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Posts posted by silk

  1. Ning has a very good point

    but why do all these poor people think Thaksin will save them ? - baffles me completely !

    Because he is the only PM that I know of -- I moved to Thailand in 1991 -- who actually focused on them. One policy was the 30-baht health care plan that said all hospitals must offer care to anyone for 30 baht; there were also lots of make-work projects. It seemed at the time that he was using government funds to "buy votes" from the poor, but isn't that what politicians do? -- make policies that make voters happy so they will vote for them again?

    A key to it all is the urban/rural divide with BKK ruling and the countryside groveling.

    It was the first time the rural underclass felt they had a champion to fight for them.

    It's no use pointing out that Thaksin was possibly corrupt, etc. So are the rest so he's no different. The rural areas have been selling their votes since "democracy" began in Thailand. But Thaksin actually followed through on some promises that directly benefited them. That's why they still supoort him.

    Why do the reds not recognize that the current government changed the 30-baht health care plan to 0-bath health care plan?? Do they understand why this was changed? Because the documentation needed for the collection of THB 30 was more expensive than THB 30. In my eyes this means that the 30-bath health care plan was a failure.

  2. The PM, Abhisit earned a B.A. in Philosophy, Politics & Economics from Oxford Univ. He received his master's degree in Economics from Oxford Univ., He received his Law degree from Eton, all in England. Both his father & mother are M.D.'s PM Abhisit was born in Newcastle, England, in 1964. He graduated with honors while receiving all of his degrees. Thailand is lucky to have such a well-educated man as its PM. Unlike Thaksin, he had no ties with the police or the military. IMHO that is a good thing.

    110% agree with this.

    The country could not get luckier than have him at this time.

    Regardless of what bedfellows and circumstances he must deal with to do the job.

    A normal hazard in politics everywhere by the way.

    He is perfectly trained for this position and we couldn't ask for better.

    He received his law degree from Eton!!!!!!!!!!!!Its a boys school they finish when they are 18, they don't do degrees because they are not a University, Christ on a bike! you must be American.

    christ on a bike, you outta read his thesis from his alleged university. Google it in! man does it suck.

    Please provide proper link to this information

  3. they must be taking a leaf out gordon brown/labours book in the uk,who have declared a class more against the conservation public school boys party who are out for the upper classes first and foremost..

    pretty similar to here

    and the conservative and dem leaders both went to eton

    I hope David Cameron wins the next UK election. It will mean good ties between the UK and Thailand. Eton has produced some really great leaders and I think Khun Abhisit, given the chance will do a lot for this country.

    Abhisit went to Oxford.... he went to school in Thailand...

    The PM, Abhisit earned a B.A. in Philosophy, Politics & Economics from Oxford Univ. He received his master's degree in Economics from Oxford Univ., He received his Law degree from Eton, all in England. Both his father & mother are M.D.'s PM Abhisit was born in Newcastle, England, in 1964. He graduated with honors while receiving all of his degrees. Thailand is lucky to have such a well-educated man as its PM. Unlike Thaksin, he had no ties with the police or the military. IMHO that is a good thing.

    fully agreed, people with low education could not do the job he is doing now.

  4. As a mere Farang worker in this country I am told to shut my mouth and if I don't like it - leave.

    I am harassed by all levels of Govt employees at Immigration regarding continuing renewal of my Visa.

    I go to my bank and they do not have sufficient cash to meet a withdrawal slip and now I make phone calls in advance so they can meet it.

    I cannot own a house but can own a condo provided the majority in the building is owned by Thais but where to put two kids and a wife in a Condo?

    I cannot send money to my offshore requirements to meet credit card payments without providing a statement and proof of who I am even when I have a local bank account.

    Banks won't lend me money as a medium income earner so I cannot expand my business - I simply have to pay cash

    I employ 4 permanents and look after my staff. I employ 100 at a time on contract - yet I am looked upon as elite or with ATM stamped on my forehead

    I have a Thai family and le-kreung kids but cannot get PR without paying for the privilege yet all are dependents on my ability to support them

    And now I have to put up with rabble who are being manipulated by a convicted criminal who 'was' part of the elite they so badly oppose, who are all but stopping my possible income to my business as I only deal with international clients bringing money into Thailand, who are being warned by Embassies and bloated media reports that Thailand is not safe...

    From me, my family and kids, wake up Thailand. Look at what you have and work to improve it. Complaints and protests manipulated by power brokers who care nothing about you, democracy and have greed as their motivational factor, are destroying Thailand in the eyes of the world and if you don't care, try being a foreigner living in another country and see how this rubbish affects you as right now I have to play by your rules and whilst I can't change them - I sure as hel_l can have my say!

