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Posts posted by Amras

  1. The laws or sex in england are 16, it doesnt matter if you are a teacher, santa clause or jesus christ superstar. I will accept anyone proving me wrong on this too,

    The age of consent in England and Wales is 16 regardless of sexual orientation and/or gender, as specified by the Sexual Offences Act 2003. However, if person A is over the age of 18 and is in a position of trust to person B who is under the age of 18, it is illegal for A to engage in sexual activity with B.


    http://www.legislati...3/42/section/16 & http://www.legislati...3/42/section/22

    I am happy to be shown this and it is something, as buried in legislation, that I was unfamiliar with. I thank you for providing this for me, it is good to be educated on something new.

    This, however doesn't reflect on the case of this man. And if anyone were to apply this to me, they would have a problem explaining a sexual relationship with a girl who wasn't my student. This, for example, could be a bar girl or such.

    Please note the above is pure hypothesis with the aim of exploring principal, and not something that should be taken out of context.

    In Thailand, you can still be charged with statutory rape if you have sex with someone under 18 who is considered a minor, by either their parents of them (if they later decide it was a mistake). It makes no difference if their was consent or not. So hence the general unhindered AOC is 18.

    AND in most western countries, you can be charged under the laws in which you are a citizen. Ie if you are Australia, rules as to sex with under 18 year olds apply. In such cases you could be charged with statutory rape in Australia as well, even if you committed the 'act' in Thailand.

  2. So the moral police is out in full force. That's rather ironic considering the fact that we are talking about a city that was built upon sexual relationships between young Thai girls and older foreign men. While there's no way I could defend driving a motorbike in the state he apparently was in, with a girl and without helmets, that's about as far as I would go with critizism. When a 16 year old girl from rural Thailand living in Pattaya goes out with or lives with a farang, she knows very well what she's doing, and in most cases, she does it because the alternatives are worse.

    She knows that she can't get a proper job that pays enough to feed her family. She also knows that most Thai boyfriends, in Pattaya or upcountry, will sooner or later make her pregnant and then most probably dump her. So, she approaches a farang, and is "lucky" enough to find one who likes teenage girls. Unfortunately, this farang didn't seem to understand a few basic facts about drinking and driving, and it ends in tragedy for both of them and their families.

    There are many problematic sides about older men dating teenage girls, and I'm sure I could list at least a dozen, but sex life is usually not one of them, and it's totally irrelevant in this case. They didn't die from having sex, did they?

    But it's still exploiting and taking advantage of someone, just because it might be 'better than the alternatives she see's' doesn't mean it's 'right' for the older (supposedly more mature and wise) to do it. There is a difference between what someone can do and what is socially and morally right. Need to think how its manipulation and exploitation, take away the money would these girls still stick around? Very very very doubtful.

  3. Occupants of vehicles of any kind who drink alcohol during travel are now subject to six months imprisonment and/or a Bt60,000 fine, the Office of Alcoholic Beverages announced yesterday.

    This will be a great money maker for the police. Tourists aren't going to be aware of the new law, gonna be more than a few of them that get busted for drinking in a taxi. I've done it on many occasions on the way out for the night.

    This is a good point, I hadn't thought of that.

  4. Ahh amazing. Another, don't fix the real problem and enforce EXISTING Laws, ie driver must be under 0.05 BAC, let's just make another law to look like we are doing something and hey, we can make more money in the process in fines.

    I can't imagine this law (passengers can't drink in any car) is going to be popular with the Thai's. Drunk drivers and those high on drugs are the problem, not the mere presence of alcoholic fumes within a car.

    How much more useless can this government get. ?

  5. You can take a Thai girl out of Thailand but you can not take the Thai out of a Thai girl. Interested to know who grabbed the knife first!!!

    Irrespective of who grabbed the knife first, the killer is guilty.

    There is no question about it.

    Guilty of? Was it self defence..? According to the gf..

    "But when they arrived at Mr. Jonis’ room, Mr. Wasan hurried to enter the room and locked the door, and didn’t allow Ms. Jeeranan to enter the room. Ms. Jeeranan heard the noise of quarrelling for approximately 5 minutes. Then Mr. Wasan opened the door with blood all over his body and ran from the room to die in front of the hotel."

