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Posts posted by Amras

  1. Nisa, I dont really understand your post. If a young girl goes to dinner with a man. She is then offered a lift home but is instead beaten and raped; exactly where is the confusion??? TBH is their anyone on here who has lived here for a number of years and hasnt heard of something very similar happening before? The only difference here is the Father has very cleverly utilised online media to get this story out, I hope the message continues to spread, along with the story about the British couple who were attacked and stabbed in the resort. Anyone who has ever been to Ao Nang knows the Police are non existent!!

    I think you're missing the point Nisa was making. It doesn't appear as if the police have done anything wrong, or covered it up (from the facts presented). People often change their pleas after speaking with a lawyer or whatnot (this also happens in the west). He is not charged with murder (which would not receive bail), but with sexual assault. Nothing said he was even charged with violent sexual assault (as another poster above said).

    He is presumably going to appear in court and has always been on that path. So I agree with Nisa, besides this idiotic politicians comments (of which he may know jack about the actual facts, which wouldn't be a first), what have they done wrong. He got bail and the father is pissed about that, but he is still going to appear before a judge and the courts in time.

  2. This is a very smart campaign, hitting the Thais in the pocket where it hurts them. It is the only way to get their attention that "civilized' people do not tolerate crap like this.bah.gifThere is a increase in violent crime including, rapes and stabbings from groups of youth in gangs on scooter motorbikes who seem either untouchable by the police or the police have no interest in stopping their crime spree. The other problem is the the local courts and judicial system is ineffective with the violent criminals when they are caught. source

    I have noticed many people commenting on the Youtube vid asking people to boycott Krabi and contacting tourist operators and letting them know why they are going to other places.

    It's not a campaign, it's a understandable angry father's outcry, who's daughter was a victim of a severe crime. Civilized people...read the end of this post and just compare the rape stats worldwide. Your source isn't worth anything from that statement, it's an opinion of some blog. Hold's no weight at all.

    I hope that this is truly the tip of the iceberg. The western world has little reference on the actual conditions that prevail in Thailand. Travel agencies do little dilligence and foreign embassys are sickening with regard to the pc manner that they sweep shit under the carpet.

    Thailand has a civil war going on in the South, Extensive drug and weapons smuggling on most of its north and North Eastren borders. In all of the high profile toursit areas like Phuket,Bangkok and Pattaya, local and foreign Mafia and corrupt police control and orchestrate no end of vilonce, crime and extorsion. For those visiting these incidents seem like a one off occurance but for those of us living here they are a day to day event to which we become indIferent and often blase.

    There is little accountability for Government or authorities and it will stay the same unless we can hit them where it hurts.

    In think what this Dutch father has done is commendable and the more videos pertaing to crimes against tourist that can become viral on the internet the better. It is time the outside world came to know the true Thailand and the massive fallacy of how they promote themselves to potential visitors.

    Krabi was as Hua Hin , one of the more sedate and pristine destination for familys and those who wished to enjoy Thailand without the vilonce, sex and debauchery aspect which is truly the only Hub this Nation can currently elude too.

    Over the past few years this has been eroded as greed, corruption and disregard and distain for any form of law becomes common place .. This can oly happen in Krabi under the same conditions that it happens in Pattaya. The inmates run the institution. These groups could not operate with impunity nor would an individual such as a rapist if they felt that they could not deal with what has to pass as police in this country.

    Sorry, but I live in Bangkok day in and day out and NEVER come across this sort of stuff. You make Bangkok (Phuket is a different story) sound like a crime central city, where you are not safe to go anywhere at night. This is just not true. The crimes against visitors are bad, but don't forget Thai's experience this as well. How about saying all crimes need to be fixed and stop dividing tourists and Thai's and forgetting that Thai's (especially middle and low class) get screwed every day by the legal system.

    Over the last few years dozens of foreign women have been raped and some killed. The Thai men don't give a flying <deleted> about foreigners. The Thai police aren't capable of dealing with this properly. Do they really care? Women must travel in pairs - anywhere - anytime. Maybe the 20 year old German girl who lost her right hand thumb in a knife attack in Krabi only a few months ago and this Dutch guy can sing a duet about how dangerous Thailand is.

