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Posts posted by mogoso

  1. I have a lot of freinds that live there now and have lived there in the past and they all have come to like her. I will admit that it takes a while until you feel that way - we used to call her the dragon lady - but I have not stayed there for 10 years and she still smiles and is very pleasant when I run into her (as I did about 2 days ago).

    She has helped me lots of times with different things over the years - even when I did not live there - and would never accept a tip. She just has one of those faces that make her seem unhappy or unpleasant if you don't know her, but you don't notice anymore after you realize she is actually pretty nice.

    I actually have a a photo or two of her smiling. she was always helpful to me. It was really cheap to stay there years back, I think 3000 baht per month plus a charge for either water or electric, or something, wasn't much. My girl friend (now wife) used to wait downstairs for me and talked with her often till I ambled downstairs. My gf would go home at night to her family and it's close to the night bazaar where I'd get drunk with my friend Johnny from Norway and his Thai wife most every night, since it gave me something to do. Not that I need much of an excuse to drink. :)

    For some reason I always had a top floor room so view was good

    There was a couple of small restaurants close by. One run by a lady named Noi, they were cheap and the folks were friendly. If you were there 10 years ago I probably passed you once or twice. I wouldn't have said much as I made no friends among those who lived there. There was a married couple from Atlanta who played a lot of golf whom I spoke with, but I didn't associate much with the residents.

  2. Where is the certainty that pesticides are the cause of the demise of the bee population? A quick google and a scan of several sites say that might be the problem or part of it but that's never the first place they go when mentioning possible causes.

    Why does life in Thailand have to be as it was in your home countries?

    Growing up in Florida the people moving or vacationing there would start sentences with" where I'm from we do it this way" and go on a rant about how backwards we were to their home environs of New York or where ever they came from. we just did it a way we liked at the pace we wanted, not at what some loud mouth yankee thought best.

    Its the same with many people here who constantly complain on how that needs to be changed or this needs to be done that way. Accept the differences, enjoy life. Bunch of whining old farts too set in their ways to accept a different way of life. embrace and go with the flow, might be a hassle at times, but lifes full of little problems where ever you be. Don't change paradise into a parking lot.

  3. 240 million baht for 11.9 kg

    is about 21 million a kilo

    or 21,000 baht a gram.

    No idea about street price of drugs in Thailand, but that seems an awful lot.

    Newspaper report wrong?

    As the arrest was made through use of a tip, I'd say this carrier was more than expendable. He probably was deemed unreliable and served up on a silver platter by his employers to give someone from the BIB a bone. As a Thai he knew the consequences of being caught with this amount of drugs. So whether coerced or paid he appears to be a patsy, who knows nothing, but looks good in the paper.

    Doesn't matter whether you believe in legalization or strong punishment the law is the law. I can see the legalization of most drugs, including opiates, but meth is the one drug that should be illegal. I've seen its effects on people since the 60's and have yet to see good from it on long term users. Addicts are just walking skeletons waiting for death to come calling on their destroyed mind and bodies.

  4. Where I presently reside, USA, the police occasionally have roadblocks. If your vehicle is in order, your papers (ie license and insurance) you seat belt is fastened, you go on your way in short order. If the criterion isn't correct you'll receive a ticket. Worse case if there is outstanding tickets or warrants or if your illegal alien caught with a traffic problem off to jail you might go. Subsequently the county I live in now has a well behaved traffic wise illegal population, as it one of the few places that will ship them off to ICE (immigration) if found in the commission of a crime and yes a traffic offense does count as it allows the police to check on status.

    The Gwinnett police have had fortunate stops over the years or drunks crashing into trees or whatever only to have been carrying substantial amounts of cash and or drugs. Atlanta due to its system of highways that connect it throughout the east, is a major pipeline of drugs. My little town is unfortunately drug suppliers central with many large cash busts taken place over the years within its confines. The intel that comes from these roadblocks has helped the police in their efforts. The 1-2 minutes or less I'm held up by these rare moments doesn't bother me in the least. I'm not out on the roads late at night when they occasionally do stops for sobriety. But they stop all traffic and check all people so not to appear to be singling out individuals or groups.