    Why did the Thai guy do that....indeed more to the story....and although it ended up with one of them dead, there is obviously a lot we don't know.

    • Like 2
  6. So the samui marathon is in september. Just saw it on Bkk Air. Having a read though something that amazes me is the prizes and how they exclude international competitors from winning prizes, except for other Asians and with the exception of the full marathon.


    Is this usual of the Samui marathon? Under the international group Thai's can also win these places (so it's not an international only group). Amazing really...I can't imagine seeing this elsewhere in the world. (this isn't a Thai racist bashing post, just an amazing observation at blatant separation based on race).

    - the only thing I can think of is that, the international competitors coming are that much fitter and better athletes than Thai's and Asians, that they need to do this to 'allow' Thai's/Asians to win something. Or is there another reason? I would have thought there would be some decent Thai athletes competing at these events anyway??


    Full Marathon (men and women)

    • Overall Champion, Thai and Asian National
      Princess Maha Chakri Sirinthorn’s Cup (replica) and cash prize as listed
    • Overall Winners, Thai and Asian National (2nd – 5th places)
      A cup and cash prize as listed
    • Overall Winners, International (1st - 5th places)
      A cup and cash prize as listed
    • Age Group Winners (Thai and Asian)
      Cash prize as listed. 1st – 3rd place winners will also receive a cup

    Half Marathon (men and women)

    • Overall Winners, Thai and Asian, (1st – 5th places)
      A cup and cash prize as listed
    • Age Group Winners, Thai and Asian
      Cash prize as listed. 1st – 3rd place winners will also receive a cup

    Quarter Marathon (men and women)

    • Overall Winners, Thai and Asian, (1st – 5th places)
      A cup and cash prize as listed
    • Age Group Winners, Thai and Asian
      Cash prize as listed. 1st – 3rd place winners will also receive a cup

  7. just happened to notice this thread had new posts. despite fiddling with my notification settings i dont seem to get emailed about new posts for some reason.


    tertiary education - yes i do have one. if you don't have one you don't qualify for this visa. as mentioned before.

    work permits - according to the thai embassy that issued my visa in canberra, yes you DO need one.

    1 year extension - as mentioned before i was told at the immigration booth in patong that you get a 1 year extension. next time i do my 90 day report i will ask and double check for you. amras i am curious about why you say you can not simply get another year but then say this is what happened to you?

    90 day reporting - yes, i do it

    also im not sure if im understanding this correctly or not but amras are you saying you leave thailand every 3 months to do some kind of visa run or something? if you are, you don't need to with this visa.

    Hi Sikishrory,

    Just noticed you replied.

    Work permits, I asked canberra, they never replied to my email...haha. (so thai :P)

    it's not a 1 year extension, you get a 1 year permission to stay (as opposed to applying for an extension like an ED visa). You are stamped with 1 year from the date of entry. I believe and was told by the embassy that the visa is supposed to give you 1 year (not multi 1 year entries) and if you leave when you return you will be stamped with the original end date of your first entry (regardless of how long you are out). ie you enter first jan 1, valid until dec 31st, you leave in june come back you're 'supposed to' only get stamped until dec 31st your original end date(not a new year). At least thats what the embassy said. My feeling is, it's too complicated as the visa is infrequent, so you just get stamped another year (especially if it's hard to find any stamps that say you have entered using that visa already anyway). It's much easier to just give you another year, stamp done. However I could be wrong and they could have never thought of it and you do simply get a year everytime you enter (but you don't if you use the same visa to go to australia which is the reciprocal of the visa and the rules I would assume would have been equivalent.

    If you are granted a Work and Holiday visa you can:
    • enter Australia at any time within 12 months of the visa grant date
    • stay in Australia for up to 12 months from the date of first entry
    • leave and re-enter Australia any number of times from the 12 months from the date of first entry

    Being Thailand and their immigration systems though, it wouldn't be up to the state of the australian electronic ones, and hence why you get another year. We will see what happens when I come back next month.

    I just happened to have to go back to Australia for various things, do some work, sisters engagement etc. Just the way it worked out, wasn't the plan.

