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Posts posted by briley

  1. Maybe some mix-up in terminology. There is a legally-registered Jurisitic person who will almost certainly be Thai and most likely a member of staff of the management company. Then there is an owner's committee who liaise with the Juristic person and the management company on behalf of the owners. I think it is unlikely that farang members of the owner's committee would be expected to apply for a work permit.

    No mix up.

    You are assuming that the Condo is managed by a company. This is often not true and the Juristic person is just one of the owners.

    Chiang Mai immigration are arguing the the Juristic manager is a job, even if unpaid as in our situation, and hence a work permit is required.

    We have not asked about committee members or even the chairman of the committee. But from a previous visit by immigration to some of the committee if the members do any work (fix a tap or the like) around the building then that would require a work permit.

    Whether the immigration department would take any action is another matter. But if an owner wanted to make trouble for someone, who knows?

  2. We have been informed by immigration (Chiang Mai) that a foreigner would need a work permit to be the juristic manager, and the condo would have to have the X million baht capital and employ enough Thai staff etc etc.

    But I have heard of a challenge to a foreigner as Judicial manager that went to court and the court threw it out on Condo law. But it was not taken up by immigration or challenged under labour law.

  3. If you listen to the questions immigration ask they are not so stupid. They revolve around checking that what you have told them is true without actually asking you.

    What job did you do? - gives an idea as to whether you actually have the pension you claim, especially if the US consulate simple takes your word for it.

    My daughter is bad at English and needs some tuition. Do you know anyone? - Are you working on a retirement visa.

    How much is your rent? - are you actually living where you say?

    I treat the idle chit chat as a test to ensure that my application in genuine.

  4. Bumping this topic up as there appears to be an error in all the translations of the new, 2551 Condo Act number 4.

    All the versions I have seen give section 48 as follows:

    SECTION 48, A resolution on any of the following matters shall not be less than one-half the votes of the total number of the votes of all the attending co-owners combined:

    (1) a purchase of immoveable property or an acceptance of immovable property of binding value as common


    (2) disposal of common property;

    (3) an approval granted to any one co-owner for construction that effects the common property or the outside

    appearance of the building at the expense of such co-owner; etc

    This says that with 25% of owners attending (a quorum) and half of them voting 'yes' you can sell and buy bits of the condo, change regulations etc.

    BUT I am informed that the Thai version does not say 'attending' in the first part.

    The Thai version means that to buy sell change regulations etc you need 50% of the owners to attend and half of them to vote 'yes'.

    (I am, of course, ignoring the possibility of calling a second meeting etc etc)

  5. If you don't like the aluminium you can get uPVC, even double glazed.

    The price of normal uPVC I am told is similar to aluminium but it is much thicker, ie you have less glass in your window (if that makes sense).

    Double glazing is expensive.

    There is a small window shop, going from the Ping River (near Tesco) on superhighway heading towards the MaeJo junction on the LHS that does uPVC. Not easy to find and I forget it's name. Sorry. Think it is just after Chiang Mai granite.

  6. PDF file don't compress, they are already compressed. In fact using WinZip can make then a tad bigger.

    There is no simple solution.

    You can extract the picture of the scan (select the picture and copy using right click on the mouse).

    Paste it into some picture editing software (such as Coral photo paint, Photo shop).

    Either resample it or 'save as' using jpeg and use higher compression.

    But you will probably lose definition that might be needed by your friend if they want to enlarge the image to do any diagnostic work.

    If you don't have any other software you can paste it into Paint (under accessories in the start menu) and save as a jpeg.

  7. 10:45 Update 27/11/09

    Good friend whos at CM airport now reports that Air Asia still issuing tickets.

    For those with flights today - compensation being offered.

    So far I have not heard a single flight - (I'm 2 km from the airport!), but CM airport IS OPEN.

    Take your ear plugs out. :o

    Silk air (the one with a f on the tail) came in from Singapore as well as Air Asia from KL. Just waiting to see if that one goes out, due in a few minutes

    All the little local flights seem to be going, Chiang Rai, Mai Hong Song etc.

    But nothing seems to be going to or from BBK - both airports there.

    PS Air Asia is just wandering down the taxiway, going to take off toward the north I assume heading to KL.

  8. Found one.

    Super Highway travelling from Nimenheiman. Just before the traffic lights before Wat Jed Yot a set of shops on the left. The first one is a hardware store. Someone working from their will do fridge repairs. Re-gasing at 500 baht etc.

    But make sure your Thai is good enough.

  9. I can not see why this point is raised.

    It has never been illegal for anyone to open a bank account in the UK provided you are not doing it for some illegal purpose.

    Whether a high street banks will accept your application when you walk in off the street is a totally different matter.

    But contact the headquarters of the major banks, and have a reason why you want a UK based account and you'll get an account.

    How else does Ta**sin have an account in the UK?

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