    I pick Thailand over my native US on most days. It is true there are many unfair policies (no pensions for foreigners who devote their lives to teaching/civil service here comes to mind) here-for both nationals and foreigners. But all my basic needs (and quite a few wants) are more than met with a crappy gov. university salary. I have access to affordable health care, can walk alone at night (I am a woman), people are not in my face or aggressive (yes the line cutting sends me in a frenzy, but if that is one of my greater issues here, I can live with it). I understand your frustration but when I compare what I have here to a life I would have in the US, Thailand is a much better bet.

    Good luck

    This issue is not about YOU and how good your life, as a "farang" is here , compared to your life in the US.

    It seems that you have a job with the government. If your employer does all the work for you, you will never know how frustrating it can be as described in the post you refer to.

  5. I was just joking, inferring I find intelligent women a zillion times sexier than not intelligent, unlike the men who only date farmers daughters and get offended thinking that a woman with a brain might have more to offer.

    How could you say such a terrible thing. My wife was a farmers daughter. Sure she dropped out of school at 16 and went to work in a beauty shop. But by 17 she owned the shop and at 18 owned three. And then she married a cop. At 20 they had three businesses and a large rice farm. He was involved in some illegal things such as running stolen tractors over the border and selling them for cash and there were rumors that he killed some people but nevertheless they had a good life.

    When I met her at 25 she was very sexy. She did not have much intellectual curiosity but she kept the house clean. I think she picked me because she thought I was a step up from the cop. She said he beat her up and she didn’t like the rumors of him killing people. She was so sexy she had an affair with my best friend. I worked offshore and was gone a lot.

    What does this have to do with this thread? My wife wasn’t Thai. She was a blond haired blue eyed Texan. It is not just Thai women who are incurious.

    And I don’t think farmers daughter’s are unintelligent but in a lot of cases, street (or field) smarts replace institutes of higher learning. Now, if you were a farmer you might really understand the sexiness of a farmers daughter. Also if the OP was a farmer she might understand more about the rural woman’s world view.

    Do you ever read the guys who post on Thai Visa who are farmers in Thailand? They seem very well adjusted. Perhaps incuriousness is not a Thai thing. Perhaps it is a rural thing.

    Except for the fact that my ex wife was tall and blond and blue eyed she was just like a lady from Issan. Matter of fact her chili was hotter than most I have eaten in Thailand and she wouldn’t flinch at cooking road kill, robins, possum or any manner of wild thing that the boys shot or trapped. Rural parts of the American southwest are about 100 years behind the rest of the country in many cultural aspects. I suspect the same is true of Thailand and one of the reasons that there is such a dichotomy in current politics.

    Your blond eyed texan wife is not a good example for a farmers daughter in Thailand.

    Age 16- 18 she owned three shops - how did she do that? On salary it is not possible for a farmers daughter in Thailand.

    He (cop husband) killed people , but nevertheless they had a good life?

    She was very sexy, but kept the house clean? - great, so you did not have to clean yourself.

    She had an affair with your best friend?? - great, this is what you expect from a friend. Good luck with your relationship.

    What kind of man are you to accept all this and now you have the guts to compare your sick Ex-wife with a

    farmers daughter from Thailand?

  6. Tell him he needs to learn to be more creative and keep your posts on other forums to other forums. What's said out of school stays out of school.

    What is your problem? He is mentioning an issue and he wants to know the opinion of others. What is wrong about this? You seem to know everything. Good for you, profit from your knowledge and do not send aggessive posts to someone, who is not as delighted as you

  7. This is weird, a Thai lady asking a question of Thai women, and farang men replying.......and here's another one. :)

    I think, having being married to a Thai lady for 10 years, that the lack of interest shown by Thai women in their men's personalities, their interests, feelings etc, is down to a lack of education. Most Thai women know very little of the world outside of Thailand, and dislike asking questions about things of which they have little or no knowledge. Thai women, in my experience dislike asking questions, about anything other than the ones you quote.

    In the first couple of years we were married, my wife found it difficult to believe that if I wanted to know something, I'd ask someone a question, whether, shopping, looking for directions etc. It seemed that she'd been brought up not to ask questions, though whether this was by her parents or teachers, I'm not sure.

    Also the level of English taught in Thailand is abysmal**, so it's difficult for Thai women to frame questions they may have. There also seems to be a culture of we-can't-change-the-natural-order-of -things, which maybe explains why most Thais (of both sexes), seem only to be interested in things that directly effect their day to day lives.

    Maybe this explains why Thai women are seemingly more interested in which cream will make their skin whiter, than getting a better education. A white skin is preferable for getting on in life Thailand, whereas even with a reasonably good education, if you're dark skinned you've got no chance. Sad but true.