    Tourists are such an easy target, in a foreign country, so far from home. They return home robbed, shattered and abused with very little likelihood that they will return and testify against the perpetrator of the crime. It just so hard for them.

    And we have to remember that normal law abiding Thais are also the victim of similar violent crimes too.

    Those Thai men that do these crimes also don't give a f*** about Thai women as well. I agree with your point that people are acting like this stuff only happens to foreigners, the truth is it doesn't and happens to us less than it happens to Thai's. Ask a Thai and they will tell you everything about Thailand, police etc and it's all from experience against them. It is not one side, out to get foreigners all the time.

    And not belittling the fact this is a serious and horrible crime, which it is. How about some comparisons, since so many people here are acting like Thailand is the only place and worst place this happens in the world.

    UN statistics for recorded rapes in 2010.

    Thailand was at 4636 (6.9 per 100,000) (you can imagine that most of unreported rapes occur in low income areas, country etc) so these statistics would likely cover, Bangkok and major tourist areas.

    Rape in the US 84,767 reported cases at 27.3 per 100,000, UK had 16,000 (28.8 per 100,000).

    I can't imagine that 80,000 cases in Bangkok are going unreported and just comparing it to the US, rape is much much more frequent there. Besides the fact that in Thailand, if you want to get off, it's pretty easy without needing to resort to rape.

    Some perspective is always good, considering this forum is full of many Thai bashing individuals. This particular guy is a absolute horrible human being, there is no doubt about it. but one or a dozen bad eggs, shouldn't mean people want to go out and bash the rest of the country.

    How would people feel if I read the above UN figures and said, wow American's are a bunch of rapists...the police and government really need to tackle that problem. I am never going there.

    I'm sure it would push a few buttons.........

    There are bad individuals everywhere in the world, it doesn't matter if they are Thai, American, Australian etc. It's part of the variation in human nature.

    Could those claiming this is a Thai issue, leave the Thai part out and just discuss how bad of an individual this guy is. We all know Thai courts aren't the best, but even in the west, there can be waits of a year or more for some legal proceedings. It's not as if it would be dealt with in a week. The legal system just isn't that dynamic.

  3. Maybe the could hurry up and open up Google Checkout for Thailand then, that woudl help. They'll let you spend money with Google Wallet but will not let Thai business collect money via Google Checkout. Very painful for SME in Thailand wanting to sell goods and services online to the world.

    You can't even use Google Checkout in Australia, or anywhere outside the US/UK. So it's going to be a long time before it comes to Thailand. There are other options, but not a lot. Paypal is obviously the universally available one, but I only use it where it's needed (catch 22 with Paypal). There is a online gateway based in Malaysia that is connected with the SCB which you can use.

    But true, options are limited...but that's because the market need to grow. There needs to be the demand.

    I hate Google and their obligatory annual search algorythm changes.

    I wish someone would crash their system and destroy them.

    It's needed to stop/hinder people gaming the system by 'cheating' with their SEO. Google updates the algorithms to enhance the quality of information for the searcher, which is trying to get it to be better and of higher quality. I see nothing wrong with that....and neither do most people...except those who were 'gaming' the system and got hit and then complained. None of my website have been adversely affected, because we do everything the right way.

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  4. So many people bashing so much? I think most forget that the majority of Thai's (that don't work for large multi nationals) work 6 day weeks (or have only 2 days off per month), it varies depending on the company and industry.

    Add in 9 hour days plus long commute times and I think the article reflects what it is (but missed the vital commuting time issue). In my large condo where I live, which is a little outside central Bangkok, most people return home from works between 7.30-8:30. Taking into consideration the probably left at 7:00 in the morning (to start work at 8am), that's a dam_n long day. 12 hour days 6 days a week for the usually average wage of 10-15,000 baht a month (again depending on years experience, industry etc etc).

    They aren't the most worked people in the world....but I think it's fair to say they do spend a lot of time away from the home. And that's the point the OP was making.

