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Posts posted by briley

  1. Late fees - fines or whatever should be outlined in the regulations as registered at the Land registry.

    Maximum charge for overdue accounts is set by the 4th Condo act at 12% up to 6 months and 20 % over six months and can NOT be compounded. We are advised that compound interest is not legal under Thai law. I am not sure if that is under Thai condo law or general Thai law.

    The management can turn off utilities, refuse access to facilities and even to the building for owners who are overdue. Again it is in the new law and should by now be in the Condo's regulations.

    PS by not compounded we can not charge interest on the interest, but can charge 20% each year on the outstanding amount.

  2. Parents names are required for the purchase of property as part of identifying you, same as you Date of birth etc.

    One extra point, if you plan to buy in joint name with a farang partner both names must be on the money transfer documents. My money went from a joint account to a joint account but with only one name on the paperwork and my wife could not be included on the property documents as joint owner.

  3. Many companies give insurance and a number of them have policies and forms in English.

    The price and cover is variable, basically you have to go around and find the cover you want at the price you think is acceptable.

    I've used NZI for internet insurance and QBE via their office and via an agent. Both are Australian companies. Via the agent gave less cover for more cost. But as I've never made a claim I can't say if they are any good.

  4. To answer the OP the child is probably not domiciled, it seems he/she does not live in the UK and is not connected with the UK.

    The child is almost certainly non resident (spends less than 183 days in the the UK in any one year and less than an average of 91 days in the UK in the past 4 years). If a UK national who is non-dom moves temporarily to the UK but maintains close ties with their country of domicile then they will be treated as non-dom for tax - but it is a tricky one and great care is needed.

    The one other main affect of being domiciled/non domiciled is inheritance tax. All UK domiciled persons must pay UK inheritance tax regardless of where in the world they live or die.

    But the Inland Revenue will only give a definitive answer as to whether you are domiciled or not when you are due to pay the tax, and by then it is a little late to do anything about it.

  5. As normal so many variables.

    From memory most flights can through early morning - in end Nov so a temp of 15 C or below is possible. Just lookned, Dec 1 and 2 the overnight minimum was 11C.

    But as a proof of concept!

  6. Cathy Pacific and China air did it when Swampi was shut, that is fly CNX to Amsterdam with a full load and presumably fully fuelled. At least no report of any crash.

    Runway required at MTOW for the 747-400 is 3018 metres according to my tables. CNX is 3100 metres.

  7. CNX's runway is big enough for a fully loaded fully fuelled 747 to take off and land - so no problems with European flights.

    Remember the end of November, many flights used CNX.

  8. The answer is ask the land tax department.

    The amount payable depends,

    What value land registry puts on the property (not the price you pay or declare)

    Is it commercially owned?

    If not how long has it been owned?

    Has the gov. extended the reduced rates introduced 12 months ago (I hear both yes and no).

    But the tax is between 0.1% and 5.5% of the land registry value

    Before agreeing to 'split the costs' get the seller to tell you the tax.

  9. I'd like to see the part of the law that says Farang can not own ground floor shops.

    I'd also like to see the part of the law that says that shop units (and commercial units?) are not part of the quota.

    I don't think either of there statements are correct.

  10. I do not like the speed checkers - they give me VERY varying figures and rarely get up to 1 meg download (I'm not too worried about uploads).

    I do a big download, normally Open Office, and see what speed I get for that. I have the 2 meg connection and most of the time I download at up to 2 meg. Early evenings, sort of 5pm to 9pm things do drop, sometimes to 1/2 meg or so.

    Doing this download as a torrent gives me the best figure.

  11. All packages have 512K upload - better than much of the UK with 256K upload!

    Not sure where the 3,000 baht for breaking the contract comes from. There is a clause with 1,000 baht penalty to reduce speed over the next 12 months.

    I suspect this is a 12 month contract so you must pay 12 times your connection fee. Can't see why people change, personally I have found all ISP's have problems at times but overall things are OK. I get 2 meg most of the day, early evening not so good but it normally works! If I get a bad link switching off the modem for a bit gives me a new link that can be better.

    The change is not available everywhere - you have to ask TOT.

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