    Hope this helps.

    (**present company excepted - the OPs written English is comparable to most native English speakers)

    If true or not, good post, what you say is a possible answer to the original question

  8. Montenegro is a statelet about the same population as Pattaya and Rayong basin, some 650K people. Mostly rocky mountains.

    Known for lax laws and 1 strongman (Milo Djikanovic, ex -Communist youth, the key ally of Serbia's Slobodan Milosevic in late 80s and start of 90s, turned businessman since) rulling it for almost 2 decades. It became an independent country in 2006.

    Home of very stubborn and proud people (Thais share some of those atrributes with them) and has a beautiful coast on the Adriatic sea.

    The menthality is far from Romania (where Transilvania is) and, in proportion, the Montenegrins had had an extraordinary influence over former Yugoslavia. Known for (and internally exagerated) heroes and warriers.

    Not only Serbia (today) considers Montenegro as a a place where some dubious characters (including some Serbians on the Interpol warrant lists) can find a refuge.

    Thaksin could easily find a like minded man in Montenegro's leader (no matter what his current title is , President or PM).

    It looks like he did not succeed Yugoslav republic have refused to confirm if he has been given citizenship according to this article


    No wonder our Paymaster picked Montenegro pretty much the same way he had picked high-flying but later bankrupt Dubai, which was feuding with more conservative Abu Dhabi.

    I guess there is a bigger price for our Paymaster to pay to Dear Djikanovic though. :)

  9. Breaking: Department of Redundancy Dept. announces 'Up is the new down'... again.


    Good to see things turning back to normal.

    I agree, it is logic. At this monemt driving along the beach road, the beach is on the left side. Nobody can turn left.

    If they change to opposite, beach is on the right side, everybody can turn left, without abusing the traffic law.

    Hopefully they will think carefully about the roads between Rath Uthit and Beach Road. It shpould be logical to left side drivers.

  10. The chances of there being some kind of violent confrontation and stand off between the reds and locals is quite likely. If not sooner - then later in the day.

    Well I really hope they aren't too noisy if they come down Soi 23 on their way to/from the PM's house, it's only a couple of streets away from where I am and I plan on sleeping late tomorrow - I'm busy on the computer until very late tonight !

    If this is the only problem you have, you are the "LUCKY ONE"

  11. i'm sorry, i'm a bit intellectually handicapped, so please excuse my ignorance.

    but as far as i can read your comments: to achieve democracy, it's fine for members of the sangha to transgress the Lord Buddha's vinayana? to achieve democracy, it's fine to let a hindu priest perform "rituals" & spill blood?

    while, to achieve democracy, for you, it's fine "to wait yet" for a "clear political program"?

    may i ask you, _what is "democracy"?_ as i said, i'm intellectually handicapped & i'd appreciate your answer.

    I do not care what religious Zelots will make out of this events, those monks did not make harm to anybody and showed their stance on the moral issue

    1) pls, stop immediately, calling me a "religous zelot", while i just question merit of your argumentation.

    2) you say, "those monks showed their stance on the moral issue" & _i_, humbly, disagree. so what we've now, you say. "it's right" & i say, "it's wrong" - & _that_ exactly is the reason, vinayana demands monks to stay out of "worldy affairs".

    3) if you believe political situation (& social involvement of monkhood) between thailand & myanmar is comparable - you've just disqualified yourself.

    anything else to offer? i asked you:

    but as far as i can read your comments: to achieve democracy, it's fine for members of the sangha to transgress the Lord Buddha's vinayana? to achieve democracy, it's fine to let a hindu priest perform "rituals" & spill blood?

    while, to achieve democracy, for you, it's fine "to wait yet" for a "clear political program"?

    It is a complex situation and not really one in which blanket statements about what is right or wrong can be applied. I think the redshirts and others in Thailand feel like their voices have not been heard, and after trying many different ways, what seems like desperate measures-because they are- are used. What should be their fate? Go back home and not have any representation in the government? Be peaceful in knowing the government doesn't give a hoot about about them? Is that the Buddhist thing to do? Accept a life that you know you can change for the better but shouldn't because the government wouldn't like it? I am not showing support for Thaksin, but for the notion of democracy and the voices of all the people in the country.

    Protest against current governments are not different in other countries. Who is the minority?


    How to know how many Thais, who are not "red shirts" think differently?

    Would there be more blood, if opponenets would do the same?

    Can the government just meet the red's requirements, without knowing how many other Thais think differently?

    A new election will be held next year and EVERY THAI can vote. Why can't they wait until then?

