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Posts posted by mogoso

  1. Sixty years ago, Negroes in the USA, even doctors, drank at separate fountains, attended separate schools and churches, sat in different parts of public transport, were denied to marry outside their race.

    This is a bit of misinformation. The events you descibe happened in what is referred as the deep south in the US and not the entire country. Black Americans from other parts of the country were shocked upon visiting the area to find the conditions stated above. This of course led to the freedom riders, blacks and whites traveling together in the area to break this awful bias set up by southern democrats. The freedom marches followed and within a few years, this awful period of history came to an end.

  2. My wife has been living in the US for over 7 years. We've never heard a racial slur directed toward her.

    We live in an area with a large Asian population so we get many guesses where shes from.

    We do get looks while out shopping, its from old ladies with their old husbands in tow, watching us walk by my wife young and beautiful and old ugly me. :o

  3. Abhisit Vejjajiva Elected New Prime Minister Of Thailand,

    Elected by who? Certainly not the people

    Elected by MP's, who were elected by the people.

    When no Party has an absolute majority, coalitions must be formed and whatnot.

    It's called a Parliamentary Zystem.

    But weren't enough MP's not favorable to a Dem PM thrown outta making the election considerably easier. Were they replaced? or the election held without a full parliament.

  4. I have always thought a Dem gov would would lead to more temporary harmony, all that ever bothered me was that it appeared they had shifted their position to the far right without fessing up to it and a whole lot of subtle little changes would start.


    I cannot see where the suppression of free speech is a far right shift. Perhaps you don't remember the old Soviet and Chinese goverments. Hardly far right.

  5. After living in Thailand a while, and by pig heads and other dead things, it's just the living things that are soon to be dead. Is it just me? :D

    I wonder how many people have lived (live) on a farm. Ya gotta kill your food before you eat it.

    Do you just go to a grocery, buy a package of meat, take it home and eat it with no thought for the cow pig lamb who gave it's life for your nourishment. Did you ever go fishing? how do you handle your catch? keep it alive and freeze it when you get home or pack it in ice

    I never liked the killing of anything to eat it, but if my chore, I did it and moved on.

    Funny thing the day of my discharge from the service so many yearts past I gave up eating mammals, drinking coffee, and cigarettes.

    My wife eats most anything that moves or grows :o

  6. I am looking for an orange flavoured cookie. It has to be cookie texture (ala chocolate chip) but with a tangy orange flavour.

    I have been through a number of Thai products and whilst I can find some orange biscuits (notably S & P), I cannot find in a cookie. I would even go as far as a 'ginger biscuit' hardness if it had an orange flavour.

    Anything out there that I have missed ?

    Try your luck with the recipes found at www.allrecipes.com type in orange cookies and many appear. I'm thinking of making the orange chocolate recipe in the near future.

  7. congrats to president obama. Hope he will make a change.

    What a great country american is!!

    Indeed, USA (not America) is a great country and with the help of Obama we are going to change that. :o

    I find it most curious and will look forward to reading the comments about lord obama in a few years if he gets passage through of so many of his proposals. I especially like the 250,000 internal military funded as well as our armed forces. An awful lot of money for his personal SS force. We have a national guard and a military so whats that all about.

    Of course his tax increase from 35% to 65% max rate will be a hoot on those making over 200,000k I'm not sure if that'll be the exact figure, but its been bandied about.

    He will of course give lower and middle income people a break on taxes for 2009, but remember the Bush tax reductions will be over and then the entire population gets the biggest tax increase in our history in 2010.

    But the worst thing is having to listen to Pelosi and Reid orate. Two more insipid insufferable whiny people may have never been so high in power.

    But I'll be living in Thailand in another year helping to raise my grandchild far from United Socialist America

  8. I also went on a quest long ago looking for the elusive Himalayan coral beads. Couldn't even find a beach there!!! Hence the rarity. Still got that bridge for sale over at the McCain Ranch. Down Loi Kroh Road on the right side is that shop right on the street that deals only in beads. Lots of beads.Hippies...!!

    The beaches vanished some 2-300 million years ago when the Indian and Asian continents crashed together, and are in fact still crashing together. These particular corals are now mined by the Tibetans at very high elevations and considered to have magical qualities. I don't know about the magical qualities but the circumstances under which I obtained them while high (leave it alone) in the Himal was a magical experience for me and why I value them so much.

    Yup, a Hippie I am and thanks for the lead to the Loi Kroh shop.

