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Posts posted by briley

  1. NZI - I tried online to find that it reverts to e-mail and then mail. I started to buy a policy 3 weeks ago and I still haven't got the paperwork to enable me to pay - despite wanting the policy to start 7 days ago. I am going to go elsewhere - although their product and price did seem very good.

    QBE (Queensland) has a reasonable policy at 5K for 2 million of cover.

    No English version of the SEIC page?

  2. My understanding is that if Land Registry register the condo in your name then it is yours, no money is outstanding and the decision can't be challenged.

    So if this is true then you can do it yourself - but you must speak excellent Thai.

    My main things to look at are:

    Don't pay any money before the papers are ready to be finalised at Land Registry, just show a bank cheque beforehand and hand it over on signing.

    Make sure the condo you buy is the one you look at. All number on the papers are old Thai numbers.

    Ask the condo management about outstanding fees, don't just rely on the condo form.

    As said before ensure you have a Thai who speaks good English and Thai to help you and whom you trust. Tend to agree that rules out using a lawyer!

  3. I believe that full time education after 16 counts for years of contributions, but only after some date. Mine (from the 60's) did not count.

    Forms are not at the Embassy, but they are on the web site. You can do the forecast on the web by registering with the UK gov portal, but they will only send the code required to a UK address and it must be used withing a few days of receipt, so someone in the UK must e-mail you the information.

  4. My recommendation?

    Provided you have paid 30 years of contributions stop paying. If the law changed doesn't go through (should do within 5 years) then you pay the higher rate, won't be that much more, normally about 20-50 pound more.

    You might have paid enough even under the old rules. If you paid from age 16 to now (age 59?) then you have paid 43 years. You only need 39 years contributions (40 years but one is given free!) to get 100% pension.

    Well worth completing a form to get a pension forecast.

  5. Warsaw convention applies, updated by the Montreal convention?

    Think the OP has a good question. If you fly BKK AUH then you have no guaranteed compensation if you are bounced or the flight doesn't go.

    If you fly BKK LHR then you get the guaranteed EU compensation.

    So if you fly BKK LHR via AUH - on a single connecting ticket and you are bounced in BKK do you get the EU compensation?

    I think you should but the airlines are loathed to pay the compensation even in Europe.

  6. I did get a feeling that True was the only option.

    I do like a local hot spot near me where the router is open but you land on a page that requests your password and username - means there is some software running that can ensure only one person is using the password. From what I know of routers many people can log on using the same password.

    In addition I'm hoping that the software can control the usage of the internet and maintain statistics, so the bandwidth is evenly shared.

    JCMR's website has some interesting information.

    Thanks to all for information.

    I'm thinking of one wireless access point on each floor conected to a good, (high memory) computer.

  7. I'm trying to look into installing a WiFi Internet access point in our condo block to be able to re-sell Internet access to the owners/tenant's.

    However I haven't got a clue as to where to look!

    I know it can be done as my WiFi picks up a nearby hot spot that asks for a password etc.

    Anyone with any suggestions as to who to provide the connection (would need to be reasonably fast), how to do it, what it would cost, where to get information Etc Etc?

  8. Qatar is good, and I do like the 2-4-2 seating as I travel as two.

    Timings to Manchester are good. The enlarged Doha airport is better than it was.

    Don't like Abu Dhabi airport, small and noisy and the Ethiad Manchester connection is middle of the night.

  9. I use a small place in Central plaze (Kad Suan Keow). Third floor up the escilators to the left tucked in beside central a small place with a big sign saying 690 baht. Includes frame, glass and tinting and will do an eye text. Takes one hour and he speaks English.

  10. I showed 3 months of rental income to the UK consulate. They gave me a letter saying I had shown income of £x per month. It did not mention the source, Pension or not pension.

    Immigration have always accepted the letter although Thai immigration rules does say pension.

    This seems to be an area where 'pension' is interpreted rather liberally. Luckily for me as I don't actually have a pension, the rental income is my 'pension'.

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