    I think it is more difficult to deal with people who do NOT listen to other sources than their leaders (like the reds). If they would, they would take the following into consideration:

    Last year every employee with low income (under the current PM) received THB 2000 due to bad economy. Who did not pay taxes did not get the refund (of course). Do the protesters not know about this? If not, they did not pay taxes and they will not see this as a step forward to help thais with low income.

    The health facilities, set up by Mr. T (THB 30 for a visit in hospital) did not work out, because the hospitals could not cover their costs. I think this system is fair, but the money to cover up this system should be taken from taxpayers with higher income, (which was not the case under T.) Why mot give it time and see how the current PM is handling this?

  12. Is cowardice and hypocrisy passed genetically?

    The flee or flight response is a behavioural trait of most sentient animals. Those that are able to master the ability are more likely to survive and to pass on their genes. You may deride the decision to leave a social disturbance, however, those of us that have been targeted for kidnapping and political violence, know when it is best to withdraw so as to live and to fight again. The goal is victory, not martyrdom.

    It serves no political movement in the long term to lose its important leaders when they are needed most. Hence it is not a wise strategy if Mr. Thaksin were to march at the front of any protest.He is a target and is an important rallying point. At this stage of the protests, it serves the redshirt movement to have Mr. Thaksin free and acting as a thorn in the side of the government. The day Mr. Thaksin no longer serves a purpose to the red leadership, he will be disposed of. Movements have a bad habit of turning on their own, often quite savagely. I believe that the Thaksin family is at risk from the same type of mentally unbalanced people that would throw feces at a PM's residence or would throw grenades at a random target. Protests do attract seriously deranged people and these are the ones that usually provoke the serious violence.

    LOL ... are you REALLY making excuses for the fugitive from Thaksin to hide out in Dubai and not lead his people? That really is the funniest thing I have seen on TV for a long time! The fact that he encourages people with their families to go march in his name and pays them but sends HIS family out of the country when the crap is about to hit the fan certainly shows a lack of both morals AND courage.

    Why did they first fly to Switzerland and not directly to Germany? Do they need to access theor bank account first???

  13. Is cowardice and hypocrisy passed genetically?

    The flee or flight response is a behavioural trait of most sentient animals. Those that are able to master the ability are more likely to survive and to pass on their genes. You may deride the decision to leave a social disturbance, however, those of us that have been targeted for kidnapping and political violence, know when it is best to withdraw so as to live and to fight again. The goal is victory, not martyrdom.

    It serves no political movement in the long term to lose its important leaders when they are needed most. Hence it is not a wise strategy if Mr. Thaksin were to march at the front of any protest.He is a target and is an important rallying point. At this stage of the protests, it serves the redshirt movement to have Mr. Thaksin free and acting as a thorn in the side of the government. The day Mr. Thaksin no longer serves a purpose to the red leadership, he will be disposed of. Movements have a bad habit of turning on their own, often quite savagely. I believe that the Thaksin family is at risk from the same type of mentally unbalanced people that would throw feces at a PM's residence or would throw grenades at a random target. Protests do attract seriously deranged people and these are the ones that usually provoke the serious violence.

    What do you think about a thai woman speaking out on youtube? Is she a coward or brave ? Does she stand for her opinion taking any risk?

    This is a question, your answer appreciated

  14. What would be interesting to know is, how will "Thailand" (I use quotes because Thailand would include the Thai people, but they really don't get any of the money, so...) will use the 1.4 billion dollars. Will it be used to help the Thai people who live in poverty? Or will it simply disappear into the back pockets of all the people involved in the witch-hunt?

    In my opinion, fair would be to return it to people who paid taxes in the first palce and then it could be used for improvement of the social system.

  15. The court has presented its verdict. It has done a good job of showing the evidence, and explaining why it came to that verdict. Agree with the final decision or not, but the evidence of his abuse of power is there. Nowhere in that evidence can I see any reference to how Thaksin got himself elected, who loves him, how he was overthrown, who is PM now, or what the PAD did in the past. They have nothing to do with this case, yet we continue to get the confused, the ignorant and the down right trollish coming on this thread posting their meaningless propaganda. Give it a rest guys, if you can't make a comment here on the court's decision then it's best not to comment at all.

    You are right, court has decided, provided proof, details which we will not be able to evaluate on this board.

  16. Comment form Thaksin: Thaksin says he should have listened to wife,children and not entered politics. Thaksin says he hopes he is the last victim.

    Thaksin wears a black suit and black tie. Bt15 billion wealth acquired before Thaksin took office is a matter for consideration...

    -- TAN Network/ The Nation 2010-02-26

    He was in office from 1994 to 2007, 13 years, this means during the period form 1982 to 1994 (before he went into politics) he made a fortune of Bt15 Billion as a policeman and businessman. This is Bt 3 205 128 per day. How did he do that???

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