  5. Recently did this and the rules for Bangkok and other provinces are different.

    Most regional (ie outside Bangkok) immigration offices will provide a certificate of residency for a fee (CM 500 baht). I'm assuming as there is no embassy in these locations.

    Bangkok will only provide you with a certificate of residency IF you have previously done a 90 day reporting (doesn't matter if you have a non-immigration visa or not), they say it cannot be done unless you have done a 90 day report previously (as you are then IN the system).

    Your only option in Bangkok is to go to your embassy and get a statutory declaration with your address on it and signed by them. I just used this method to get my license as I had not done my 90 day report yet.

  6. Public Health Ministry deputy permanent-secretary Dr Apichai Mongkol said the body releases dopamine hormones when a person is addicted to games, in a similar fashion to being addicted to drugs.

    There is absolutely no reliable evidence for this. I can't believe public health officials get away with espousing this sort of politically-motivated hokum.

    Here comes the TV sofa experts again. I am sure you are qualified to speak on this. There are a lot of studies done that support this. Playing video games releases dopamine in the brain. Doing drugs releases Dopamine in the brain. What is so hard to comprehend about this?

    Yes anything pleasurable can release dopamine, so does going to the gym for some exercise. The debate is whether or not you can become addicted to this activity and to what degree. I would say I am addicted to exercising, in the sense that if I don't do it for any length of time I don't feel as energetic, alert, good etc etc, so I do want to do it. So the same would go for gaming for many people...they derive pleasure from doing it...the same could be said about sex.

    However, there is a vast difference between that and addiction from drugs (as the OP originally compared) and this is where your facts are incorrect.

    Pleasurable activities cause dopamine to be released. Drugs on the other hand, prevent the re-uptake of neurotransmitters, which allows the build up of dopamine, resulting in higher levels in the body and an excited feeling of well being. This is why you 'come down' off drugs, you don't 'come down' off playing games or exercising, because the levels are only what your body could normally allow to be produced, a NORMAL state of high so to speak.

    There is a BIG difference between the two and you cannot compare them as the OP did.

    (How do I know.?..not from Google, but from years of study in Biomedical Science and Biochemistry).

    'tominbkk' said

    "Exactly, look at how often people with downs syndrome or other mental ailments play the part of buffoons in TV shows. Thai parents also normally turn a blind eye to mental instability or autism. Lacking support for his sickness, the parents probably found it easier to park him in front of a computer to get hi out of their hair."

    You have a very valid point about turning a blind eye but I don't believe it to the be the case in this situation if we are to believe the reports he became enraged because he couldn't play with the computer and mom's nagging about doing choirs.

    As for using the mentally ill to play buffoons on TV, not sure I have witnessed such a thing here or back home but am sure it has happened but I can't recall an instance but can recall shows where folks with mental issues play folks with mental issues and sometimes it can involve comedy just as it does with other actors on the show.

    This is true...but I don't think it's completely their fault. There's no education on mental illnesses here as there is now in the west. Think even 20-30 years ago and people were still affraid for the stigma associated with mental illness back home (west). Thailand still is in this period of lack of education and understanding (of the general population) on mental illness and there is the stigma attached with 'being crazy' which gets lumped together for those mentally ill.

    No 'normal' child would kill because they aren't allowed to do something...regardless of how long it was denied.

  7. I'm just gob-smacked at the number of TV armchair doctors, pediatricians and neurologists that insist there is no cure for autism.

    Just like there is no cure for cancer, aids, and a myriad of other "incurable' conditions which have in fact been cured completely if you'd care to do some research on it!

    The world is flat and the sky is falling!

    When did they develop a cure for cancer, or aids/HIV?

    There has been some research on angioplastins for cancer treatment which seems to work frequently, but only for certain cancers and it's not a miracle one fits all cure (only works in specific situations).

    HIV? Never heard of one.

    Or are you confusing treatment (ie reducing viral load in HIV positive patients to help prevent onset of AIDS) with 'cure'.

