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Posts posted by bangkockney

  1. ...

    Only a loony person would try and compare Singapore or Honolulu with cities in Thailand based on infrastructure and the other areas that award points to Vienna and Vancouver.


    Is Thailand on a different planet, home to a different species? If not, not so crazy to compare anything to other countries. If it doesn't stack up, it doesn't stack up. Singapore is in the same region and does. Are they looking for excuses?

    Would you like to watch a game of football between a grade school team and a group of professionals. What would be the point? That you want to make fun of the grade school players? It costs millions to put a professional on the field. It costs millions to buy a view condo in Singapore. It cost thousands to buy in Thailand. It is not a level playing field. Singapore is one of the most expensive places in the world and Thailand is one of the cheapest. Do you want to compare beach front lifestyles between the South of France and Somalia?

    That's why Thailand doesn't rank on this survey. By inference, ALL global cities are considered for the ranking. If you're a weak contender, you simply don't rank. We're basically saying the same thing. Thailand is not competitively globally on quality of life for residents.

    As far as cost factors, if higher paid employment and opportunity is widely available, a city being more expensive doesn't necessarily diminish its quality of life for most residents.

    Why are you being deliberately difficult?

    BKK is part of the survey, it's exact rank is unknown.

    Why is this so hard to understand?

    Your comment suggests you believe BKK does not appear anywhere, inferring that it's worse than Baghdad.

  2. I suspect the bulk of the UK spouse visa applicants from Thailand would be happier living in their own country than some sterile housing estate in the UK. It's very hard for a Thai woman or any other foreigner to adapt to UK life but it must be ten times harder for a man.

    If you think it's hard getting a spouse to the UK just try doing things in reverse and migrating to Thailand.


    You will need to try very hard to properly justify each of these points.

    Start by looking at the income of UK resident spouses of Thai settlement migrants to the UK (median is £1,750 monthly net). Then try and explain the housing estate link.

    Given the stigma, I put it to you that it's in fact easier for a Thai male to adapt to life in the UK than a female.

    In what way is it hard to migrate to Thailand? It's laughably easy. There are no conditions similar to the UK.


    Good luck, and I hope you continue to update us on your progress. I'd also highly recommend getting in touch with the JCWI - they are looking to hear from people in your exact situation. Google them and take a look at their website.

  3. I think prudent would be a more accurate term.

    If you're happy transferring personal data over a network you know to be breached and not monitored by a sys admin, more fool you.

    If you're happy transferring personal data over an unknown network, more fool you.

    The point being, hotel and airport network security is one of the most overlooked risks.

    Better secure than sorry.

  4. As long as your own computer is reasonably protected such as running Win7 or later and MSE there is no way your keyboard activity can be logged from somewhere else on the LAN.

    However if you really want to feel safe (e.g. using internet banking), use a VPN service.

    Not strictly true.

    Keyboard input can't be captured directly, but with a network so compromised and no apparent sys admin, the chances of a man in the middle attack are relatively high.

    I wouldn't transmit anything personal over that network.

    Okay, thanks. But what about if I sign in somewhere else that's secure, then "stay signed in?" When I get back to the school, does my computer STILL send the email address and password over the system, just without my physically entering it?

    Yes it does but in encrypted form over https (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_Secure) so you have nothing to worry about.

    An adversary able to position themselves in between you and a website is able to inject arbitrary http-based content elements for domains that do not set the 'Encrypted Sessions Only' property of their cookies, and thus cause your client to transmit these cookies via clear text, intercept them, and impersonate you. The important thing to note is that they can do this when you visit ANY website. You do not ever have to leave SSL for the vulnerable site.

    That said, I think GM forces https as default now, for the ENTIRE session, not just login (unlike many other sites).

    But, HTTPS session highjacking has been demonstrated this year - a tool called CRIME.

  5. As long as your own computer is reasonably protected such as running Win7 or later and MSE there is no way your keyboard activity can be logged from somewhere else on the LAN.

    However if you really want to feel safe (e.g. using internet banking), use a VPN service.

    Not strictly true.

    Keyboard input can't be captured directly, but with a network so compromised and no apparent sys admin, the chances of a man in the middle attack are relatively high.

    I wouldn't transmit anything personal over that network.

    Okay, thanks. But what about if I sign in somewhere else that's secure, then "stay signed in?" When I get back to the school, does my computer STILL send the email address and password over the system, just without my physically entering it?

    Unfortunately you can still be subject to session hijacking even when using an HTTPS connection.

    Further, in your example, when browsing to http://mail.google.com/mail/ your browser actually sends your email address in cleartext for everyone to see before you get redirected to HTTPS.

    A dongle is a good suggestion or even a tethered iPhone.

    SSH won't be an option here as you don't have access to the router and/or firewall.

    A VPN is another potential option but is not infallible.

    You said before you didn't think your machine would accept a dongle - why?

    You could potentially assess whether a MITM is happening yourself. At the very least browse to https://google.com and check that you are not being redirected to http.

    Also don't forget sites like TV transmit your user and pass in plaintext.

    The obvious disclaimer applies: I wouldn't use the network even if the above check passed, but it's your data.

