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Posts posted by briley

  1. hi briley - could you explain how you go about getting bkk bank to do the transfer for you to your bkk bank savings account free of charge ?  What do you say and what nationwide card do you use ?


    Sort of very simple.

    Took my debit card, savings book and passport. Asked to pay 55,000 baht from my UK account (wave card) into my savings account. Cashier went and found the exchange rate and said is this OK? I said Yes (71 something baht). She runs my card through a little machine that prints off what looks like a credit card purchase and I sign the piece of paper. Savings book put through the machine and home I go.

    Mind I did try in Tesco's branch of Bangkok bank and they said not possible use the ATM. So I went to Chiang Mai - Suthep road branch where my account is held and had no problems - except the queue.

  2. Unfortunately the max on a single transaction is now limited to £300 quid a day but as said with the 3 atms our niece (likes visiting her local bank)can withdraw £900 /day. We are talking to N/W to up the limits so will see.

    Agreed Rinrada that Nationwide is the ONLY way to transfer money (except Liverpool Victoria Friendly Society)

    But the GBP300 limit is easy to circumvent. I have a Bangkok Bank saving account. Go into the branch with card and savings book (oh and Passport) and they will transfer any amount to my savings account - I have transfered 55,000 baht in one go, a friend reportedly transfered 600,000 baht in one go. No charges.

    I even did a withdrawal at the ATM at the same time. They went through on different days but the different in exchange rate was under 0.1 baht so still no charges.

  3. Not read all messages so this might have been said before:

    Not much point in an SMS service that insists on your having a mobile. If you have a mobile then you can send an SMS.

    I don't have a mobile but need/want to send some SMS's so use similar web to SMS services in the UK. It would be nice to have the same service in Thailand but this service is not the thing I need.

    Pity you are not told about the need for a mobile phone BEFORE registering. Still I have 100 SMS's I can't use, anyone want to buy them?

  4. I use 008 when I want to phone the UK,

    But this time the firm wants me to phone them (I don't want to talk to them) and offered to take a reverse charge call.

    But I can't make it work. :o

    As I said the phone home from TOT doesn't work and CAT reverse charge calls is not free, or even cheap. Seems to cost more that 008.

  5. TOT advertise the number 1800 0 044 99 and claim that you get a UK operator who will then connect a reverse charge call. This is from their web site and was confirmed when I phoned TOT.

    When I tried it I got a recorded BT operator asking for my account and PIN - not much use.

    Has anyone managed to make a reverse charge call to the UK? If so, How?

    I don't want to use the CAT service as they seem to charge - and it is not cheap. Seems to me to be 100 baht if you get through and more if the calling party is an answer machine/refuses the call/don't answer etc. And on top of that you are paying for the Thai leg of the call.

  6. Page 4 of current US Tourist passport "This passport must not be altered or mutilated in any way.  Alteration may make it invalid, and, if willful, may subject you to prosecution (Title 18, US Code Section 1543). 

    Amazing what officials write without thinking.

    Reading the above means it is illegal (by who's laws?) to put in a visa stamp at the airport etc.

    And even worse, I hope you have never removed the TM.6 from your passport.

    Making the assumption that the cambodian visa can be removed without marking the passport, ie it is stapled in or something, then go ahead.

    Incidentally the UK passport says it "... should not be tampered with ...". Provided scotsman has a UK passport the authorities don't care much about the stamps/ lack of stamps in a passport. But don't use it to keep your shopping list on the observations page as a friend of mine used to do.

  7. Have you got a FAT32 filing system or NTFS? Making the assumption you do not have a bad disc (run check disc or whatever it is called and do a surface scan as well, takes ages) you can do one or other of the following

    The FAT32 method is a dirty method but does solve the problem however if a further problem occurs with your hard drive then it does not check it in addition it means manual changing your registry files. Everyone gives the warning don't do this unless you know what you are doing. Set a restore point before making the changes. Anything you break is your own problem. :o

    Checking Chkdsk Status:

    WinXP should only run Chkdsk if the "Dirty" flag is set for (one of) your hard drives. After Chkdsk completes it then resets the dirty flag. To check the state of the dirty flag for your C: drive, at the Command Prompt type : fsutil dirty query c: The response should be "Volume - c: is NOT Dirty"

    To stop this but not fix the drives errors

    1. Run the Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe). You must use Regedt32.exe and not Regedit.exe

    2. Goto HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager

    3. Change the BootExecute value from:

    autocheck autochk *


    autocheck autochk /k:x *

    Where x is the drive letter, e.g. if you wanted to stop the check on drive f: you would type autocheck autochk /k:f *. To stop the check on multiple volumes just enter the drive names one after another, e.g. to stop the check on e: and g: autocheck autochk /k:eg *, you do not retype the /k each time.

    If you are using NT 4.0 with Service Pack 2 or above, you can also use the CHKNTFS.EXE command which is also used to exclude drives from the check and updates the registry for you. The usage to disable a drive is

    chkntfs /x <drive letter>:

    e.g. chkntfs /x f: would exclude the check of drive f:

    To set the system back to checking all drives just type

    chkntfs /d

  8. No problem leaving a condo empty - but take normal precautions.

    Make sure you have good locks - at least one dead lock.