    BTW the gov't get to keep as a monies and assets seized if they involve drugs, but individual officers get naught but a thank you and an attaboy

  5. Excluding some loverly outdoor evenings in the military, twas on the southern side of Lake Nicaragua. It was getting dark and we came across an hotel. They were full but the owner offered us his kitchen pantry as he thought it'd be dangerous for us to continue at night. I could sleep about anywhere but the Swedish girl I was traveling with keep me from sleeping with her little screams and comments about rats and insects. Kitchen opened at 5:30. The breakfast was tasty but their blanket covered floor was dang uncomfortable

  6. Global warming is real. The skeptics are irrational denial artists.

    Or maybe not.

    Listen to this interview and follow the links for an alternative opinion


    or this link http://www.oism.org/pproject/

    to read about the 31,000 US scientists who have signed a petition opposing the global warming theory


    One last link


    Facts cannot be used to combat the cult of global warming. Those who believe take it on faith rather than open scientific debate, not a closed door forum where even data used to produce their results will not be provided to others to check it.

    Listening to one female commentator, who said that you can't see God either but it like global warming is fact. Al Gore the other day expounding on the use of geothermal heat to make energy, and that fool stated the earth a couple of kilometers down is a million degrees. We'd be or almost be a sun were that so. Yet some people follow his every word like its the gospel. I think the core is estimated to be 10,000 degrees with the temp 1,000 miles deep estimated to be 6,650 as a comparison to Gores babbling

  7. The U.S. is fighting to safe their economy, trade deficit. Look at the dollar, gold price, oil price. Best, by building wall preventing easy access of imports from emerging countries. Anti dumping coudl help some, but child labour is hard-to-disputed reason of protetionism. Countries with balanced trade (profitable to U.S.) may only be put on watch-list.

    Bunch of hypocrites the US, insofar as child labor used in foreign developing countries. Why is there a summer vacation from school? as the US was mainly an agriculture society, children were needed to help the family in the fields to raise the crops, ie the planting growing and after school started the harvest. It was necessary for survival. Ain't nothing easy about farm work.

    I don't believe utilizing kids in sweat shops, but their ain't nothing wrong with helping in the family's business.

    By nine I was selling the Evening Independent in front of the Sears store daily after school and on weekends, had to give it up as my lawn mowing customers kept me too busy, and I dang sure had to do my home chores and school work. At twelve I added night work as a batboy for the local minor league team $5 per game $7.50 for double header. Not bad money in 1961-62

    The point is a little work will motivate ya

  8. Straight Dave - As a fellow American, I would like to point out that average

    BTW non American readers: I would just like you to know that there are still a handful of Americans that are NOT addicted to weapons, war and the belief that carrying a weapon is a god given right. I am one of those people and yes I can very easily and proudly be labeled as a far left, liberal, hippie freak who is not fond of death and destruction in the name of patriotism.

    AS a far left hippie freak, you should know the result of drug use ie the benjamins are the cause of the majority of gun violence in the US. Since as a far left hippie freak your a contributor to this violence by purchasing products that are illegal. I suggest you read or look at Free Wheeling Frank from the Fabulous Furry Freak brothers and cop his attitute towards the carrying of weapons.

  9. thank the Lord, someone was born intact

    I love the switch, open that and the noise itself says " I am here and I mean business" I switched one far too long back to get away from some thugs and the mother jumped right out of my hand and I got my ass kicked!

    all my pals in USA carry guns-even my gandparents- almost never had to use- wish it was like UK, but it ain't, its our culture now, like it or not

    it pretty well far too much in my beloved country I gotta say with the whole gun culture, people not trained, often extreme right wing nerds out looking for trouble

    be glad when they can stop all that

    its a shame really that in this day and age we may still need something, but unfortunatly it can be necessary

    and I hear from my UK cops buddys that even there now its getting really bad

    Do you really understand the majority of gun violence is done because of the culture of drugs. The drug culture is hardly right wing, its to the left side of the aisle. There is a gangsta subculture that produces many deaths in their community and a latina drug gang culture that does the same within its culture. Right wing? turn off CNN. Every odd bit of gun violence is played up as though its commonplace, while the cultures causing the majority of deaths are hardly looked at. Doesn't fit into their political bias.

