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Posts posted by briley

  1. Might be interesting to get a list of countries outside the EU cooperating with EU tax authorities.

    This thread has listed Switzerland, IOM, Channel Island as cooperating - but none, except maybe Singapore, not cooperating

    AS a digression if you are non resident you can get your interest in the UK paid tax free, or recover it, up to the personal allowance. That is assuming you don't have any other UK income. And as UK banks tend to pay higher interest rates and lower charges than 'offshore' accounts it is better to invest in the UK than outside.

  2. Dr. Naan,

    Aren't we more or less in agreement?

    You said "the EU resident client -banking in the EU or Switzerland- has the option either withholding tax is deducted from his/her interest income or allow his bank to inform the relevant authorities. withholding tax however is not deducted when realising capital gains."

    I agree with all of this but remember that in the mid 1990's the EU negotiated with most of the offshore sites, including Cayman Islands, Gib, Malta etc, and put pressure on them to come to the same agreement as Switzerland. In the late 1990's I had communications from banks in the Channel Islands asking about residence and saying the relevant tax authority would be notified or a withholding tax imposed.

    Although I can't quote the proposed top rate of withholding tax I recall that it was well above the UK standard tax rate.

    I've never said withholding tax is charged on capital gains.

  3. Isn't this linked to the EU withholding tax?

    Offshore banks, including many outside the EU, have to notify your tax authorities of your account. If they don't they must make a withholding tax that is going to rise to 40%.

    The withholding tax is chargable if you don't confirm you have declared your income to your tax authorities.

    Countries were force to adopt these rules by the EU about 10 years ago under threats - forget exactly what but involved preventing them acting as banks and having access to financial services in London etc.

    RHCP - as far as I know rolled up interest is only taxable when paid out. Normally the funds roll up the interest and pay it out as growth at the end of the time period or when you cash in the bond/fund or whatever. The point of this is to convert income (interest) into capital gain (growth) that then enables you to use your capital gains tax allowance. Tax is only payable when the growth is realised. From all this, no you do not owe tax from the 1st 2 years if it was not paid but rolled up. As you have been non-resident for over 5 years you are now excempt from capital gains tax. But this is only my opinion!

  4. Thanks, got the problem sort of sorted.

    In regional and language options, advanced I have to set Thai as the "language to match the language version of the non-unicoded programs you want to use"

    Now filenames are in Thai, even a help file that would never show up in Thai is in Thai,


    Most of the (UK pound sign) are showing up in Thai, as Tor Tao!

    The real annoyance is having to re-boot when changing from English to Thai usage.

  5. Asanee -

    I'm arriving by train from Chiang Mai, reading your post it struck me that it is better to get off the train at Don Muang and take the 555 or 554 to the new airport - easier than going into Bangkok and getting a bus from there.

    But how do you catch it? Does it go along the road ooutside the station and can I just put my hand out and stop the bus?

    Might sound a stupid question but I recall the area outside Don Muang as having about 6 million roads!

  6. Some file names on my computer use Thai characters, when I use Nero 6 to put them onto a DVD (or CD) they get given some alpha-numeric name that has no meaning and when verifying the files the whole computer locks up.

    I can't find anything about this on the Nero site.

    (I didn't download the Thai language file for Nero as I assume that just makes the menu's etc appear in Thai.)

    Anyone know the solution?

    (Using Windows XP with Thai enabled)

  7. Using acrobate reader v8 I have just tried :

    select text

    copy text

    paste into a notepad document.

    It worked for Thai and English but I lost the formatting, retained paragraphs but lost centre on page etc.

    On one document I also got the option 'paste with formating' that retained the bullet markings. But the other two documents did not give me that option.

    Is this method too easy?

    PS Obviously you must have Thai script enabled on your computer.

  8. The 2522 law was quoted when we had a problem over replacement of manager and appears to be inforce. I have never seen the 2534 law or know what it says.

    Condo law 3 of 2542 is mainly about allowing over 49% alien ownership in Bangkok, later extended to - was it pataya? and about source of funds. It refers to the condo act of 2522 amended by act of 2534 etc.

  9. A group from our condo were talking to a senior legal chap from the Bangkok land registry during a visit he was making to Chiang Mai last month.

    His trip was part of looking into a new condo act to update the condo law.

    What is proposed is beyond me but it seems some effort is being made to produce a new law.

    Incidentally does anyone know of an English translation of the 2534 statute?

  10. I use gmail's filter.

    All my e-mails (to my own domain) are forwarded to my gmail account and then collected using Outlook Express. Gmail filters out the majority of spam, I get up to 100 a day and the odd one slips through.

  11. I think I read somewhere that Ye Peng was the first full moon but as the moons are 29.53058867 days appart then it is only once in 60 years that there are two so my calandar will work for the rest of my life! Just checked, it is 2055 when I am over 100, that the full moon is on the 1st and, I supose, the 30th of November.

    OK so it is the 8th month that copes with a 13 month year. Thanks

    I used to use BASIC only but I do love the ease of producing pretty interfaces with lots of things on the screen that got me onto Visual Basic, despite a loathing of MS products!

  12. That is what I have, a perpetual calandar that gives me all the Thai (and incidentally Moslem) holidays. However I realized only this year I had missed out big Buddah day.

    I'm not sure how the occassional 13th lunar month is coped with in Thailand but Loy Kratong is the first full moon of November, not the second (there was a second last year if I recall).

    The 13th month must be accounted for and called something otherwise all the lunar holidays would slip like the moslem ones.

    What happened last year? The 12th month of 2006 had it's full moon on the 2nd november and this year the full moon of the 12th month (Ye Ping) is on the 21st November that is 13 full moons apart - if that makes sense. Since Mucha Bucha is the 3rd month (is that correct?) it was 4 months after the 12th month - so in 2006 there was a 13th month.

    Does any of this make sense?

    My program is in Microsoft Visual Basic v 6 if you are interested in the program or the coding? If so maybe we should move to PMs?

  13. It's not that easy to google how to work out the future date of lunar holidays.

    After many years looking at this I found that 18/11/1998 9:36:00 pm was a new moon, 03/12/1998 3:58:01 pm was a full moon. You can then add or subtract the Synod, the time between one full moon and the next or almost exactly 29.53058867 days to find the next full moon.

    You can now find Visakha Bucha day, or even Loy Krathong. I haven't done the former but Loy Krathong is the first full moon in November. I suspect Bucha day is an exact number of full moons later, 3 or 4?

    I did it using visual basic but am reasonably certain the MS spreadsheet - whatever it is called , I don't use it, will work it out for you.

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