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Everything posted by kenjinuk

  1. And he didn’t update his will having moved to Thailand permanently, what a Numpty!
  2. Bangkok bank use Union Pay, a chinese money agency, this is not the same as Master Card and has been rejected for overseas payments when I used it.
  3. I have my doubts about if this is a genuine request or an email scammer. Wise would know this information over your 8 year history. It could be due diligence and needing to confirm identity every 12 months, but you might want to email directly to the office you registered with.
  4. International events are open to all runners. The entry fee covers a finisher medal T-shirt and food. Thank you to all the witty and informed answers🤔
  5. An incident on two occasions which happened nearly 10 years ago in Thailand. The accused has continued to live in Thailand, has been reporting to Immigration every 90 days for 10 years so not difficult to find him on a computer. I am not sure why it takes 4 officers to arrest him or hold a press conference.. Hardly breaking news.
  6. Register online and then complete the TM47 once, it automatically refills on each new application. Send by email and within 24 hours on working days expect an acknowledgment and a response. Print off the receipt.. it has now worked well for over a year. No postage or trips to the Immigration office. I get an email reminder 15 days ahead of my renewal date. But I realised this means I am renewing after 75 days rather than 90 days.
  7. I read this article and the full story and I still do not know how this will level the playing field or raise standards. Children in my village school cannot read English, their teachers do not speak English. There is a mountain to climb if standards are to improve.
  8. Central Thai is taught in all schools. BUT when the children go home, stay with family, visit Yai and Khon neighbours, they will speak and hear Isaan. When the author visits his Isaan gf, as expected my suggestion is to learn some handy Isaan phrases and words.
  9. Khon Kaen has university, airport and high proportion of Thai speakers. The problem you will find is that in Isaan, the people speak Isaan rather than Thai, it is difficult to find teachers of Isaan, so you might never follow your gf if she visits family or friends, make sure she is not a gambler or a drinker and you will have a happy life. ????
  10. So hoardings, billboards and adverts by the brewers of Singha and Chang are legal but showing a can is not ? What hypocrisy ?
  11. The online 90 day works well, but better to try it in advance of your renewal date. Get the correct website and ensure you scroll down to avoid missing the correct link. Happy to help if you pm me.
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