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Posts posted by bangkockney

  1. Picking mine up right now. Navigator.

    Congratulations on your new SUV! What color is yours?

    2Unique posted this nice article comparing 3 of the most popular SUVs in LOS:

    Black. Trying to convince the Mrs on a matt re-spray, but she's having none of it!

    Will try to post more once I've spent some time in it.

  2. A lot of paranoia in this thread!

    1. The calculation is done client side.

    2. No government agency anywhere in the world can simply access your data at anytime. With heavily encrypted stuff, inside man and social engineering attacks are required. Or recovery of a running system with keys already loaded into memory.

    Government agencies are limited by cost / return like everyone else in the universe. It is never worth it to spend e.g. 10s of years brute forcing passwords.

    • Like 1
  3. Is it a forum sponsor or google advert?

    I saw the ad today; it's google.

    We have limited ability to block particular Google ads. In my opinion, you should follow the advice given by Lopburi3, Jingthing, Beano, and others here before responding to a Google ad that tells you what you want to hear.

    I need no advice, I'm miles from retirement age.

    And be truthful - you can block any advertiser URL you want, both broadly and narrowly.

    Will you block this particular advertiser?

  4. Facebook kills. Not the first death caused by Mark Zuckerberg's website


    Do I see the potential for a lawsuit here...??

    Facebook has got FA to do with it...

    I know...but that's irrelevant in the American Justice system....

    People sued Mc D. for making them fat!!!!!!!!

    Yes and they lost. As anyone with half a brain could predict anyway (no one made the plaintiff eat McD non-stop...)

    Re the OP: This is certainly complicated because the guy was trained in the marshal arts. This infers responsibility on him to act with restraint. He disarmed his attacker but then proceeded to repeatedly stab him.

    I was the victim of an attempted mugging in the UK and exercising restraint was what stopped any charges being brought against me.

    As a foreigner in Thailand I would be even more concerned about excessive force than back home.

  5. Also.. can anyone recommend a thai based service or piece of free software that will monitor host latency and page load times?

    Host never die, are a good Thai host.

    Use the Firefox extension YSlow for detailed page component load times.

  6. Get Win 7 pro or higher and you can use XP Mode whilst you learn and get comfortable with Win7.

    WinXP mode does not help if you have software that does not work on Win7 including WinXP mode.


    It exists to provide backwards comparability for software that doesn't work on win7.......

    You can even install XP only software.

    What exactly are you trying to say?

  7. fair enough. thank god im not running a web empire.

    i cant help but noticing that you managed to type all that without providing a suggestion.

    thanks for coming out

    "All that", like I gave you a thesis!

    Impossible to reccomend hosting without knowing requirements. Don't you think?

    Bluehost suspend for TCs violation with ~600 daily page views. Hardly a "web empire".

  8. Bluehost are god awful.

    1. They sell you unlimited but don't provide it

    2. They throttle the hell out of CPU.

    3. The dreaded Ts and Cs bans for having high traffic. See 1.

    4. Poor customer service.

    5. Crap CPanel - it doesn't even tell you your resource usage! See 3.

    If you want cheap, go ahead. But for anything serious you're wasting your time.

  9. if you want to unsubscribe from a site e-mail. report it as spam.

    that way you won't get spam from the site any more.plus it cuts down on junk mail

    This is really harsh if you've opted-in.

    Don't be lazy and think a spam report replaces following unsubscribe instructions for emails you legitimately receive.

  10. not true,in less than a minute a good hacker can dump all the files and passwords,on your computer.

    you need a strong password of 10 letters,numbers upper an lower case,passwords of 10 or more are real hard to hack

    you'd be amazed of the info that's on your computer .its worth big $$$$


    Explain how they dump say 350GB in 1 min?! Do you even know the limiting factors?

    Lol, you're a joker.

    • Like 1
  11. Some of the router have filter.

    Easier would be to make a meeting and tell them that they aren't allowed to do it.

    Than install a logging program and ask the first one you catch if he want to loose his/her job.

    The second time you catch him you kick him out.

    For every filter there is a work around, or if you block one kind of online game they use a different one.

    This more of what I had in mind. I want to be able to show them at the end of every month how many hours they have spent on internet. Can I set it up to show what they are looking at? e.g. you were on facebook for 1 hour and in that hour you played farmville for 40 minutes?

    I had before a small software, that is a keylogger and it makes screenshots (in black-white) when something major changes. It is complete hidden.

    It can than show statistics...which domain how much time and it can play the screenshots like a movie in real time or faster.

    I can't recall the name, but it should be easily to find.....if not let me know and I search my backups, maybe it is there somewhere. One or two computer have it still installed but I forgot how to open it, as the bad apples in our companies left....

    (you won't believe how many beautiful girls, some fat ugly thai guys know on face book).

    I'm pretty sure this is illegal. You are capturing all sorts of private data.

    To the OP - either block it at the router level or if you need to analyse usage go with the approaches suggested.

    I've found a fair-use policy with no filtering to be much more open and beneficial.

    You should give a copy of your IT policy - including sanctions (on a scale) - to every employee.

    Reference to IT policy needs to be in employment contracts too I think.

  12. @theoldgit


    With respect, you're both intelligent chaps, it should be apparent why my reply was phrased in such a way.

    Being in a unique position to add something to this debate - "instrumental" in its setup - VP chose instead to give us a throw away comment of a poor objection a detainee once gave.

    I don't find that particularly helpful or insightful.

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