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Posts posted by HC82

  1. or to live, work or even enter a building where the welders were being paid minimum wage

    what a country...

    You cannot even stand to live or work in a building where people are working for low wages? Better get out of the building you are observing the welders from, it was also made by these kind of guys and with the same pay.

    It is about the implied skill and training they have if they are earning 200-400 THB per day, not simply what they are paid.

  2. Watching some guys doing some pretty serious welding out my window I thought about all of the really well paid skilled labor jobs in America. Anything from construction workers to longshoremen.

    How much do these guys make in Thailand?

    I'm talking only about people who know a trade that requires training and skill not unskilled laborers who I know all make 200 Baht a day.

  3. So you are on the hook for 400,000 THB over three years but your best case scenario is 2,500 THB per month?

    A lot easier ways to make 2,500 THB a month than that buddy. Plenty of bars in Pattaya as it is - would take a perfect location to have a great shot at success but if you're paying 11,000 a month - you don't have one of those places...

    I would pass.

  4. Most people lie about the sale price anyway to save on taxes.

    I'm more interested on the overall market numbers for Bangkok condos. I'm always reading about other markets where they go up or down 20% in a year like Shanghai, Hong Kong etc. Somebody must make these general numbers for Bangkok too.

    Overall market numbers will not give the information that you want for your condo.

    they are like stock market averages, if they go up 20% 'overall' it does not tell you whether your unit went down or up or stayed the same.

    I'm aware of that, but I'd still like to know.

  5. That is not a reputable source. They have half of the top 10 in the UK, that should tell you enough about what a garbage list that is...

    Lookup Chula in any reputable publication and you will see them consistently in the top 100.

    Most of the Thais I know with money send their kids to England. My wife studied at high school and university there. England is first choice. I was surprised to see my uni at only 61st.

    Seems that the only ones wanting an American uni are ..erm American.

    If they send them abroad they go UK or USA - but lots of them also opt for Chula or Thammasat.

  6. Obviously people with half Isaan children are going to get offended or think that their children will be the exception - the fact remains though that the Thai-Establishment will view them as second class citizens.

    I have a friend at Sasin (best business school in Thailand, at Chula) who said that of the 100 students in his MBA class, not a single one of them came from Isaan. All Thai-Chinese.

    Our Western values (kid can come from nothing and be president) do not apply in Thailand, no matter how much we may want them to.

    That university is not even in the top 200 of the world

    I doubt anyone cares, even the gas attendant at shell.

    I don't know where you got your information but it is incorrect. Chula is a top 100 University and easily the best in Thailand. I'm sure lots of families in Isaan wish their children could attend.

    Chula is currently 180th.

    And... there are man :o y Chula students from Isarn

    That is not a reputable source. They have half of the top 10 in the UK, that should tell you enough about what a garbage list that is...

    Lookup Chula in any reputable publication and you will see them consistently in the top 100.

  7. Obviously people with half Isaan children are going to get offended or think that their children will be the exception - the fact remains though that the Thai-Establishment will view them as second class citizens.

    I have a friend at Sasin (best business school in Thailand, at Chula) who said that of the 100 students in his MBA class, not a single one of them came from Isaan. All Thai-Chinese.

    Our Western values (kid can come from nothing and be president) do not apply in Thailand, no matter how much we may want them to.

    That university is not even in the top 200 of the world

    I doubt anyone cares, even the gas attendant at shell.

    I don't know where you got your information but it is incorrect. Chula is a top 100 University and easily the best in Thailand. I'm sure lots of families in Isaan wish their children could attend.

  8. Obviously people with half Isaan children are going to get offended or think that their children will be the exception - the fact remains though that the Thai-Establishment will view them as second class citizens.

    I have a friend at Sasin (best business school in Thailand, at Chula) who said that of the 100 students in his MBA class, not a single one of them came from Isaan. All Thai-Chinese.

    Our Western values (kid can come from nothing and be president) do not apply in Thailand, no matter how much we may want them to.

  9. Most of them with a mother from Isaan though. I don't think they'll have much impact.

    If there are a lot from well-off/educated Thai-Chinese mothers (or fathers) I think it will be good for Thailand.

  10. I sense a mocking tone in your post, typical TVer thinking anybody claiming to be spending more than 30,000 THB a month is lying.

    I'll say though that living the high-life in Bangkok is not cheap. it is easy to spend US$5k+ per month. Possibly even on housing alone.

    Enjoy your street food.

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