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Posts posted by rexall

  1. 1 hour ago, jacko45k said:

    Err, I hate to be pedantic but Embassy letters are still being accepted. It never stopped!

    Err, yourself.  U.S., UK, Canada (?), Denmark (any more?) do not issue income affidavits.  So, in that case, it doesn't matter what Imm will or will not accept. Actually a very clever move on the Part of BJ; apparently much easier to get the embassies to stop issuing letters than to change the Thai policy about accepting or not accepting them. Love to have been a fly on the wall and learn how BJ got the embassies to comply.  Did he just send them an e-mail "Guys, please stop issuing income affidavits," and they quickly responded "Sure, no problem. Anything for you BJ!" ???

    • Like 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, atyclb said:

    you would think vietnam with it's communist government would be more difficult than thailand but the opposite is true. viet is way more visa friendly

    I lived and worked in COMMUNIST China on three separate occasions, and I never had to deal with this kind of reporting. I am sure that one way or the other someone was keeping their eye on me, but it was never obvious or oppressive.

    • Like 2
  3. 3 hours ago, NanLaew said:

    Toys all over the place again.


    For those complaining about lack of TM30 consistency, please relocate to Chiang Mai. There's absolutely NO inconsistency there and you need to file a new TM30 as soon as you get back from the pub. Every time, no excuses and within 24-hours. Please don't complain about it after you do move there. And that goes for the smog too.


    For those complaining about what the punishment will be for missing the financial cut 90-days after the extension is filed, since nobody's been caught yet and Jomtien seems to be one of only a few offices doing this early spot-check, we won't know. We do know that Thai Immigration edicts are always in response to a happenstance and never clear and concisely stated up front. But it's pretty much guaranteed that the Jomtien response will be diametrically opposite to (say) Chiang Mai's response.


    As for the bank account falling below 400 k baht during the year and/or not having it back up to 800 k baht in sufficient time, then the same rule will apply as has always applied with regard to a 'seasoning fail' in that your SUBSEQUENT extension will simply be denied. It's always been predicated on proving the previous 12-months income so nothing new here at all. If/when one doesn't get their extension renewed, the same options apply as now namely leaving and getting a new visa or somehow starting over again. Note that these rather obvious options will be the same granted to the impoverished and unlucky foreigner blowing his tiny wedge before the first 90-day report/check.


    All these totally unfounded and irrational suggestions of arrest, IDC, deportation and blacklisting are manifestations of the unreasonably insecure stress-monkey IMHO.

    Are you referring to a TM28 or a TM30. I thought it was the responsibility of the landlord to file the TM30?

    • Haha 1
  4. 4 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    Maybe they are hoping responsible people will obey the rules set forth.

    I assume the penalty could be the worst case scenario.  Which is why it would just be smart to obey the rules, and do not go under the amount.

    I would guess that they would deny the extension, meaning that you would have to leave fairly soon, maybe within a few days,  and return with a tourist visa, and which would buy you some time to figure out your next move.

  5. Pookiki, I had the same problem with my U.S. bank no being on the DeeMoney list. However, I discovered that it is very quick and  easy to open a checking account online with Bank of America.  I don't know if that is because I have a BofA visa card, but it looks like new customers can do it.  Years ago, it was impossible to do that without signed, hard-copy documents.  Anyway, I hope that helps.

  6. 47 minutes ago, Thingamabob said:

    I went through this procedure after marrying in Taiwan many years ago. No problem at all if you just follow the reasonable instructions of Thai authorities. Big problem if you start ccomplaining/whining.

    The problem is that not everyone agrees with the OP's definition of "reasonable."

  7. 25 minutes ago, Joe Mcseismic said:

    Yes Mr DPKANKAN, it is sad, but, what do you propose to do about it?

    Besides reacting with negative emojis to posts that "state the obvious"?

    Here's a thought. How about stating what you think is wrong in my posts?

    I am not  Mr. DPKANKAN, but I am happy to answer your question. Stating the obvious in they way you have is passive aggressive; saying something obliquely that you will not or cannot say directly.  What exactly is it that you are saying?  You don't like to hear people complain, or what? 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  8. 49 minutes ago, Joe Mcseismic said:

    Immigration requirements for all retirees have got tougher to meet.

    You either have to meet them, or leave.

    Whether they make sense, or not, is beside the point. Thailand has the absolute right to set, modify, or change the requirements.

    Nothing any foreigner can do about it except comply, or leave.

    What is actually being said here??? There must be some point the OP is trying to make by pointing out the obvious in this way.

  9. Just a quick update. Did my first transfer with DeeMoney. As I mentioned, it was awkward and confusing getting my account set up and making my first transfer.  I imagine it would have gone more smoothly if I had been in Bangkok and gotten help at one of their branches. OTOH, what a relief no having to make the trip to Bangers.

    The transfer process went smoothly, but seemed to take a long time, around 6.5 days.  As you can imagine, I started to become anxious the final day or two.  E-mailed K. Nutnik and she had no explanation but said it should take that long.

    • Like 1
  10. 10 hours ago, crutchy26 said:

    Did my 90 day at Kohn Kaen on Monday AM. All good, easy with Laughing Boy.

