubt I can find thicker than 5 mm).


    1. First problemHow to stick the future board to the styrofoam?  I saw a Youtube video using a product "Glidden Glider." Although it is actually a primer paint, in comparison tests , seems to be the very best/strongest adhesive for sticking sheets of styrofoam together.  Elmer's Ultimate, Gorilla Glue and hot glue were also mentioned. However, the Glidden Glider is more appealing as it is cheaper and you can completely cover the surface of the future board. Naturally, I can't find any online reference to it in Thailand. I wonder if other primers have the same properties or if the stickiness is something special about Glidden?


    2. Second problem: Remove the sheen from the future board. My thought, the easiest, is simply to paint the future board with flat latex.  But I wonder how well it would stick? Would it work? Is there a way to prep the surface to make it adhere better?


    Thanks for your thoughts!

    Oh, BTW, I am up in the frigid northeast of Khon Kaen.

  6. 3 hours ago, ImJustHangin said:

    I am Canadian. Luckily my embassy is still issuing affidavits. 

    So Im still on the 65K/mo plan. 

    So to be clear I still dont have to keep any  funds in the bank?

    It sounds like you (Canadians) may continue to use the affidavit method as before. I hope that is correct, for your sake. It would be fascinating to know why the Canadians are still choosing to issue the affidavits.  HOWEVER, to the extent that you can, I would have a back-up plan because after throwing a hand grenade into the box and shaking everything up, who the hell knows what the hell Imm will ask you for next extension.

    • Like 1
  7. 51 minutes ago, Mango Bob said:

    Why can't Thaivisa interview  Pol Maj Gen Surachet Hakpal and have him explain why this policy on extension of stay for Retirement and Marriage have different interpretations by IO officers under his control?   Why isn't there only one policy and all are following it.  There are many other questions that should be asked.  Have Thaivsa member list them and present them to Big Joke.

    There is no "why."  There doesn't have to be a "why."  Things like consistence are only important if you are applying Western logic.

    • Like 1
  8. 46 minutes ago, high plane drifter said:

    I am so glad and happy .I found another country to move without visa problem, when you have your visa you  don't have to do visa run , so I enjoy my life...


    What country, drifter?  Off topic, but Panama looks really sweet.  Quite developed.  Beautiful. Tropical. Not Third World prices, but affordable. The Spanish Language is more accessible than Thai. Only requires $1,000 in pension income for retirement visa.  Even less if you buy (yes, "buy") a house. 


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Such a Hairy Guy said:

    I dont quite read it that way


    "As many embassies no longer issue affidavits confirming income, this is no longer required, he said, noting that letters from governments and pension fund providers will be accepted along with other forms of evidence to prove the income pending.


    Of course any financial statements from banks and copies of bankbook records proving this income already being received should be provided,” he said.

    So it sounds to me they will accept the embassy letter but in addition they want proof the monies are actually transferred???

    What is the purpose of the embassy letter then?

    There is no "purpose." It is just double-talk. My reading is that if you could get an embassy letter, it could still be used in place of bank deposits.  But since you can't get an embassy letter anymore, you have to provide bank deposits.

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, mauGR1 said:

    Yes, people do need to let off steam, if they don't they become nasty.

    Sorry, this is a myth, and old wives tale.  Certainly people LIKE to let off steam, and in their opinion, they "need" to. Sure, I guess some people do get nasty when they can't do what they want to do.  But that doesn't mean that it is "therapeutic" in the way people think it is. There are much better ways of dealing with stress, anxiety, frustration, boredom or whatever than "acting out," behaving in reckless and dangerous ways, and misusing or over-using intoxicants.  

  11. 6 hours ago, tonysilly said:

    You think Thai people care about the law? Give me a break!! Thai people don't care about drinking and driving because they are not afraid of dying.  Why you think they drive so carelessly???  

    I think Thais, like everyone else, are afraid of dying. However, some rationalize reckless, dangerous behavior with a kind of perverse, fatalistic interpretation of Buddhism which says something like: "If it is my day to die, I am going to die, and there is nothing I can do about it. But if is not my day to die, I can do whatever I want!"  Of course, that does not account account for the people that you might kill while having reckless, sanook mak-mak . . . but then, then being responsible and accountable and adult would spoil the sanook, wouldn't it?  Sigh!

  12. 1 hour ago, thaiguzzi said:

    Aint gonna happen round here.

    The kids in the villages are already throwing water several days before, and the adults are looking fwd to the first day they can get completely trashed.

    The naysayers and goody good govt office personnel with nice cars and nice bank accounts forget that country people, factory workers, people with mundane jobs away from home, all look fwd to the 13th as the start of several days of letting off steam.

    And getting drunk is one of the ways.

    The only issue is drink driving, sort that out and let the majority of the population have their fun.


    People are not teapots.  They do not need to "let off steam."

    • Confused 1
  13. 1 hour ago, skatewash said:

     Yes, you can certainly print this out and if someone reads it they can quite clearly see what it proves, but what's the old saying:  "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink."  If the IO isn't interested in looking at anything outside of documentation from Thai banks (letter, statement, and passbook) it may do you no good.

    It is my understanding (I have yet to verify it personally), TransferWise deposits will show as foreign transactions into a Bangkok Bank account.  If deposited into any other bank, will show as domestic transactions.

    • Like 2
  14. 16 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    Reactions on Thaivisa, a webforum frequented by expats in Thailand, was overwhelmingly negative, with many commentators saying the regulations undercut claims from Thai officials that the deposit is to ensure they have sufficient resources to get by.


    “Then why keep up the charade that this money is to cover living expenses if it can only be used six months out of the year,” user Connda wrote. “So…what’s next? What’s the next hammer to drop?”

    “And I thought the 800,000 baht was for living expenses, not as an interest earner for the Thai banks!” user Madmitch vented.


    there is room in my attic if anyone wants to hide. :clap2:

    This would not mean much to married as they are allowed to own a business and/or have a work permit. However, for retirees, if they are not living on the 800K, how are they supporting themselves? In other words, how would Imm know if they are illegally employed or doing business?  Well, the only way would be to require the retiree to demonstrate monthly income from offshore. So, if he can demonstrate income from offshore, why would he deposit 800K in a Thailand bank?  :hit-the-fan: :cheesy:

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