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Posts posted by briley

  1. Sinbin - slight error

    Yes you get no increase in pension if outside the UK for over 6 months, but when you retire you do get the full rate at that date. So if you retire this year you will get around GBP100 pw (current rate) frozen at that rate even if you have been non-resident for hundreds of years.

    Don't hold your breath waiting for the court hearing. I personally very much doubt it will come down in pensioners favour. But once the case is over the UK gov might have a change of heart. I'm hoping.

    But for thecatman I'd start 'living' in the UK for some time before retirement. Then you retire as a UK resident and can quietly stay that way. These days I see little advantage in being non-resident if not working.

  2. Was made more complicated in the late 1990's but as far as I know

    If you are resident in the UK for tax purposes you pay UK capital gains.

    If non-resident for less than 5 years you might pay capital gains tax unless your non-resident period goes over 5 years

    If non-resident for more than 5 years you do not pay capital gains tax

    You can reduce your capital gains tax due by any tax on the gain made that you paid to the Thai authorities.

    Now I duck as I am sure bits of this are not quite correct - but hopefully the gist of it is OK!

  3. Ditto - 15 baht charge in bank of Ayuddah 2 days ago. Confirmed by Nationwide (15,015 baht withdrawn)

    But no charge in Airport plaza, Chiang Mai, 5 days ago. That machine was inside their branch, the other charging machine was in Tesco.

    Also told to contact bank on a number of occasions, but then the card works again next day. I assume they are having problems and just put up that message.

    I have withdrawn 15,000 and 16,000 baht this week so no special restrictions

  4. Over the years I have realized that insurance companies only insure those that won't claim. And health insurance falls slap bang in that category - they will insure you when young and healthy but not when older or unhealthy.

    I have looked at insurance over the years for myself, I've been out of the UK for the majority of my life, spending at least 7 or 8 months a year away.

    Travel insurance does not work as it

    a) only covers travel for 90 days normally and

    :) if you are ill they try to send you 'home' for treatment.

    Any full year overseas insurance will cost me and my wife over 50,000 baht a year, and I would have had to pay that for the last 10 years at least (previously I was covered by employer).

    So that is half a million baht - assuming I have saved the money it buys a lot of aspirin. And this is the maximum payout on many of the cheaper policies.

    So I self insure myself.

    (Where did that smiley come from, should be :D - or bullet point b if that does not work!)

  5. I am probably wrong but doesn't section 48(5):

    "an amendment that changes the ratios of the joint payments in the regulations pursuant to Section 32 (8);"

    mean change in common area fee has to have 50% of owners voting in favour of the change?

    I even wonder if section 48(4) "an amendment of the regulations in connection with the use or management of the common property;" means you need 50% of the owners to vote in favour of a condo fee increase. This is because the regulations has to contain the condo fee and management of the common property comes out of the condo fee?

  6. Take off to the north are mainly the little planes to Chiang Rai, Mae Hong Song and Pai

    The except for other flights is when a flight is coming in and one is going out then the outbound goes to the North, mainly at about 11am and 6pm

    I've often thought the time taken to taxi all the way to the south of the runway and then the extra flying time to turn from a northerly take off to a southerly flight path it would be better to sit at the gate for 5 minutes and push off late. But maybe I'm missing something.

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