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Posts posted by patongphil

  1. Does anyone have any insight into the availability of such in Khon Kaen. I have a daughter who has been diagnosed with Prader Wili syndrome and am looking into relocation possibilities. I know of hospitals in Had Yai and Bangkok which do have programmes but have no desire to live in either place - hence looking into other possibilities.

    Any info greatly appreciated.

  2. PS sorry for the commercial .....I look at property details sheets all day !

    Yes, and you make sure we all realise that in every post of yours. IMO a bit more moderation would be better.

    When I say "sorry for the commercial " I mean my descriptions of Kathu and Rawai read more like property sales sheet descriptions, but are factually correct, as are all my details.

    In terms of my posts, if you don't like them then don't read them, it's quite simple really. I am sure that if I were in breach of the rules that they would be removed.

    The question is property related and there is no point in hiding the fact that I have a property agency here and spend all day looking at properties all over the island, so one would think my opinion might be of value to someone asking for advice on where to live in Phuket. Many know their own part of the island, but I am familiar with the whole island so have a different perspective.

    Have a nice day.


    Nothing to do with correct or not, and yes, I agree your information can be valuable.

    But in every post mentioning you're a property agent IMO is overdone.

    Gotta make a livin steven, but agreed, trolling this board for customers is a bit weak.

    +1 he is getting a bit over the top with repeated references to his occupation. Glad the other 100's of agents on the island don't do the same.

    • Like 1
  3. ^

    NKM - maybe you are living on another Planet Phuket. Very few Thai partners are interested in registering as a resident here in Phuket. Their allegiance is back in their home town/village and they want to have a vote there. Phuket is not their long term objective.

    Maybe your wife - not mine.

  4. Hard to say without knowing the exact details from Patongphil. But I don't think it is a matter of shutting off the intake when the tank is full. If he has a similar situation to mine, my pump would over pump the borehole before it could recharge the well and I would end up pumping air, which usually ends up with a burned out pump.

    Also I assume we are talking about pumps here and not pimps, if not, then we would have to move this to a different forum

    Yup pumps not pimps - wish problem was the other way round though.

    You are right in that my bore only makes about 200 l per hour so requirement is for a low volume pump.

    Norlund I am not sure what you are getting at here as I need as much water as I can get and am looking for a solution to access these 200 l per hour from about 40 odd meters down a 150mm hole.

  5. Went to Phuket Imm. today for my 90 day report.

    What a shambles ! Nowhere to park, two circuits of the car park and still no spaces. Had to park on the road just up from the moto-cy taxi blokes. What a terrible day.

    PS. 90-day report took about 90 seconds.

    Have a nice day.


    Parking on the main road is the normal now for me. I still make a circuit of the car park. Only chance is if a car is leaving.

    Take a motorbike - plenty of parking inside.

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