  10. Don't want to derail your topic Dave, but maybe you or someone else could answer a question that's bothering me. It's estimated that 70 million +/- people, civilians and soldiers lost their lives during WWII. By all accounts it was the most horrendous experience ever, in the history of humankind. Yet when it was over, victor and vanquished alike returned to their previous lives with little fanfare and little "outward" signs of the horrors they'd endured. Why is todays soldier, a volunteer, not a conscript, so much less capable of returning to live a life of normalcy post conflict? Just wondering.

    Didn't Mao take out close to that many people under his governance. People in China are finally coming outta that nightmare. People are tough as a whole, it is some individuals that occasionally need help.

    I can understand where Daves coming from. Some of us that are males stand to take a pee, while others sit down like a women. Or or in other words I guess some of us are self reliant and others are sheeple. Of course I answer from being a conscript or draftee if you prefer and don't see the difference than being drafted or enlisting into military service as far as experiences received.

    People survive horrible natural disasters, most cope with little or no effect lasting affects, while others will be haunted for the rest of their lifes, needing help medically or turning to alkcohol or drugs. Its not war, but stress than some handle better than others.

    I think Dave should think of non lethal means of street protection and save the lethal means for those bumps in the night around the home. When it comes to protection of family, being a bump in the night in my home is akin to a death wish and I will make your dreams come true.

  11. Go where you will and do what you do, only stay away from drugs, people who do drugs. I don't care what you do in your own country, I don't wanna read how it was just a joint and now your in big trouble. It's illegal, I don't care what your friends have told you, or any misconceptions you have about it'd only take a few baht to pay your way outta trouble. Stay away from them.

    Other than that relax enjoy yourself, its a great destination.

  12. We have our spanking brand new "smart meter" that allows our power company control remotely. Ah it took a while for 1984 to get here, but with our present gov't and its mindset and complete control over the gov't I fear its here.

    The good thing is its only till next year when we remove ourselves permanently from their choking grasp and settle into our little home in the mountains outside Chiang Mai.

  13. In reality more voices are speaking and being heard. Climate change is just going to be a tax, a very expensive tax on unwitting well meaning useful tools and the growing minority that are being to understand the ruse being foisted on them.

    Its because of the growing awareness that science has been manipulated to fit their lies that desperation is beginning to cause a speed up of their agenda. A deluge worldwide of misinformation and lies awaits us.

    Like everything the obama does it becomes an emergency and a bill needs to be passed now without a proper and fair debate, more gov'ts will emulate him. Tax is power, and all politicos seek more power rather than less. Ever seen a gov't press for more freedom.

  14. I'm surprised that the conservatives in the US haven't blamed President Obama.

    As it the greenies yelling manmade earthquakes, it'd be the obama complaining that the conservatives caused it.

    Poor obama didn't get the olympics for chitown. Which is ok as I listened to the PM of Japan explain that they wanted the games because it'd probably be the last games due to global warming. Which got me to thinking, if global warming were going to shutdown the olympic games why not all sporting events. Think of the waste of energy for all people attending all sporting events. No more football cricket baseball basketball darts whatever. No teams to travel unless they went by bicycle or foot. All matches would be local, very local. But think of the energy to be saved. No hoolies taking trains over to the continent proper, no NY Yankees playing The Angels. But so much pollution saved. Yes thats what the greenies should do shut down all sports, but lets not stopped there. what about music concerts, plays, political conventions,, trips to the zoo, museum, national forest etc. If we extrapolate the cost of fuel saved, pollution reduction, what would that amount to. Its all a slippery slope.

  15. It's not Tesco, it's not Thailand, it's worldwide. You drop into Kroger in Cincinatti or Longos in Toronto, or Le Grande Marche In St. Maarten you can see examples of the same thing. The price per unit is listed in our grocery stores. You can compare and quite often the larger containers are costier per unit (ounce,lb. whatever) than the same item different size. Thats why you need to be an educated consumer or don't give a rats butt what it costs just grab it off the shelf and take it home.

