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Posts posted by radiola

  1. I Am Planning To Move To Nong Prue Area, Is It Safe?

    All things considered, if safety is the main concern, there are safer countries to live in than Thailand. ... and in Thailand there are far safer areas to live in than Pattaya (Nongprue).

    ... however, bad sh*t can happen anywhere. Good example - Port Arthur massacre in Tasmania (of all places).

    This reminds me of an incident in NZ 2 years ago. A car crashed through the fence of my 80 year old mother and stepfather's house in an idyllic quiet suburb of Auckland and then one of the drugged up passengers proceeded to break down the front door to get at them.

    ... and then you could get a stress related disease from worrying too much about your safety...

    yes i know, my country is safe as it can be, never heard somebody got shot, murdered in my city.....

    no burglaries....

    but it is cold and very boring, you dont have beach, all you can do is stay your freaking house all day and watch tv.

    and there are not so many fruits, plus food is much more expensive, not a lot but.....

  2. wow, finaly some good comments

    i did calculation, if i live in this house 10 years, i would save on rent and in 10 years i will save exactly as the hosue is worth right now.

    Also I need a home somewhere, to relax, cool down etc....

    plus electric is 3,4, now i pay 6 bht, you save that way too.

    I would say at least 9000 bht per month or 10000 if I build a fitness in my home....

    Also I could own a bike, save 3000 bht per month......

    That is total 13000 saved bht per month, in year 150000. So in 10 years i can upgrade and buy a new home for like 3 million.............

    just few thoughts

    I hate renting, because I am just throwing the money out of the window. this way you can stay in the house, when you get a renter for 6 months, i can travel aroudn the world and use the rent money to pay rent somewhere else.

    I think that is the best investment that oyu can do. my dam_n bank gives me max 3% plus you pay tax, so I am loosing money each day....

    But thank you for the replies, excluding the few stupid ones in the beggining

  3. Heard of the expression you cant find gold in a toilet ,applies here .This guy is a real piece of work ,firstly he asks about razors to shave his balls then wants a serious answer to real estate ??? .I say to this guy go home get some help from either a shrink or you will end up screwed here .Remember an opinion is like an a==hole,everyone has 1 or maybe 2 if its a thai visa member .

    i am glad you remembered my post, it was a joke dude, trying to be funny

  4. wow, flood? I never thought of that, when can that happen?

    There is a water tank installed, i need to go there and ask people around about the flooding.....

    The are that I am talking about is near the entrance to the temple, just before the road turns left at the temple gate, you have to turn left near the hospital and drive like 200m inside.

    There is security house there, but it is not gated. So I wonder what will happen. Also there are bars on windows and dors, but that might not help right?

    So for renting it out it should be ok?

    I need to go there and really ask around.

    The area seems peaceful, I visited it 2 times and there were no noise whatsoever.......

    my goal is to rent it for 1 year like 10000 per month, the house is around 80 sqm furnished.

    But the flood thing makes me vorried, when do these floods occur?

  5. Radiola - Plenty of jokers on this thread, but you did invite them by not being more specific in your OP. Nongprue is a massive area. Some parts of Nongprue will have high crime rates, others will be virtually crime-free.

    I would suggest that you take things slowly.

    Visit the area at different times of day to get a 'feel' for general atmosphere of the place.

    Rent, for at least a couple of months.

    Crime is not the only consideration when choosing a home. If you don't do your homework you could be plagued with noise (calls to prayer, karaoke, etc.), disgusting smells (sewage, chicken farms, abattoir, etc.).

    Good luck.

    Radiola - Plenty of jokers on this thread, but you did invite them by not being more specific in your OP. Nongprue is a massive area. Some parts of Nongprue will have high crime rates, others will be virtually crime-free.

    I would suggest that you take things slowly.

    Visit the area at different times of day to get a 'feel' for general atmosphere of the place.

    Rent, for at least a couple of months.

    Crime is not the only consideration when choosing a home. If you don't do your homework you could be plagued with noise (calls to prayer, karaoke, etc.), disgusting smells (sewage, chicken farms, abattoir, etc.).

    Good luck.

    I am kind of in a hurry

    so is anybody living there in this mooban, actually, the hard part is that I dont know what is true and what is not, so many people making fun out of this situation

    By living there for 1 month, definaltey i will not see everything I guess.

    I want to buy a house for like an investment, is it hard to rent it out for like 10000 per month?

    It is close to sukhumvit, about 5 minutes with motorbike and the house is quiet, neighbours are farangs

    just wanted to live there, if not good, I would rent it out to some poor chap that does not know anything about mafia in pattaya

  6. Ok, I am just back from a very peaceful Bangkok trip, I have enjoyed it, far away from the Nong Prue's everyday trouble.

    I don't live far away from the animal hospital, and I know the mooban, the OP is talking about.

    Radiola seems to be a very brave person, if he really wants to move into this mooban.....

    But, seriously..it seems to be a relatively quiet night tonight.

    yeah ok, the gangstas are on Beachroad tonight, because of the festival, but....