  8. Looks like the slow class of TV was first to comment. Has this not been discussed ad nauseam in the other threads?

    There was no direct naming of a suspect in the false rape allegation. There is no proof that, had it come that far, she would have falsely identified one or more innocent "suspects".

    The entire commotion here appears to be led by men who have been burned by women in their past. Then again, this is the internet where people say such things because they know they'll never be held accountable for what they write.

    Police was notified of an imaginary rape

    The number 3 was used, in connection with 3 imaginary men

    Malicious intent would have been impossible to prove since no actual person has been accused

    That's it.

    Fair punishment would be a fine, maybe a steep one. Then PNG the hell out of her. End of story, and without a jail sentence no chance of a book deal. Enough of a deterrent to make other silly people think twice before running to the police, and very little press.

    Otherwise, let's have an imaginary trial in front of an imaginary judge, with 3 imaginary wrongly accused men, sentence will be an imaginary amount of time in, you guessed it, an imaginary jail. That should satisfy enough TV posters with imaginary lives. Still, give her a real, not imaginary, fine.

    People these days...

    Ahh again, just because people feel she should have to deal with some repercussion for her behavior they are " men who have been burned by women in their past", just a stupid comment really. Got proof?

    She took 2 days to admit it was a lie, why so long. Whatever reason she did it in the beginning, surely by the next day she would have thought shit, maybe I should tell the truth, but she went on with it, wasted 'police time' and caused a media issue with a girl who was rapped in Thailand.

    Surely some people are over the top, with she should serve 10 years etc. But 15 days is nothing and more of a punishment (that she will remember) then a few thousand dollar fine and it will make more of a point to prevent people doing it in the future. (jail vs fine, clearly one is much easier than the other).

    She got a real not imaginary sentence.

    Regardless of whether people were accused of not, she made false allegations and declared them as truth. People need to be responsible for their actions otherwise where do you draw the line. I think her punishment was fitting.

    • Like 1
  9. Amazing. People think they can come to Thailand and do what they want and then not have to accept responsibility. IF she did this in Australia, she would be in serious trouble criminally and, probably also facing a civil defamation case and compensation. 15 days is a lenient sentence.

    But making an appeal she forgets that an appeal judge may also decide her original sentence was too lenient and up it. Hope she considers this.


    Thai-based legal sources said Bamford was being represented by a local lawyer in Phuket but warned that the appeal may lead to the court increasing her sentence by up to two years and forcing her to serve it in an adult prison.

  10. its more than likely, that they took ibuprofen, every painkiller available... they had hours of dieing to go...

    and much pain, they actually seem to have died in cramped positions, unable to relax in any way - till the end...

    this was a horrible dead and as long as possible, they might have taken what had with them.. painkillers, stomach problems, diarrhoe things...

    yes, a lot of drugs in the system... a spin for the dumb...

    I doubt they were overdosing on ibuprofen. As said before it takes a hell of a lot of it to overdose and MOST reasonable educate people know not to od on medication.

    The only thing I can say is I took ibuprofen and travel sickness medication before going on a plane. Dont do that. I was freaking out hallucinating, sweating and thought I was going to die. Only lasted 30 minutes.

    Too many inconsistances with Thai TV, english reports etc, it seems one news for the Thai's (falang od on drugs 'again') and one for the english (accidental food poisoning). I love Thailand, and the people are great, but the politicians and those high up. Much to be desired.

  11. What are these people sucking at the hospital? Is that a treatment for food poisoning, which is common when visiting another country, especially a less developed one ...

    The body has a wonderful and robust defense system against tainted food. Food poisoning that requires hospitalization and/or medical care beyond a simple prescription and some advice, is not a common malady anywhere. I, as well as many other posters to these boards, have traveled extensively in less developed areas and have had plenty of experience with minor tummy issues that required us to remain close to the hong naam (water closet) for a day or two. Call that what you will, but I don't call it food poisoning. But to the best of my knowledge, I am the only one here so far to have experienced serious food poisoning that required professional medical care and that instance occured in a developed country.