    But then I must have wasted a year working at a top cancer institute in Australia (As a scientist) to miss the fact they cured cancer already, according to yourself.

    Care to share your sources?

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  8. Public Health Ministry deputy permanent-secretary Dr Apichai Mongkol said the body releases dopamine hormones when a person is addicted to games, in a similar fashion to being addicted to drugs.

    There is absolutely no reliable evidence for this. I can't believe public health officials get away with espousing this sort of politically-motivated hokum.

    I found this article:

    Appears to support the claims of public health officials. But then just one study....


    Dopamine has been connected to both behaviours—each involve chasing a high, whether naturally induced or chemically. As well, drug addiction can be classified as a high-risk behaviour. Studies have shown that sensation seeking, the constant need for stimulation, and drug or alcohol abuse involves the same reward system in the brain.

    Sorry, but I think you miss-read that article and it's findings. It was talking about people with a naturally higher level of dopamine (base line) who require greater stimulation (ie people who are risk takers) compared to those with lower base levels and are more easily 'get a high' (So to say).

    It also means it 'could' lead to addictive behaviours ie drugs and gambling, which are known addictive behaviors.

    It does not mention gaming at all, and gaming doesn't produce the same risk to reward ratio that taking drugs does, or gambling does. Can it be exciting yes, of course. But I've never met, or read about anyone who gets 'high' off playing a game.

    The FACT is, this boy seems to have an ongoing mental issue and instead of accepting and acknowledging that Thai's (not Thai bashing) are also susceptible to these sad illnesses that the rest of the world is, they push it away and blame it on some external factor that there is no proof of.

    Sure people who play games have done some crazy things (as other's have highlighted) but the gaming population around the world is huge, so you would expect the same issues (violence etc) that occur in the general population in this subset. For those cases the gaming is just an external trigger and if it wasn't for the game, they would have been triggered by something else.

    Do some people take gaming way to seriously...yep....are they medically addicted to it though...I would say no more than any other activity that people become passionate about, fitness, working, etc etc.

    In some way we all have slight addictions to something, but that doesn't mean we are physically addicted as you become with drugs etc.

  9. These surveys/polls are a joke, as pointed out in a previous post Bangkok ranked 5th in world for best taxi service, in this poll it was 'knocked down' on transportation?

    Obviously Customer Service was not taken into account, neither was the 'Sitting behind counter picking nose', 'I am brushing my hair and putting on my make-up' and the 'I am on the phone to my friend you can wait' categories.

    The city's ranking was boosted by the wide availability international brands in its stores and long sales seasons.

    I will concede that there are 'branded' shops like Timberland, Lacoste, Clarks however unless you have a 32" chest and 30" waist and feet below a size 10 you are out of luck!

    If you are fortunate enough to be of Asian build you will be paying up to at least 50% more than in the West.

    The reason for the long 'sale season' is predominately because the goods are initially over priced and are of sub standard quality, and cant be sold.

    Absolute rubbish...except the customer service stuff...but even that varies in Australia (as an example).

    As to pricing and quality, quality is similar to that from Australia and prices for 'label' stuff is cheaper here than Australia as well. Everything label wise in department stores is around half the price in Aus. So either Australia is vastly more expensive than the rest of the world, or Thailand isn't that expensive. (some exceptions).

    Then you have small 'designer/boutique' labels, people branching out on their own, designing their own clothes etc and these are 30-50% the cost of similar things in Aus (and there is always variable quality everywhere).

    How is it 50% more than the west. I see the complete opposite.........and I would be counted as a frequent shopper (both now and when I was living in Aus).

  10. what i can see is that any university degree in whatever useless direction (geography, history, arts) is more important when you apply for a job than somebody with a high school education, 10 years of proven expertise autiodidact

    face, face, face

    Exactly...such a major problem. Girlfriend had to quit university after 2 years due to (unfortuante) family reasons. Luckily was employed by a family friend in the event planning industry. Has had three years experience now, managed a team etc etc, but it's worth nothing because...oh no degree. A degree without experience is worth more than years of experience on the job, here.