    Swithc off the electricity, water and shut all windows. No need to clean the place.

    If you leave draws and cupboards open there is much lest chance of mould on clothing on return.

    Leave the key with someone trusted - ie someone who will not rent the condo out for a few months your away! This is only in case someone has to get in, ie you left some papers in the condo and now need them.

    As said bills can be paid direct from the bank, but it takes a couple of months to be sure the system is set up. Otherwise you can pre-pay on all bills. Just go in with a wad of money and they happily accept it.

    Some people leave money with the condo to pay bills - if you trust them that can also work.

  9. I use PTgui which is a front end for panarama. This enables you to import the pictures, set points that are on the overlap and then the program makes the panorama - anything up to 360 degrees and can have multi layers of pictures.

    The only problem is that whilst panorama is free it is hard to use, PTGui makes it easy to use but is not free. look at ptgui website.

    You then need a viewer - plenty of free ones about.

  10. Any particular download managers recommended?

    Download Accelerator Plus (DAP) but not the spyware infested free version. THe paid for version can be picked up in many places.

    BUT SpyBot doesn't like DAP and tries to uninstall even the full version that doesn't have spyware.

    Incidentally d/l accelerators are good on Thai broadband and helps get the best our of your connection. No one download connection ever gives me more than 50% of my bandwidth, but 4 downloads often give me 100% of the bandwidth for long periods at a time

  11. The original hard disc has a problem - OK blindingly obvious!

    Your operating system can't 'see' it, whether you boot from DOS or any other method.

    In this case I'd check the BIOS settings (at boot-up press Del on many computers, otherwise read the screen) and check that the disc is recognised by the BIOS. If it isn't recognised there then you had a dead hard disc, maybe a warrnetee swap out but I doubt it.

    If it is recognised then boot using your floopy to A:

    Check all the rest I write as it is just my experience - be it on your own head.

    I am assuming that the bad hard disc is the ONLY hard disc in the computer. If you have other hard drives then the drive letters can be different. Doing what I say could delete all your data on a good drive. You are warned.

    Before anything else I would try:

    Check that the program fdisk.exe is on the floppy.

    Then can you do C: and get the C:\ prompt?

    If so do "a:\fdisk /mbr" (no quotes) -- would others reconfirm that this NEVER causes problems it just re-writes the master boot record on the drive?

    If that does not work I would suggest you have lost the data on the disc - never to be recovered.

    The rest of this will destroy ALL DATA on your hard disc.

    Go to drive A (A:)

    use format c: (assuming you have the format program on the disc in drive A)

    If that works you have a working empty disc you can use as a second drive.

    If it doesn't you might have to try using Fdisk to setup the drive then format it.

    If that doesn;t work look for a dustbin.

  12. Suspect that the exception is if you arrive in the evening and are going for the last Thai air flight. Then booking in advance might be a good idea although I suspect it is never fully booked except at holiday time.

  13. I pay 28 baht for 10 for the largest size in the front of the market on the corner of Suthep and anal road.

    Incidentally for the best eggs I go to the place that sells the most and buy the most popular size. The shop sells the most of these and sells out quickly - so they are fresh.

    On the other hand the nice boxed brown, organic, free range eggs sell slowly, so they are always 'old' eggs.

    Just my theory and explains why I buy the Tesco/Asda etc own brand at 15 for GBP1 eggs in the UK!

  14. I would strongly recomend streambox from


    Note NOT from the streambox web site, they had to stop distribution after action by real audio people.

    This program will download the file from the server and save it as a Real file (or MP3 if you want it converted, but that mean the file grows) You can use it by just draging the link to the streaming media and droping it onto streambox.

    If, like some BBC programs, you cannot get the real player link directly then using project URL Snooper you can get the URL and automatically drop it into streambox.

    Available from


    You have to register to get rid of the nag screen but you don't have to pay.

  15. Thanks, but that is via satalite, not internet.

    To answer my own question it appears that the BBC stops all internet feeds when the radio station is carrying live football, formula 1 and some other sports. This effects Radio 5 live, radio 5 sports extra and the world service as well as local radio stations.

  16. Has anyone had any recent success in listening to the BBC Radio 5 Live during a live sports event?

    The streaming audio is only available in the UK - as shown by your IP address - during live sports events, especially football. I used to put in a UK proxy (as from proxy4free) into the IE connection box and it used to work. But just recently either the proxy's are not working or the BBC has got wise to the trick and learnt how to defeat it.

    As the BBC world service has now got the same block during saturday sport we are back using the steam radio - modern technology!

  17. OK, Lop.

    I admit it. I was point scoring. Admit it, so were you. But he DID say BETWEEN 12 Oct and 12 Nov. So it was the truth. He was technically correct.

    C'mon Briley support me, you knew the permission to remain expired on 11 Nov didn't you.

    12 Jan?? I tried to correct my typo and made another.

    :o No - but I did only aproximate all the dates assuming 12 Nov to 12 Feb inclusive was 90 days - it isn't as it is actually 91 days. God how I hate this day counting lark, I lose count at 50 almost every time.

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