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Posts posted by patongphil

  1. Anyone have any knowledge/experience of this. I had my knee reconstructed in Singapore a few years ago and it looks like I may have done it again so am looking for any possibilities here without having to flog off to Singapore again.

  2. I my opinion your experience is 100% the opposite as mine.

    For 1 person whose is not happy there are 99 people who are very happy with the new system.

    And for stopping giving out tickets at 14:00 i think this very hard to believe as many times i received a ticket after 15:00 without any problem.

    Yes you are right that the boss is most of the time back later then 13:00 but that is fact of live which you can except or not.

    I have to do a marriage extension once a year and believe me i wish i was 50 so i could use the retirement as it is 100 x easier. ( i count the whole day for my extension)

    You have always people who are not happy but i think it improved 100% compared to before.

    merijn I did not post this op to tell everyone a bunch of lies, I don't know when you were last at

    Phuket immigration office but I can assure you today the ticket guards stopped issuing tickets at

    2 pm sharp and made sure everyone in the office knew about, if you were already in the system,

    as I was today then you can get a second or third ticket after 2pm but you cannot get an initial

    ticket after 2pm whether you believe it or not it's a fact. smile.png

    Maybe there was something special and the office closed early ? Happened before.

    As i was not there i don't it off-course but as i said before i never had any problems to get a ticket after 15:00 and i go to the office a few times a month.

    Please don't take it as a offence as i don't know you but i noticed on several occasions that the volunteers where treated as garbage by the costumers.

    Things like throwing the papers to them and demanding them to fill in the application forms as they are to lazy.

    Or pretending to have all the paperwork ready and demanding a ticket only later to be send back to them by the officer as they don't have the correct paperwork or form.

    I don't think that the volunteers are perfect but it is lot better as the mad house from before and in general i think that most are happy with them.

    I am curious merijn why you would be going to the immigration office " a few times a month " regarding visa

    issues?? blink.png

    And the office was not closing early today, they stop issueing initial tickets everyday at 2pm, not just today.


    Maybe he "works" there!!

  3. Have to say that my annual extension last month was the smoothest ever due to the ticketing system. For sure the volunteers need to have a rumage through your paperwork, but only to make sure you have all the paperwork and copies to prevent gumming up the works when you reach the officer. I for one was quite happy with the new system, not that it was any quicker, just saves the jostling to get the next vacant seat in front of the officer.

    You got to get better at "jostling"
  4. I,ll look out for a link to more information and post it here.

    Again,you are correct it has not been passed by parliament,but they have outlined their plans,as i,ve posted today.

    There is an unbelievably long thread running about UK pensions already, why not take a look?

  5. My personal opinion is that you would be doing your 9 year old a great disservice by pulling him of of school in the UK to attend a local school here in Thailand.

    Many many discussions/arguments about this on various other threads. The overwhelming majority of posters with experience of teaching here and/or having kids here agree that local schooling other than private EP schools and International schools is pretty abysmal.

    I personally feel honour bound to provide my kids with the best education possible and give them the best chance in life.

  6. If I were you, I would seriously look at learning to ride a bike (scooter). It will give you some freedom.

    Couldn't agree more. I know lots of guys who had never ridden a motorbike before that have learnt over here. Pretty easy going around the village roads etc.

    I remember many years ago when I learnt to ride and the first question my instructor asked me was "do you know what the best thing about riding a motorbike is?"

    His answer was "riding a motorbike!!"

    Never a truer word.

  7. Personally I would ditch the aircon quick quick if I had to survive on such a budget.

    Also a motorbike is worth it's weight in gold. Go where you want when you want, explore all the local roads, villages etc. many hours of fun for very little outlay.

    Do you like fishing?

  8. This was the point of my thread,

    not about the south but about the obvious more noticeable Moslem women wearing the head scarf,

    I live in Kamala which was 80% Moslem when i first moved over from Patong 18 years ago. Up until a few years ago they did not dress any noticeable diferent than the other thais on the island

    BUT more and more i see many more young women wearing the head scarf around town, shopping, in the market, working, on their way to school, out in the daytime,etc etc.

    I prefer my moslem neighbors than any of my Thai neighbors i had in Patong before. In patong i had bars on my windows and stil had my house broken into 3 times, here in kamla, no bars on windows, never even lock the windows and never had my home broken into

    BTW i figure the numbers have dropped to high 60 % as many Farangs and Buddhists have moved over here

    I take it then that your "Muslim" neighbours are not Thai - weird!!!

  9. Strange thread indeed


    KB and Cheurcheur seem to think that Lyns bar is Guys bar and this bar is situated near Wat Chalong in Rawai.

    Or perhaps Lyn calls it Lyns bar and Guy calls it Guys bar.

    Or perhaps ......

    Oh dear......try reading the thread again. Maybe you will eventually understand it.

    I don't "think" anything. I know where Guy's Bar is. If your comprehension skills were any good, you would have read my directions to it and known that.

    Chercheur888 was asking for where Lyn's bar was in Rawai and you gave directions to Guy's bar clap2.gif

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