    Then I produced a spreadsheet, indicating multiple deposits. My visa is 'til late June, and I thought I'd do some groundwork. FAIL

    Notably Feb 19  & Mar 19 complying with the new 65k rule.

    But alas, on 2 months (Oct & Dec) I had 'insufficient' transfers.

    The yearly total exceeded 800 000.

    But Laughing Boy was adamant it was no good!

    Hoops & hurdles. 

    Pineapple inserted, thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ouch! I thought I read something awhile ago saying Imm would offer some leniency the first time you use the 65K/mo option as it might take a little while to get the deposits organized and functioning properly.  No? Am I imagining that?  Geeze! 

  11. 48 minutes ago, Pib said:

    So, you got registered with DeeMoney....and did it via long distance.   Seems it was only a couple days ago when you sent your application to DeeMoney which was discussed in a related DeeMoney thread....they must have processed it pretty fast.


    And yea, in setting up my first DeeMoney transfer to my US bank I stumbled multiple times in trying to get DeeMoney to accept my US bank account number.....until I finally read their instruction closer and realize by account number for a US bank DeeMoney means "routing number plus account number" with the two separated by a dash.   


    And remember, if your transfers go like mine, they will post to your US bank account before (approx 24 hour before when checking your ibanking) the status in your DeeMoney app changes to Complete as I guess it takes a day or so for the completed status to flow back to DeeMoney confirming the transfer was posted to your account.

    Yeah, I emailed the DeeMoney application on  Friday and got the activation code on Monday.

  12. On 1/8/2019 at 11:01 PM, jimn said:

    Thanks for this really excellent post. As someone who does not wish to keep on transferring 65k per month to my Thai bank account and keeping it here, I am going to consider doing the following each month. Transfer 65k from my UK bank account to my Bangkok Bank account using Transferwise cost £10.30 or 420THB approx. Internal transfer 65k (direct debit) to my SCB account. Set up a Dee Money transfer (direct debit) back to my UK bank account cost 150THB or £3 70. Repeat each month. Cost per month £14 or 570THB. Which is £168 or 6,480 THB per year. Expensive I know but weighing this off against the £52 for the embassy letter previously and it dont seem too bad. Once set up it should work ok. 


    Any thoughts

    Tks, Jimn. I realize this is an old post, I am just now getting sorted out with DeeMoney and TransferWise to do exactly what you describe, and for the same reasons.  It has been an incredibly frustrating day futzing around with DeeMoney app and Kasikorn K+. It would have been impossible, I think, without all the helpful info from Pib.  Tks Pib!!! :clap2: In fact, I was dead in the water until I finally found the link to do DeeMoney online rather than via mobile => https://transfer.dee.money/customer/login  and then finalizing by using K+ QR code.  I made a successful TransferWise last week.  And the test DeeMoney I just did seemed to go without a hitch. I will be a little anxious the next few days waiting to see if the deposit goes through. If you read one of my other posts from today, you know that although my U.S. banks were not on DeeMoney's list, I was able to quickly open a checking account with Bank of America online (from here in Thailand) in 5 minutes. Very frustrating day that seems to have ended well. All of this has been a serious pain in the ass ... but once it is all in place and working, it will have been worth it.    I hope

    • Like 2
  13. On 1/7/2019 at 7:55 PM, BobTH said:

    I tried to use DeeMoney, opened an account and got my wallet card. I prefer not using smart phone, just my personal taste, so I don't and you can't use a Windows based desk top to do a DeeMoney transfer. Even if you do and have the app, if you bank at Bangkok Bank, which I do, there is a 20,000 baht limit per transaction, so if you are trying to move a couple of million baht that can get expensive fast. I went to their office prepared to send funds that way and found that they could not send money to my bank in the USA. I use a small but good bank there and it is not on their list of financial institution they can do business with. At that point I decided to find another way to transfer funds from Thailand to overseas. I only shared this information to inform those using smaller banks abroad may run into problem using DeeMoney.   

    I realize I am replying to an old post, but I have some relevant info. I am just trying to get up to speed with DeeMoney. Unfortunately, discovered that both of my banks in the U.S. are not on the list in the DeeMoney app.  Rats and double rats!!!  However, I have a Bank of America MasterCard and discovered that I could open a checking account online in 5 minutes with only an opening deposit of $25.  I don't know if it is that easy if you don't already have a relationship with BofA, but worth investigating if you have not already found a solution.  I was pulling my hair out trying to add my new BofA checking to DeeMoney app until I read deeper in this thread and discovered Pib's instructions that you have to enter your routing number-account number (separated by a dash).

  14. On 3/1/2019 at 11:38 AM, adam1948 said:

    Hi edwardflory


    I apologize for being a total idiot bonehead but I got very excited when I read your post (1st time I've seen it) ... I think you may have solved a big problem for me ... I have some questions

               1) What Thai bank do you use?

               2) How do you get your bank to use

                   XE currency?

               3) Any other details I / we need

                   to know to set this up exactly

                   as you have?

    Thank You, Thank You, Thank You


    Thanks adam, edward and Pib!  Anyone happen to know if the cash advance using a foreign debit/credit card gets posted on your statement as a "foreign transaction" as it would with TransferWise or a wire transfer?  Tks, lah!

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