    It's amazing rubbish and shows how positions are filled with people lacking in skills. I still don't understand their thinking....and guess I never will.

  11. Might not have been one thing...possibly they were taking/on 'something' AND drinking this stuff with DEET? Chemical reactions can be very unpredictable and especially when mixing drugs, or poisons or things together (they can often antagonize the other, making the toxicity higher). The problem is trying to link the two together is extremely difficult and a coroner won't be able to do it without extensive testing (and even then it's speculation). Maybe they indulged too much and just unfortunately mixed the wrong things....sad..but a possibility....if that's the case, no one will know the exact cause of death.

  12. I was doing a little research last year and found that Thailand has a per capita murder rate that is 2X that of the "wild west, gun crazy" USA. Considering Thailand is supposed to be the most Buddhist nation on earth, how is this fact reconciled?

    Actually Thailand and the US are very similar (4.8 and 4.5 per 100,000 respectively). Australia has very low murder rates though at 1 per 100,000. Here it will have to do with excessive drinking and easy access to weapons. US still have easy access to weapons, not sure what there drinking stats are though. Weapons are strictly controlled in Australia...coincidence?

    Map of murder rates worldwide.

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  13. Anyone know of the FDA link referring to the cosmetic or medical products that are legal in Thailand? My girlfriends friend went to a place near Silom and they had a Korean botox. Just wondering how close they regulate stuff like that here.


    Why would the FDA have anything to do with Thailand. It's a US medical board.

    I would be sticking to the major hospitals and do research on the net before hand. It might cost more, but its injecting poison into your face, the money is worth reducing the risk of complications. Remember in Thialand, just because the company may be registered, doesn't mean a particular person working there has had proper training.

    Much less likely to come across this at an international hospital. You get what you pay for...anywhere.

    Oh, indeed Brumrungrad. Read the horror stories about that place. You do realise that every doctor they have has his own practise outside for 1/2 the price? Have a friend who works there, it is a pure money gouging exercise.

    Your best bet, is to befriend a smart well educated Thai, and ask them who they go to. Found my wife's gynachologist that way, the bloke was trained at U.Penn 30 years ago and is on the reproductive research committees for the UN. Working out of a very basic clinic in town, whilst all the newbies in their plush brand new clinics with 6 months experience.

    Bad stories everywhere...not matter what hospital you go to.....hence why you need to do research for a specific doctor. The hospital equates to cost of paying for the facilities provided like any private hospital world wide. Of course it always depends on who the doctor is anywhere. Thank god we have the internet hey. :) There are a few very good surgeons at Brumrungrad (but agree I have read some bad ones also).

    The sad truth is everyone needs experience, but understandably people don't want to let the newer doctors/surgeons treat them. So how do they get that experience. A problem I don't think there is an answer for.

  14. Anyone know of the FDA link referring to the cosmetic or medical products that are legal in Thailand? My girlfriends friend went to a place near Silom and they had a Korean botox. Just wondering how close they regulate stuff like that here.


    Why would the FDA have anything to do with Thailand. It's a US medical board.

    I would be sticking to the major hospitals and do research on the net before hand. It might cost more, but its injecting poison into your face, the money is worth reducing the risk of complications. Remember in Thialand, just because the company may be registered, doesn't mean a particular person working there has had proper training.

    Much less likely to come across this at an international hospital. You get what you pay for...anywhere.

  15. Better to start when the trend is in its infancy and not yet ingrained in the mindset as is the case in the countries high on the list. However, as mentioned before, it's all about face. Perhaps is has nothing to do with changing ones looks as it does with being able to say: "See, I can afford all this surgery and these procedures and you can't".

    Maybe...yet if an 'educated' western countries are doing this (and they can do research etc) then the only thing probably stopping more Thais do it (like the Koreans) is money.

    The again...it's also an inividuals life and what they choose to do with it, should be entirely up to them. If one person thinks it's wrong, that's their choice and opinion where as another could feel the complete opposite.