    So true.....you will feel like crap for a few days, but most will recover, from memory most who require hospitalisation from food poisoning are usually the old, young or have some type of immune compromisation. The only type of food poisoning that can result in a quick detah is if the food is tainted with bacteria producing a highly toxic endotoxin, like Botulism. It can kill in a matter of hours if the bacteria are present in the food (or days if its ingested spores). Simple to determine if a microbiological examination is done (if it was a bacterial poisoning), 65% of people who ingest botulism will die (it's LD50 (lethal dose at 50% is really low, like only 0.8ug of the stuff will kill an average size person!). It's a neurological toxin though, so doesn't sound like what killed them, but speculation, I haven't seen a lot of Thai's use preserved foods, so food poisoning seems highly unlikely.

    On the news report it said the girls were apparently partying at the full moon party, did I miss that in the original report? Hence the link with drugs....yet this report says food poisoning.

    "Dr Komkrit Phukrittayakami, director of Krabi Hospital, said that from the condition of the bodies, it was likely the deaths were caused by contaminated food, but an autopsy would be required to discover whether this was seafood, mushrooms or chemical substances."

    I can't believe a medical examiner is saying this it jumps to conclusions without any real evidence (or they didn't report it). What supports food poisoning or food poisoning as a cover up for drug poisoning? Don't know what chemical you can add to food that will cause you to die. overdose on MSG?

    Told my dad, if I die in Thailand get my body back to Australia ASAP.

    • Like 1
  12. Amazing that the reports on here say that results will be available in two weeks, yet my gf told me on thai news today they said they girls died having may different substances/chemicals in their body. GO figure.

    We all have different substances/chemicals in our body. Without specifically stating the names of said substances/chemicals that is a totally worthless statement that was made.

    And you would expect anything else from the BiB/Thai news ?....if it does turn out to be some form of "chemical" it will turn out that said chemical is produced by a foreign company, therefore it will be the farang companies fault......sad.png

    Yeh and the problem is they start to believe it, it also stated that they had already done the tests (and had the results) hence there were many different drugs in the body. Led into an argument of me saying can't have the results its not true etc etc. (I studied chemistry and biochemistry so know this from experience as well). Yet, there was still a sense of well the news said it so it might be a possibility (couldn't agree the news was a lie/not the truth).

    Still need to try teach her out of the thai's are right auto defensiveness that Thai's seem to have (and in no way am I bashing Thai's, we all have flaws it's just one thing they seem to 'inherit'). . No different to many outside of Thailand blindly following the media, but seems on a different scale here. Hopefully I can open her eyes one day.

  13. "Saying the show's evening airtime still had many young viewers, hence exposing children to such image and confusing them, Sukumol said parents had to provide guidance about the image because, even with a claim that this was an artistic expression, there should be some limits in presenting it. She said that the program producer must provide explanation and that this inappropriate content should have been cut as the show wasn't live. She said that she personally astonished by the contestant's show in which the topless contestant also turned to the face the camera."

    Ahh yep...but the rest of quality Thai TV is great for children.. :S It's just boobs and not even done to be sexual (well didn't turn me on, but I enjoyed the act)

  14. 1175 dislikes on youtube only 224 likes (would be the opposite if it was done on Aus or US got talent hah). Rather my kids (if I had them) see this than watch god awful thai drama (which does much worse damage). Love Thailand, but some things are so backwards.

  15. Showed the gf, wasn't impressed. Said not good for TV, everyone can see etc. Hmm...differing opinions I guess. From my standpoint, she thought outside the box. Good on her for pushing the boundaries of tha social expectations of behaviour (the west was once like that too and many wouldn't have been able to accept the same things). We all see where Thailand will end up....most Thai's refuse to believe it though.

  16. As you quoted from my post I naturally took it that it was aimed at me. smile.png

    Anyways.......to clarify the point you raised.

    From others experience that have been posted here, it appears that 4-6 months of physically knowing the applicant is the minimum accepted by DIAC. You must have physically met the applicant, as against the "internet relationship" Internet time doesnt count toward knowing the applicant. Knowing the person can be supported by photos (the best proof) etc... Letters and chat history can be considered proof if they refer to physical meetings in the content.

    Probably a good idea anyway, but in my case I knew her 2 months (so can't be a 'minimum') maybe just a general guide? Depends on the situation.