    My 3 pitbulls are only slightly fed, the electrical fence is ready, everything is locked, cameras on, Baseball hitter and some other "equipment" is near by me, so lets go for another peaceful night on the Nongprue darkside!

    Nongprue folks, take care of yourself!


    the sad story is that you dont lie and that you are really missing some screws in your head obviously

  7. this thread is useless so many jokers making fun out of serious situation



    I'm sorry but you ask a question which deserves these kind of answers.

    Let's break down your question:

    Question : I Am Planning To Move To Nong Prue Area, Is It Safe?

    Lets consider I Am planning to Move to:

    I am planning, can mean that you have already been there, but in the OP you ask:

    Does it have any markets, fresh markets, tesco, big c in the area?

    So the question arises. Have you been to the area where you want to move to, or did you just search on the Internet for a House. First thing when I look for a house, is make a list what I want, and when I find a house I again make a list where everything is, is it close, is it far, is there a market etc etc, just Pros and Cons.

    I check everything out before I commit myself, maybe you should do the same.

    Now lets consider : Nong Prue Area

    As one member clearly described, Pattaya is Nong Prue, Nong Prue is Pattaya.

    Now lets consider: Is it safe ?

    Nowhere in Pattaya is 100% safe, even very expensive estates have their problem with Crime / Burglaries.

    look i was looking to buy a house there, it is near the small animal hospital and i think there is a entrance to the temple there, you can come there from sukhumvit side across the big c, but little bit further towards bkk and you turn right.

    Then you drive 5 minutes and you are there.

    The location is ok, village seems peaceful too, but I have heard many houses got broken in.

    why these peope dont install sound alarm or something to go of is somebody breaks in?

    Is the police near or it will take 30 min so the arritve?

    Are there really many people being robbed and killed in that area.

    i am not sure where the croc farm is

    The area is called BOON SAMPHAN,

    there are many houses there, i havent asked around if it is safe though,

    I am not used yet to be afraid being burglarized or killed

    in my country, we never have experiences like that, you dont hear nothing weird, guns being shot etc.

    also in bkk i felt very very safe....

    i lived in la and people left their houses unlocked.......

    and than that old guy mentions that he know a guy who was killed there

    the crime rate here cant be compared to bangkok in any way

  8. Not had any burglaries in the last couple of years here since I installed my minefield - perfectly safe.

    thanks for comments, really helped,

    but seriously, i will live in a house community, not really gated inside walls but security nearbye

    so many falangs got beaten there and robbed?

    Do you have experiece

    I will live 5 min from sukhumvit, near animal hospital and there is a temple nearbye too

  9. 10 years coming here never even seen a fight. Of course if you are going to walk along beach road pissed out of your head at 3 in the morning you might get mugged but you would in Bangkok, London, New york or anywhere else. Its all about common sense. I always feel very safe here safer than in the UK

    Completely agree...the op is basically a troll coffee1.gif

    Lived in both places for over a decade and never even a hint of trouble...and I've done my share of late-nite partying (but never get drunk). However, if one is the type who goes looking for trouble or likes to stick their nose where it doesn't belong, there is trouble around every corner.

    yes sure, me being a troll, dream on

    read the internet dude, only last week, husband killed wife, man beheaded found on island, two guys beatne by jet ski mafia, another murder, do you want me to go on

    i wonder if you are not some farang selling preorders for condos aka sua sawarn ha ha, and is afraid for bad press

    There are around 1 million people living in pattaya, half of my country, and we hardly have any crime in my country

    here, every day you can find out that somebody whacked somebody, got beaten, scammed,

    Where do you come from dude, Rio brasil? Dont let me brag about old pervs coming here for their prey

    I am going to puke

  10. 10 years coming here never even seen a fight. Of course if you are going to walk along beach road pissed out of your head at 3 in the morning you might get mugged but you would in Bangkok, London, New york or anywhere else. Its all about common sense. I always feel very safe here safer than in the UK

    you probably only stay in your room, seriously, I am reading pattaya one and i get sick, so maby peple murdered here etc...

  11. I was always safe walking at midnight on sukhumvit in bkk, never had any problems in 2 years, but here you see so many crazy people,

    ladyboys robbing people, people get beaten on the beach and robbed, faragns got killed by motorbike mafia drivers....

    this is just crazy, definately not a place to raise your family

    I see complete houses totally insdie the steel rods, like they expect to being robbed anytime, and that is in gated community....

    steel bars everywhere around the houses, havent seen this in bkk

    and like crazy farangs screaming, i have seen that many times...

    I was attacked and kicked for the first time in my life here in Pattaya, never happened before, by a crazy thai man, obviously doped and drugged

    just want to see your opinions, why you stay in this city

    is it because of cheap accomodation, bars, closeness to bkk? I wonder

  12. I visited beach near pratumnak hill, it was gfilthy, but that is because of songkran i think

    before it was clean

    I used to swim in krabi and trang and phuket, I dont see any difference if the beach is clean....

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