    For me personally, as long as they are informed and aware of risks, complications etc, then I would support them. Again it's their choice. However, not being able to access the information, being mislead and all those things is a big danger and that is wrong. I have no problems with people 'enhancing' their looks etc IF they are aware, informed and make a proper non rash decision. Not everyone was born with natural beauty and its a bit ahh elitist (from those with to those without) to say that people should not strive to be better (in their eyes), whether that is muscle tone, body fat, boobs etc.

    The difference with being a male is that everything for us can be obtained other ways...want to not be fat, exercise your arse off, want muscle, start working out. There are always other options, even if it's really frikin hard. Plus we have the benefit of looks aren't the most important quality (in a sense). For women its the opposite, looks are important at a primal level...and hence why everyone WANTS to look perfect, beautiful etc.

    Society just moves with what we are designed to promote...men intelligence, success, strong and muscular, support....women, looks, good carer, looks (that's the way it is).

    But the same old adage always applies...moderation. Just like men go overboard using steroids, some women will just keep doing too much.

    Who doesn't want to be perfect... :)

  16. That this is an issue does not surprise me when I consider the amount of ignorance spread among Thais in the public sector as well as the marketing and services sector. This would include providers who offer the services and products, as well as the consumers. As a caveat, I limit this to those who have no education beyond what Thailand has to offer, hence no self-awareness and conscientiousness towards others, which developed nation's cultures are imbued with. Here, it is face and face only; forget self-awareness and conscientiousness towards others.

    The point of this rant is to describe that I am absolutely convinced that 99% of any Thai who seeks a service or product has absolutely no idea of what they are getting into with regards to the quality and reliability of the product or service. There is no research into the product, procedures, terminology; and certainly no consideration of anything beyond the glory and joy they are enchanted with and that captivates their minds while thinking on that thing. Imagine the thrill of parading their new nose whilst driving their new D-Max crew cab (all purchased on credit or borrowed) before returning to the anonymity and doldrums of their filthy heap to await another day

    They consume greedily because of their compulsive emotions outwardly and convincingly dominate that one singular synapse, and they become incapacitated until the urge is satisfied; or they do it because the herd does it; herd-mindedness. There is no other reason they do the things they do beyond these two factors as far as my research has shown. Nearly everyone seems to bring their entire family income to bear on appearance only, and almost all of them, to a man, woman and child forego any thought towards savings for a future of education, insurance or a rainy day. Count the Isuzu's in grey and black on the road. Count the similarity of shops lined up side by side on any Soi. Count the chaotic, merging stream of traffic that never relents to opposing traffic, and so on. The urge to get ahead, cut corners, appear superior, appear more beautiful, pious and so on is uppermost in these minds.

    The average service and product provider is just as ignorant of what they do as is the consumer. One hour on the Internet can arm one with enough information to ask one or two legitimate questions about the product or service that will absolutely confuse or anger the seller or provider of the goods. Their knowledge of the services and products are limited to the brochure or what the herd says, or what they were taught to mimic with absolute celerity and precision; but only as long as nothing goes awry of what they were taught to mimic. If that happens, all bets are off and they short circuit, as technological problem solving skills are not part of their curriculum, and mimicking is the only means to their skills. When this happens, it is not below them to lie, veil or eliminate their guilt and ignorance with shows of innocence, shock or remorse. They will stoop grovel to any level to clear their face of any wrong-doing and expend any amount of energy, time and resource to bring about vindication from their failures and ignorance... all to the cost of the consumer who trusted their marketing, nifty showroom or office, and permanent pressed suits and costumes.

    So, it comes as no surprise to me that the risk factors come at a high cost to the ignorant consumer's health, wealth and security, as practically no one has any idea what they are doing beyond the scope of mimicking each other in their respective demographics.

    The consumers mimic the herd, or relent to their childish impulses. The providers mimic what they were taught or what they saw someone do successfully and proudly market the degrees they got after cheating on their exams. It's all good when you walk through the door, yeah?

    It's all about face. Face has always been here, but the new introduction of credit lending is simply fanning that glowing coal into flames of possibility, whereas before grandma (as a young thing) could only spare a few moments in the day to dream of a new nose, a whiter vagina, or a D-Max crew cab and a matching suit with accessories to go to 7-11.

