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Posts posted by HC82

  1. Neither of those domains are worth anything. Stop wasting your money and learn what makes for a valuable domain.

    I did not ask YOU to buy did I ? (and see no reason to hire you as a teacher either that might be the biggest waste of all) :jap:


    Within the next five years, we expect .CO to surpass .NET as the second most popular domain extension on the Internet.

    What do you expect them to say, they are in the business of selling you domain names. The same is said about every new extension. Its all hype.

    Its irrelevant anyway, those domains would also be worthless in .net and not even worth much in the .com.

    You'll see.

    see no reason to hire you as a teacher either that might be the biggest waste of all

    I am a professional domainer n00b. What I'm telling you and posting in this thread is Domaining 101.

  2. Domain squatting is antisocial behaviour. There is no service or benefit to society, it just makes life harder for legitimate website operators. It's parasitic.

    Do you also feel that way about people who own land and refuse to sell it to developers or hold out for a very high price? It is the exact same thing.

    What makes you think domain investors are not 'legitimate website operators'? I am. I own many more domains than I do actual websites but I am constantly developing domains into websites. The current trend is toward mass development services like WhyPark or in mini-sites like ContentMiniSites.com. I use both of those and wouldn't really recommend either but new companies are always coming out with better and better products. In five years I'm certain I'll be able to plug all of my domains into some companies website and I'll have huge beautiful websites with unique content on all of them in minutes. All of those sites will provide real value to visitors.

    In the mean time we are biding our time and sitting on our valuable real estate.

    There is also the service we provide to high quality content producers who don't mind spending money. A friend of mine sold Vevo.com to Google - were my friend not 'squatting' that domain for years it would have been in use as some kids blog or something and Google would have had to settle for a worse domain.

    In short: you have no idea what you are talking about but your views are quite common, unfortunately.

  3. This is a side business of mine. If you are new to investing in domains it is best that you don't register anything yourself and study first. Do some Googling there are lots of guides and domain blogs around. Some forums as well.

    To put it simply, all of the good domains are already taken so you're going to need to buy domains in the aftermarket or in auctions of dropped domains. There are exceptions but as a noobie you wont know what they are and 95% of the time you'll be wasting your money hand registering worthless domains.

    For now, stick to .com. Don't buy and ccTLD's or even .net's or .org's. Only the very best one word domains are worth anything in those extensions and the good ones are already registered.

    There is a lot more but I don't have the energy to continue typing. I'd advise you to read, read, read, read, read before buying anything. The rewards can be great.

    Just this month I have sold three domains for $1,500, $1,000 and $1,000 respectively. I paid a grand total of less than $250 for the domains - and the buyers all contacted me first. I've also made another $1,000 or so in domain parking revenue from domains I own that get traffic. That revenue is recurring and I make it in my sleep. Domains that get traffic and earn revenue typically sell for 18 months to 10 years of revenue - depending upon a bunch of factors.

    Good luck.

  4. Tell the police when and where they are playing and send them all to jail.

    Or let your wife have some time with her friends. I'm sure the games are much more about their gossip than the game or money.

    Or keep manipulating her with threats.

  5. Anyone who bothered to read the story closely

    As a publisher you should know that most people don't read stories closely. They read the title and the first paragraph, maybe a bit more.

    Anybody who has bothered to watch this mess unfold closely knows that you and ThaiVisa purposely scared the shit out of a whole bunch of people to bring attention to the launch of your publication.

    Nothing new for ThaiVisa, though this is an all-time low imo. Terrible way for you to launch your paper though. Yes a lot of us know the name of your publication now, but if and when we read it we're going to give what you have to say little more credence than a cheap tabloid.

    OverstayGate Summary: Nothing has changed at immigration. Lots of people are still leaving after long overstays by simply paying a 20,000 THB fine. A few people have been detained for up to two days, at which time they were allowed to pay their fine and leave the country.

  6. I think this is about the 93rd crackdown they have had on that road.

    Last time I was in Pattaya they had a great night market all along the road that basically made it impossible for the prostitutes to operate. I thought it was genius. Driving revenue to the city (I assume the vendors pay rent) while cleaning up the area at the same time.

    It was by far the best market I have ever visited in Thailand. The prices for everything were dirt cheap and clearly marked. No need for negotiation, they offered a very good price from the start.

  7. The beggars get NONE of the money that you give

    Do people repeating this over and over have any proof of that?

    Even if the money is being collected from them, they are indirectly getting something in the way of food and shelter I imagine. If they weren't making money they wouldn't even get that and they'd be replaced - so us giving them a little something does probably indirectly help them.

    I'm not supporting this 'industry' but I think saying they get absolutely nothing is probably not accurate.

  8. We've all read the 'news' about possible jail time for overstayers. This thread will hopefully prove or disprove the claims made by PattayaOne pretty quickly.

    If you or someone you know overstayed their Visa and attempted to leave Thailand after October 1st, 2010 please report here what was done by immigration.

    Please include:

    - Nationality:

    - Length of overstay:

    - Where you/they attempted to leave Thailand:

    - Showed up at departure immigration on:

    - What was done by the immigration authorities:

    //Edit: Expanded above list of required information. In addition, overstayers reporting in this topic may attach copies of the fine receipt and other documents related to the processing of their overstay the topic "Thai Immigration Introduces Jail Time For Overstayers" -- Maestro

  9. Have there been any reports of people attempting to leave with long overstays lately? Are people really going to jail?

    I think this is just shameless fear mongering by Pattaya One and ThaiVisa to bring interest to their publication.

    <deleted> the 'news' today was nothing more than an advertisement for Pattaya One, it said basically nothing about Immigration or Overstaying.

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