    There is no need to declare a relationship for a tourist visa as it is a visa for family and friends. Declaring a relationship leaves DIAC with the option of saying " You should be applying for a partner visa not a tourist visa" on future applications for tourist visas. This has occurred in the past and can take a bit of getting around not to mention delaying the application process

    Not declaring but showing the relationship is genuine is what I was getting at, ie so they are sure she isn't going for any other reason then a visit to friends/you/your family/ holiday etc. I didn't think there was a partner visa (for defacto relationships). Only fiance visa and partner ie being married? Relationship does not have to equal either. Saying you're going to get married/engaged I know is bad and hence they say you should apply for a fiance visa etc. I remember reading that too and those were denied because they said, 'they plan on getting engaged/married in the future'. Saying you have a genuine ongoing relationship is not the same.

    As far as income is concerned, If the application is a stand alone one then the applicant will need to show that they have sufficient funds. If the applicant is being supported then money in the bank and income becomes less critical. My own partner showed no income and no funds as I fully supported her, no problems. Stacking a bank account can actually raise a flag with DIAC that the application may be questionable. If the applicant is being supported then the support person will need to show evidence of income (not money in the bank), this could be by payslips or tax return notice, if payslips are used they usually like to see 6 months worth, I presume because it shows continuous employment.

    Agreed. Don't know what I will do this time as I have been living in Thailand for the last year. Hmm.

    Family issues as a reason to return are generally not accepted as they know that a lot of the applicants will go and work in the city or tourist areas and leave children at home in the villages for months at a time in the care of parents etc or leave sick rellies in the care of others....their view is that if the applicant can do that then overstaying on a tourist visa wouldnt be an issue for the applicant.

    Good point and I guess could be taken both ways (ie cannot work on tourist visa so needs to return to work and financial support, but also could think the

    reverse and a reason to work ont he tourist visa, tricky one).

    Problem is there are no guidelines, so it's all guess work from those approved and those denied (yet I would guess in most cases we don't know the full story of those denied).

    Hope that assists.

  17. I only know about the date thing because that's what the embassy in Australia said. There is no information on it anywhere about the length of stay and 'approval and length of stay will be giving at the immigration point' would mean that what ever you get stamped in for thats the length of stay you get.

    I cannot imagine an immigration officer looking through your passport to see what dates your stamps are. Then again if you only have two, it's quiet easy to see (so maybe?). If you got many, it makes it pretty hard.

    I've emailed the embassy and consulate in aus to ask them re 90 day reporting AND work permit. Will update when they reply. But I do see your point (notification for staying over 90 days (and is not an extension of stay). Maybe I was just under 90 days.

  18. Don't want to bring up an old thread but added info (in the existing thread) might help people for the future.

    I got one of these from Aus end of last year as well. Took months to process (was during election time) so got my passport back at the time and went on double tourist visa, came back to aus and it was ready (6 months later). Got added to my passport and then went in November. The real information.

    - The normal thai immigration officials sometimes don't know what it is (get confused) but the supervisor WILL know what it is, so they just ask (entered twice on this already)

    - It is valid for 1 year, but I never knew of the 90 day reporting (I am checking on this). But, you are not on an extension of stay you are just on a long admitted to stay so you still need to leave before the valid until date (90 day reporting is for those on extensions of stay correct? They would already be past their single entry permitted to stay to date, not the same situation). I also stayed over 3 months on my first entry, no problem leaving at the airport. You would probably get blank stares doing your reporting and them getting confused about your visa type.

    - You cannot simply get another year, but you might be lucky. The way the visa is supposed to work is you get 1 year from the first time you enter, if you leave you don't need a re-entry permit (it is a multi) but when you re-enter thailand you get stamped with the original valid until date. Saying this, it never happened and I got stamped a new year the second time I entered (but my stamps are all over the place). See what happens when I go back in a few months.

    - Work permit, I don't 'think' you need one (who would go through the trouble of applying for a permit to employ someone for 3 months). I am checking on this though and will update when I know. The last I did remember though, you could only work for an employer for 3 months (not 6 as like in Aus).

    Hope this helps. And you DO need a tertiary qualification, if the OP got one without it he was lucky (or forgetting he has ;) ) It is IN the list of requirements and one of the documents you need to submit when applying for it.



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