    You have a few good points about Thai's probably not researching things before hand, yet there will be a percentage that do. However, I think most of the other stuff is a bit over the top. We all succumb to impulsive consumerism and 'keeping up with the joneses' (that phrase wasn't coined from Thais). Just look at the state of the CC debt (and household debt) in every country, it's massive. Unfortunately consumerism is what makes the world economy go round. Thai's aren't unique to this, its a systemic problem in society as a whole.

    But without the fault of the Thai's, that's why we have medical registered boards for ensuring proper treatment, but even that can not stop problems and complications. Just have a read on the net and see how many (as an example) breast enlargements in the WEST are stuffed up, have problems etc etc.

    Crappy medical services. cosmetic or otherwise and crappy practitioners aren't just limited to Thailand. It's a problem worldwide by those unscrupulous people trying to save some money at the risk of the patients they are offering the service too (or just outright laziness and lack of care).

    If you honestly believe outside Thailand non of this happens...you really need to open your eyes at how convincing marketing in the west is and how subtle and subconscious it can be.

  17. What probably is needed is a "Self Esteem Transplant".

    Here, we have women with beautiful natural features, whose low self esteem allows them to be coerced by cosmetic industry advertising into believing they are ugly and in need of change. So, they undergo unhealthy procedures to change themselves into what someone else tells them is beautiful. The result is a population of women with disproportionate sized breast and hips, and a face that makes them look like they are in an Adam's Family movie.

    A message to the women of Thailand...If it ain't broken, don't fix it!!!

    Same everywhere, with all people. Its a factor of TV, magazines etc. Thailand's nothing compared to South Korea.

    Compared to women elsewhere, who get fake tans to look like an oompa loompa, same surgery, same creams. Didn't you see that post (in another thread) of number of people per population that get plastic surgery? Thailand was far down the list, lower than America, Australia, other asian nations. Quite interesting. I think we should stop preaching to the Thai's andif you want to preach start with the other countries we come from first.


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  18. Apparently

    Step 1 - Hire more officers

    Step 2 - Train said officers

    Step 3 - Make sure all immigration counters are manned, all the time

    is too difficult of a plan for these mouth breathing idiots...

    This article and other articles I have read indicates it's more a problem of finding staff who want this job as opposed to not wanting to have enough.

    I wouldn't want to do it. It is a pretty crappy job having to put up with shitty people who get grumpy of queues after a long flight (and other nationailities that are just plain rude all the time). Especially if the pay is crap as well.

  19. If you want to avoid the delays fly business or first and you get in the fast track lanes both in and out. Or if you are still working and are a citizen of one of the APEC countries (basically those round the Pacific rim including SE and East Asia, Eastern Pacific (US, Canada, Central and South America, AUS and NZ ) you can get an APEC Business traveller card which includes a visa for those countries where you may need one (no need for a visa application every time) and also fast track at most airports even traveling economy class. The card costs $A200 (not sure about other countries) for 3 years but you can save by not having to pay visa fees.You get 90 days in Thailand on arrival. In the US and Canada you can get in fast tracks but still have to go through the on line and card process. The place I use the card most is my own country, Australia, where the queues can be as bad as anywhere and there are no "cute" immigration staff!

    APEC cards are VERY VERY hard to get now (from Australia). You need to have a million dollar turnover (or something along those lines) and only a certain number per business (and top management staff). They realised people were abusing it, so cracked down on it. If you fall into those guidlines, great, but if you don't your renewal will be difficult (and new applications even more so).

    So not an option for the everyday small business owner now.

    Anyone thinking it would take 30 minutes to pass from there is dreaming, likely more than 3hrs, never mind 2.

    ...so now it is up to 3 hours? Brilliant.

