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Posts posted by Shipwreck

  1. s both from Petchabun and Bangkok were excellent quality I must say

    Oh no! I just blew through Petchabun doing 120-130 last week. (Which is hard to do if you think of the roads.)

    I've moved since I bought my car, so what does that mean? When I go to pay yearly tax I have to go to the police station first? Please don't tell me you have to go to the province of the fine...

  2. The Subaru XV enters production in MY in Oct 2012, so expect to see it at the 2012 Motor Expo, with TH deliveries starting in Q1 2013.

    Just learned that Subaru is opening a factory in Malaysia and will be making the XV there as the only model.

    Do you know if they plan to make other Subaru vehicles there in the future? Legacy/Impreza/Forester?

    Also, any idea what Subaru's expansion plans are for the Thai market? Will they have dealers here eventually?

    Grew up with Subarus and found them to be reliable cars. Would seriously think of getting one if there was proper dealer support.

  3. So you bought a jazz for 300k Baht? What year? Manual or Automatic?

    It is a 2004 automatic. IDSI model with 2 airbags. On one2car.com similar models are selling for about 400k.

    I feel the best deals to be had for buying second hand stuff is off of expats who need to leave in a hurry. This is also a great way to furnish a house and pick up gadgets for almost half off.

  4. Find a private buyer who is desperate for a sale - like a foreigner leaving the country. Use your Thai credit history/work history/salary to get a loan from a bank.

    I just bought a used Jazz from a desperate seller with a 100% bank loan at 3.75% interest. I got 100% by telling the bank I was paying 100k more than I really was - usually they will give you 80% or less. (They don't actually check what the exact financial exchange between buyer and seller is.)

    Said I was paying 400k (the book value of the car) actually paid 300k. Bank gave me 310K, so I actually had a bit extra after the fact. (I'm aware that the interest isn't actually 3.75% on the purchase price, but recalculated each year on the outstanding balance - I'll be paying it off early at a small discount anyway.)

    I knew the seller and knew the car was good. I could turn around and sell it right now for more than I paid for it, but I needed a car and it fits the bill.

    The terms are 3 years and the bank profits about 60k baht. I figured that is a decent deal considering there was no down payment. A slight down profit in fact.


  5. I don't think the guarantor needs to have much involvement at all, if any.

    A Thai friend of mine says that there are guarantor services you can go to where for a fee, a guy will act as the guarantor - enabling you to get your loan.

    However, the only guy he knew who actually did this for a business recently stopped doing it. Too many people defaulting on the loans and leaving him responsible for the car...

  6. Happened to me too. Almost 1 year to get my Thai health card and then it came for a hospital I did not want across town and was told I could not change it.

    Have gone there a time or two for service though and it was good

    "A hospital across town"

    "Can't change it"

    I've had Thai social security cards for decades. I just called the admin manager in my old company. She says that the card does not state a specific hospital and she has never in twenty plus years ever heard a SS card which states a specific hospital, because it's a universal card, good to use anywhere in Thailand.

    I'm going to have to second Jeffrey's experience. I have had a Thai social security card for almost 7 years now. Its benefits are tied to a specific hospital, and I was told I can only use it at that specific hospital.

    My work also gives me private health insurance, which can be used at any hospital. I only use that card when going to a hospital, as my 'social security' hospital is much further away.

    The only thing I ever used it for was getting 12k baht back from the government for having a baby. (government employee)

    However, I have friends at work who have used it to have major surgery, as apparently it covers almost the whole cost....as long as they went to their specific hospital...

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