  16. [quote name='bina' date='2009-

    thats life in the animal world. leaving a live animal (prey) in a snake's cage is bad managment anyhow. most rodents will climb on the snake, bite it ccausing wounds that get infected, and dirtying the cage. if your snake is hungy u will know it, than u place the prey in the cage, if the snake wont grab it right away or within a short period of time, u remove the prey back to its cage with food and water. no one says u have to torture your live meal. just like i eat my male baby goats . they are taken care of until slaughter time, not kept as 'fattened' livestock, and its doen quickly. not for fun. but i am a carnivore and farmer too. i dont believe in killing the animal for fun, nor for causing a small prey animal to fear for the fun of it while feeding the snake either.

    but thats my personal philosophy. there is of now still no things such as 'snake chow' science diet and such...



    My Kingsnake (eastern king) for a reptile is a gentle intelligent creature who wants a daily handling. He enjoys trying to pull my hands together. His spinal bones crack like popcorn during this stretching , after his daily walk on the lawn. Walk him daily and there's never a mess in the aquarium to clean. I didn't know you could potty train a snake. He enjoys interaction with people for a short period of time, except for small children, before he gets antsy and wants to come back to me.

    My Thai wife has overcome her fears of this particular snake and will catch him and move him. away from the bushes along the lake if I have to go inside during his walk. He is completely nonagressive except towards mice whose lives are generally ended quickly after encountering him. As I caught him as a baby 4 1/2 years past and he grew up eating at first frozen mice, as pinkies and fuzzies are only sold frozen. I prefer to feed him live now , but if he's going into a shed cycle and won't eat, I freeze the mice and feed them to him two weeks later.

    Snake is curious and when I forget I have him outside ,as I tend to occasionally talk with the neighbors, I find him a few days later in the garden or lawn and bring him back in.

    Other than the walks (no I don't use a leash so forget that imagery, call it a walkabout, cept he crawls) 7 months outta the year, he is no hassle whatsoever. Other 5 months are hybernation period no food only water and thats absolutely no hassle.

  17. Typical muppet response from the TAT. Let's not correct the problem, but blame the media for revealing it. :)

    It's not just a typical Thai response.

    In the US two film makers posing as a pimp and his lady of the evening girl friend go into several Acorn offices around the US taping how Acorn workers response to their supposed situation as to how to buy a home, evade taxes on prostitution by his lady and underaged imported Salvadorean girls that would move into their home.

    The Baltimore and Maryland authorities are considering actions against the film makers as the Acorn people weren't aware that they were being taped.

    Funny thing is that most news outlets didn't even mention the Acorn oops as it tends to make the President look bad.

  18. Is this the device where the seller shows two pot plants: one watered with "activated water" and one watered with distilled water. The distilled water watered plant is sickly and straggly, while the other plant is healthy?

    That reminds me of the 12 year old girl who for a science experiment took two similar small plants She then boiled tap water on a stove and let it cool. and also took tap water and boiled it in a microwave.

    She took daily photos and day by day the stove boiled waters plant grew normally. But the microwaves plant died fairly quickly.

  19. You guess wrong then mate! So I take it you think this is BS and you wouldn't spend your precious time to research. You make an inane statement showing the depth of your intelect - whats the relevance of my nationality to the facts I state :)

    Spends too much time demonizing Bush, his replacement Obama is totally in bed with big Pharma to the point their backing his health care proposal with millions in advertisments. His agenda matches the new world order and will greatly speed up the process.

    At the beginning he mentions that Norway is Codexed at this point. He doesn't mention that they make up to humanity by having a seed repository of non Mostantoized heritage seeds in case of a world wide calamity.

    He is spot on about the big agra. The genetically altered seeds may produce a better crop, but at what cost. In the past a farmer saved seed to replant the next season, however altered seeds don't reproduce and the farmer has to purchase seed at a greater cost.

    Then what does the seed carry? Right now they alter to deter pests, soon they'll alter to introduce who knows what into our bodies. It'll be benign at first, even healthful but gov'ts strong gov'ts won't be satisfied. Nanny staters are already sheep, the rest of us will follow till we too go baa baa into the night. :D

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