    I hadda go downstairs and see how my coral prayer beads are strung. Both ends come outta the beads go through two leather beads then the ends go into an intricate braiding before knotting. Cord is fiberous. I've another set of prayer of chinese prayer beads that are skulls carved from bone.

    My coral beads aren't solid coral, but yak bones with bits of coral inlayed in them

  9. Having started this thread it is ironic that our 9 year old golden retiever was killed by a snake bite last week. He got it in the neck, and the snake was unseen and unknown, probably a cobra, it was three days before he died. He had a vast amount of purplish coloured stinking blood extracted from a very swollen neck, and the following day a last chance visit to Ratchepat Animal Hospital failed to save him.

    Very sorry for your loss, I feel the dog was well loved and a part of your family. that will be sorely missed.

    May the earth rest lightly upon him.

  10. Perhaps another sign of the globe warming up???

    There is evidence to the contrary. NOAA has placed 3000 buoys (Argos) throughout the worlds oceans, and their findings refute any warming in the worlds oceans.



    If you can't understand its all a scam, mores the pity on you.

  11. im hungry .... and i love fish

    i mean that :D

    Hows school going"

    Supposedly here in Atlanta we presently have the worlds largest aquarium. 4 whale sharks and some beluga whales are the main attraction, but I like the 400 pound groupers, very tasty. :o

    My lovely thai wife has dreams of cooking half the fish in the attraction, but then she keeps telling me shes going make tom yum outta my king snake. :D

    But I do like aquariums so it'll be a good place to take my grand child to when he gets a couple of years older.

  12. Does anyone have experience with bringing a pet snake into Thailand? I've a Eastern King Snake I'm fond of and would like to bring him with us upon our return in 2010.

    He's quite genteel and harmless around a meter and half in length with shiny black skin with slim yellow stripes around the body, very similiar to a Ceylonese krait.

  13. Wow What a surprise! Dems thought Obama won LOL. Heres something for you all to discuss at your meeting: Do you realize Obamas econemic plans make no sence at all? All he does is say what you want to hear and give you feel good statements. Ex: Tax the Big Bad oil company profits!. Ok well anyone with a little common sence knows that will be an expence to the oil companies and that get passed on to who? You at the pump!

    Ex 2: Raise taxes! He has voted to raise taxes on ALL wage earners every vote. He has never been for a tax break for ANY wage class. Raising taxes will hurt an already declining econemy.

    But just keep on listening to what he says and not looking at what he has done. Follow like sheep. The scary part is not that he lies but that 40% of the people will believe him no matter what he says.

    My .02

    Well IMHO he did win the first 20 minutes on the economy, not with substance or economic logic but with his well practiced phrases and impractical promises and prevications. Mostly he just looked younger.

    McCain wiped the floor with him for 45 minutes on the main gist of the debate, foreign policy.

  14. quote

    But I also had a long term mustache and the new wife finally insisted I shave it.

    Just before I did, I realized that I hadn't shaved it since 1977,

    and that it was 2 years younger than my wife....

    It went anyway, but not before I had a series of flashbacks,

    none of which included a visible upper lip.


    I've managed to keep my moustache in one form or another since 1968. For a few years it was hidden amidst a very long unkept beard ala ZZ Top with the hair on my head to match. Now I keep it in a type of <deleted> manchu that varies from 3 to 6 inches below my chin.

    Over the years many thai ladies have suggested cutting it, but some like it.

    My wife doesn't like it much, but it is 4 years older than she is. :o

  15. In America every man, woman, minority, land owner or not has the right to vote and the majority will rule. With this kind of democracy we have a very stable government that people will invest in and have become the worlds #1 economy.

    To be politically correct (so to speak) the US isn't a democracy, but a republic with democratically elected representatives. Founding fathers weren't keen on democracies finding them to be akin to mob rule. A good example of democracy is two tigers and a goat deciding whats for dinner.

    The US operates under a system of laws, that even if an election is disputed such as the one in 2000, the country follows the courts ruling. GW Bush has managed to win reelection and will complete his term of office in Jan of 2009 dispite strong vocal opposition, some protests. But even the Democrat party would not allow protesters to come close to the actions of those in Thailand without demanding that something be done.

  16. 50 governments in the last 20 years here tend to make us a little complacent. Not a lot of effect on most folks. Also not much progress unfortunately.... but the women!!!!! Makes it all worthwhile

    Golly 50 in 20 years. How many govt's has Italy had in the same time period? seems to me they be having or have a had alot over the years. Less dramatic than the Thais and less often but as someone from a country where the elections take place in set intervals, either place seems a bit shaky politically

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