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Posts posted by radiola

  1. I have just a car licence that is valid also for small scooters in EU.

    But here in Pattaya I drive 125 suzuki scooter, and police stopped me twice, no complaints when I showed them my eu licence.

    If I drive 250 kawasaki ninja or honda 250r will they give me problems?

    Thanks, i dont want to make a new licence just for big bikes...

    If I drive 650 kawasaki, what will happen if I show them my licence, will they take away my bike or just fine me?

    Getting a thai bike license is very easy. Just go down the transport dept and sort it out . About 2-3 hours of your time.

    Stop mucking around. Where do you live in Thailand????

    sent from my Wellcom A90+

    He mentioned already , Pattaya ,sometimes it helps to read the read the first post before spamming another thread thumbsup.gif

    So telling some one to get a thai bike license is spamming.

    Jesus your a sausage short of a dozen .

    OP. get a thai license. It is very. Very easy. In fact if your current license is in english and shows motorcycle privilege many land transport offices will give you a driving license (bike and car) without doing the test. Just color test and reaction test. Good luck

    sent from my Wellcom A90+

    are you kidding me? I love thailand he he, i will definately go sort this out, i thought it is the same process like in europe, theory and then driving like 20 hours.....

    anybody knows where to get it in pattaya?

  2. If you don't want to be burgled then do an audit of your property and think like a thief. If you can't do that then hire a good thief as an consultant and act on his recomendations , plus add a few extra precautions so he can't come back and make double income by burgling yr house after leaving a few openings in his recomedations.

    Something like the best computer security consulants are the hackers themselves.

    wow the post of the month, let me put an add here thiefs wanted, jeezzzz

  3. I have just a car licence that is valid also for small scooters in EU.

    But here in Pattaya I drive 125 suzuki scooter, and police stopped me twice, no complaints when I showed them my eu licence.

    If I drive 250 kawasaki ninja or honda 250r will they give me problems?

    Thanks, i dont want to make a new licence just for big bikes...

    If I drive 650 kawasaki, what will happen if I show them my licence, will they take away my bike or just fine me?

  4. I talk with some woman in my village, she told me there are break ins happening like 2-3 times per year usually when people leave the house for longer time. She said it never happens if they stay in the house every day.

    The house next to mine was broken in 2 years ago, but nobody stayed there.

    I will definately make the alarm, But i would like some bars on front door at least so when I am at home I can leave the door open and not afraid somebody will walk in.....

    Are the burglars nice and only take small things or they smash tvs, and stuff, make more damage?

    I am just afraid for my laptop, because I have my work on it, so I need to find the solution to keep it safe somehow, Build a secret place or something to keep it there so burglars will not find it.

  5. In 10 years of living on the dark side (in 3 different locations) I've so far never been burgled.

    We've had a cat burglar at least once walk in through open doors while we were at home, but only a couple of small things were stolen. It's a very common ploy, I've heard it happen many places. Usually a Thai girl, 25-35 years old walking in, if she is encountered she comes up with a story about how she is looking for her aunt who should live there etc. I encountered it myself once, before realizing the ploy. Next time it happens to me I'll hand her over to security and they can have their fun with her. angry.png

    Never had a house with monkey bars, hate those things. Our present house has a burglar alarm (Chinese brand, installed by a Thai company, has worked fine for 5 years now). Sensors on windows and movement sensor in the living room, coupled to a couple of very noisy sirens, flashing lights and telephone system (that calls me on the mobile). The alarm has been triggered 2-3 times over the years we had it, but we're still not sure if it was false alarm or a burglar ran away before stealing anything.

    How much did you pay for the alarm and intallment?

  6. Most burglars are inexperienced, although not all. If a light comes on suddenly, or if a bell rings, then they will run as fast as they can. However, if their senses are heightened or dulled by a combination of drugs and alcohol, they may put up a struggle. In this case you have to be creful they are not armed with a knife or something. For sure if I was a 5 foot 2 inch Thai burglar, I would have some kind of weapon if the big bad farang houseowner came back and started beating on me. Plus I would have a couple of buddies for back up, just in case the 80 years old security guard wasn't busy.

    I was thinking of sound alarm and a vault of small vault build in the wall so I can drop in my laptop and phone if i go out

  7. If you make the bars too hard to get through they will come through the roof! Seriously, a good, loud alarm will do the trick, these break-ins are not part of some planned theft, just opportunist, and they'll move off somewhere quieter I'm sure. You should look at your house and decide where the weak points are - in my case the rear of the house backed onto a quiet public road, I put big spikes on the wall be they are as easy to remove as the bars on the windows if somebody wants to make the effort.

    so are you using the alarm?

    is your house next to another house? Because I have a townhouse so they stick together on each side.

    how do you know they will run away if they hear the alarm?

  8. Having said that Radiola, I neve experienced a break in on the dark side over a 5 year period at 3 different addresses.

    Anyway you should be OK as prospective robbers will probably suss out you are skint anyway

    do you live 5 meter from guard security station?

    Well for me; i do not think i will get a dog, too messy and when I am away, what to do with a creature

    Some loud alarm should be ok I think.

    I am afraid only for my laptop, if I could put it somehwere, that would be fine, I cant bring it with me all the time though....

    So they steam small things like laptops, cameras, phones.....

    Where does the guy live he has been broken in 2 times?

    Also my house is like 100 meters from the guard, but the bloke is like 80 yo for god sake.

    Can it be done to put the bars that are impossible to break in? How costly would that be.

    I have 2 doors and 2 windows..........

    dam_n you made my scared again peepz

  9. I need some solution for the house. It does not have steel bars yet, so is that a definite fix, another person told me that even if you have steel bars over the windows and doors the burglars will still come in.

    What is the proper fix. DO not care, just let them break in? Or is there a solution?

    How often were you birglarized, at what time, night, day, or when your house was empty for few days?


  10. I guess you have never read the news.

    Anyway, I doubt you get many replies because of TV's name and shame policy.

    again general poster, please refrain from posting if you dont have specific proof

    i am not talking about wife taking over your house, i am talking about lawyer cheating you out of your house that you bought

    PLEASE dont post if you dont have any specific and actual facts, dont post like, uhh duh, you will be cheated, uhh duh buy condo, only specific facts please, persons that were cheted that way

  11. do you agree that indian food is heavy to digest? I am not sure why, I am vegan too, sometime vegetarian, but this food just stays in my stomach for hours. I think it is because they cook it for hours and use ghee for cooking, not sure

    but i like roti and dips of course, but prefer thai food, it is much much lighter than indian for hours boiling curries

  12. OMG....

    @radiola, you got so many helpful hints, regarding your other 20 threads about buying/renting a condo/house, somewhere in Pattaya.

    It seems, you (or GF) can't wait to burn your money.

    Also you have been warned about the bad security and "wild west behaviour", east of Sukhumvit.

    But you really, really want to buy "something" in this area?

    You must be a real tough guy, my respect..wai.gif

    true, many threads, but I ant decide, really can't.

    Pattaya plaza is 100 meters from sukhumvit. not so far on the dark side.

    And that house I wanted to buyis really deep inside in the dark side, about 2 kilo from sukhumvit

    still would appreciate if you are familiar with any incidents that happened there?

    Any helpful warnings would be highly appreciated.

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