    I would love to view the actual CCTV footage, from the time someone arrives at the back of the queue, until they reach the immigration counter - for these 2-3 hour waits... They must be a rare occurrence

    In all the times I've come between here and Australia over the last 3 years, I've never waited longer than about 30-40mins (and that was once). Average time is about 10-20mins. Oh little tip, most airlines arrive on one side of the airport, so all people go to the first immigration area they see. Last time, the line was huge, so I kept walking a few hundred meters to the second immigration area and wow, NO ONE there. Got through in about 5 mins. So make that walk, it will likely be less busy as tourists don't know there are two immigration areas.

    It's not just Thailand, many countries, including ultra-modern hi-tech Singapore, still have landing cards.

    But in this day and age when all passports are scanned and information readily available, I do wonder why?

    Though which other countries make their own citizens fill out these cards? Genuine question, I don't know.

    In Australia everyone must still fill in a card because it has quarantine information on it, so yes as a Citizen I still fill it in.

    Why do they need them, Thailand guess would be your initial point of stay but more likely an arrival card means all the information is ALWAYS in the same place (imagine how long it would take to examin different passports work out where the information is, find it, type it in etc etc.

    Immigration cards are standard, so reduce the processing time (when people fill them in correctly).

  20. nearly half a million views of the confrontation between the plaintiff and defendant on YouTube


    Was she wearing a microphone? It seems you can only hear her voice.

    That's just like a Thai Soap Opera..

    Another completely hot headed Thai Woman (and not trying to Thai bash, its just the truth). Thai women (many) will scream, raise their voice, shout to make a scene to prove a point or for any reason.

    And I blame Thai TV and the rubbish like Lakorn for this, which shows the girls on the show acting like this every time I see it. Saying as if that behaviour is ok and acceptable as a 'woman' and an adult.

    Don't like what someone says about you...scream, shout, create a commotion. Because it's much harder to just think, what an idiot and walk off and continue on with your life. So much for Jai Yen Yen.

  21. I'd say the misdiagnosis is a matter of numbers and financial economics. Especially in the west where health care is covered by the government. Unfortunately this means that every single patient can't have a blood work up done when common collective symptoms suggest it is 75% x which should be treated the standard way for that disease. Only if initial treatment doesn't have any effect will testing then be done.

    Is this the best way...probably not, is it the only way to ensure that the financial cost of providing medical and health services doesn't become unmanageable, probably. Imagine if every single patient was to have blood work, microbiological tests every time before a diagnosis. The costs would be unimaginable.

    Then there is the problem of symptoms which many diseases can present very similar symptoms and then the rarity of certain diseases/conditions. It's purely a numbers game, the amount of time doctors have per patient to offer advice and treatment options etc etc. As unfortunate as it is, there's no real other way.

  22. giggle.gifcheesy.gifw00t.gif Love this planet. Where else in the entire universe? Right?

    Umm, everywhere in the west where these creams have been sold for many many many years already. Because believe it or not, even 'white girls' can face darkening down there, which they might feel is a turn off personally.

    Shame when you try to be smart, but end up looking un-knowledgeable and stupid? Sorry, but bit tired of the many stupid comments in this thread.

    key words mate: Planet / Universe, helps to read the post when you try to be smart. Its a good way to avoid looking stupid.

    Thanks. If you look back about two posts AFTER my original post, I noticed my error in reading and apologised....unless you didn't see that and wanted to flame me even AFTER I admitted my mistake.

  23. Lack of sunlight is a contributing factor to the collapse of the immune system, blindess, dementia, and many other health problems, it is also a contributing factor in multiple sclerosis which is a horrible way to die. Avoiding sunlight in Thailand generally means avoiding daylight altogether, which as a lifestyle choice is as dangerous as smoking or heavy drinking. Quite why Thai girls want to look pale and sickly is beyond me, and I hope that the fashion changes before too many of them get genuinely sick.

    Which is due to Vitamin D deficiency and a high proportion of Americas (and other western countries) also suffer from it (especially those countries that don't have a lot of full sunlight). Vitamin D supplementation is now becoming more and more important and as an anti oxidant seems to be an actual wonder supplement.

    Get on it even if you think you get enough sunlight. AND it works much better to combat a cold or flu then Vitamin C does. Try it....

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