    Would like to help you get secured as networks like you've described bloody annoy me.

  6. As long as your own computer is reasonably protected such as running Win7 or later and MSE there is no way your keyboard activity can be logged from somewhere else on the LAN.

    However if you really want to feel safe (e.g. using internet banking), use a VPN service.

    Not strictly true.

    Keyboard input can't be captured directly, but with a network so compromised and no apparent sys admin, the chances of a man in the middle attack are relatively high.

    I wouldn't transmit anything personal over that network.

  7. I pinged our own servers in Germany and this took 56 ms. I am more than satisfied.

    But I am afraid they will crank it down to 13 Mbps, this is what I pay for.

    What are you using to ping servers in Germany that delivers that result? It's bogus.

    Straight line distance BKK - Berlin: ~ 5350 miles.

    Total trip: 10,700 miles

    Packet speed: ~ 100,000 miles per second

    Trip time: ~ 107 ms

    That's without router delay (in the order of a few ms per hop) and clearly your cable is not following a straight line distance.

    Run ping from a prompt and get a real result.

    • Like 1
  8. My apologies to the OP, I've just reread his post and for some reason, the first time around I read it as, "be a share holder in MY UK company", my reply was on that basis.

    You were right - post 4 identifies it as the OP's company.

    You may be correct, but on the otherhand I'll be truly amazed if a closed company can spirit away up to 42k GBP in anual dividends <snip>

    Don't forget that at least 20% is retained as corporation tax, and non-tax-payers don't get the corresponding tax credits.

    Arghhh, I'm too young to be completely loosing it, thanks!

    Dividend pool is net profit less corporation tax.

    Dividend payments are not taxed. It is not correct to say that dividend payments are subject to corporation tax. Dividends are taxed if the receiver is a higher rate tax payer only.

    Thus one can take a salary of their tax free allowance and top up with dividends all the way to the higher bracket, ~ £42k, all tax and PAYE free. Or all in dividends.

  9. The above reply is a little wonky.

    You'll have no problem in making your wife a non-resident subscriber.

    As long as her yearly dividends do not put her into the highest tax bracket (currently ~ £42k) there will be no UK tax liability.

    If you read HMRC's guidance on their website, they suggest that a non-resident director will have to file a UK self-assessment tax return (however I believe there is no legislative requirement for this).

    From the company's perspective, it may be better to pay your wife a salary as the payment will be deductible for corporation tax, whereas a divided would not. This benefit would have to be weighed up against the treatment of the receipt in her country of residence for her own personal tax position. Your/her accountant would need to carry out some remuneration planning around this point.

  10. This is an example of the latest SUPER MAC VIRUS.


    According to anti-virus software provider Kaspersky Lab, a Trojan called SabPub — or more formally, Backdoor.OSX.SabPub.a — has recently been spreading via Java and could be infecting computers when people open email messages with suspicious links that direct users to malware.

    The previous flashback virus:

    The latest version is much more insidious in that the user does not have to click on anything, not even a link, and can be infected. This is achieved by exploiting a weakness in the Java software framework.

    Am I worried? NOPE.

    The first has already reappeared to attack Word, not Java.

    Holding onto the false myth that uninstalling Java keeps you safe and you don't need any AV, you will never know if any document is malformed. Ergo, your false sense of security makes you more vulnerable.

    I'm in no doubt that Mac attacks will increase exponentially now there has been some success.

  11. I have no anti virus software.


    I use a Mac. thumbsup.gif

    Have fun with your anti virus programs guys, they really enhance your computers performance. cheesy.gif

    Apple drops virus immunity claim for Macs

    Security software vendors said they saw a spike in sales of Mac anti-virus products in the wake of the Flashback outbreak. Some experts had criticised Apple’s response to the threat; it did not patch the vulnerability exploited by the cyber criminals until three months after it was discovered.


    Carry on living in denial.

  12. Utrinque Paratus.

    If the world ended and I were in Thailand, I'd head for dense jungle regions.

    If I were in the UK, I'd head for the Highlands.

    I still have stuff packed and ready to go, it's a tough habit to break.

    If the world was ending the roads would be one huge traffic jam wherever you live, so plan on walking the hundreds of kilometres to the highlands or jungle, along with thousands of others, so take a big packed lunch.

    That is the regimental motto of the Parachute Regiment. They have been know to go for a few long walks in far-away places..........wink.png

    Assuming he served in them and is not just quoting, he should be OK.

    So 'take a big packed lunch' is the motto of The Paratroop Regiment,is it?

    News to me,'as long as you don't take it,you're ok',was the motto I know from The Paras!

    "The only things that drop out of the sky are rain, snow and bird shit...oh, and better men than you."


  13. Utrinque Paratus.

    If the world ended and I was in Thailand, I'd head for dense jungle regions.

    If I were in the UK, I'd head for the Highlands.

    I still have stuff packed and ready to go, it's a tough habit to break.

    Utrinque Paratus

    "Improvise, adapt and overcome" (Improvidus Apto quod Victum) springs to mind when I read that.................wink.png

    You know the drill ;)

    And let's not forget: you can plan for A, you can plan for B but C will probably happen.

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