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Posts posted by briley

  1. Yes, at least with Bangkok Bank on Suthep Road Chiang Mai you show your Nationwide card (the red one can't be used as a debit card in the shops, it doesn't say DEBIT CARD on it!) and they will transfer money direct into your Bangkok Bank account.

    I have done it for over 70,000 baht and know personally someone who did it for over 600,000 baht in one go.

    IF you ask and are lucky they will mark it in your book as a TTF or FCH (telegraphic transfer or foreign cheque) so that proves it came from overseas. Can be helpful with immigration. Money for buying a condo MUST come from overseas.

  2. Mobi you make an interesting point.

    You are non-resident if you are out of the UK for one full tax year but during the year you can visit the UK for 91 days - currently day of arrival and day of departure do not count but this is a concession and not the law.

    I have always seen it taken that the 91 days of visit cannot be before you leave, ie you must leave before the 5th April then you can have your visit of 91 days - but I do not know how the days before you leave are counted.

    However I'm not sure it matters if the OP is perminantly leaving the UK. Provided he stays out of the UK for one clear tax year then he is non-resident from the date of departure.

    ie you leave the UK 10 June 2006 - you will have proved you are non-resident as of 6th April 2008 - but you have all the benefits of non-resident from the 10 june 2006.

    If you leave the UK for work with a contract that takes you over one tax year then the Inland Revenue will treat you as non-resident as soon as you leave, but claw back any tax due if you return to the UK too early!

    Just to clarify the time you can be in the UK: You can visit for up to 183 days in any one tax year with an average of 91 days per year over the past 4 years before you lose your non-resident status.

  3. you've got to about where I am. Only one other 'rule' I can think of. The last consonant can't have a vowel with it.

    Oh and at the beginning is a tone indicator and not sounded - makes the next consonant high class?

    Using that I can read almost anything.

    Don't understand it .............

    Except I followed a sign for lift the otherday and found, a lift so it is useful.

  4. AFAIK you can keep existing ISA's but you can't open any new ones. Believe the rules for POP's were brought into line last year.

    I have always found offshore rates to be at least 20% lower than a good UK interest rate, that, linked with your normal tax free allowance and the 10% band, made offshore savings accounts a poor option for me - but it does depend upon your top tax rate.

  5. I found out when my sister said I hadn't sent an e-mail for over 6 months. So I sent her copies of all my mailings.

    I finally tracked it down by running my own SMTP program that enabled me to see the 'chatter' with AOL.

    Why people stick with AOL defeats me

  6. BUT, if you renew early and have to do the compulsory insurance does the new insurance run from the date (early) that you get it or the date that the original insurance expires?

    Or does the compulsory insurance run for the length of the road tax?

    Always been worried about backward creep in the insurance.

  7. I would watch with interest e-mails sent out via CAT, TOT, TT&T etc.

    I have found that many ISP's elsewhere refuse to accept mail from unauthenticated Thai connections. AOL in particular just dump the mail, neither you nor the addressee get any notifications. Amonst other ISP's in the UK NTL and Virgin bounce all of my mailings.

    To get around this I have a gmail (google mail) account and SMTP all mail through them, whilst POP'ing my mail from my normal server.

  8. Cheapest and easiest is to register with 1899 from a BT line.

    Give credit card details but all billing is AFTER you have made the calls - monthly after the first collection when you have reached 50p of call. That's to make sure you are legit!

    Cost with 1899 is currently 1p per minute and 3p connection charge. You are told the price as the other phone rings.

  9. Thanks, I'll pass on your message!

    I've spent a week or so timing flights but can't quite see the start of the runway, and have got figures of around 25-40 seconds to take off. Glad to get my gut feelings confirmed.

  10. get a google mail account and set it up for pop3 access. Then you can use the likes of outlook express to send out via gmail and 'pop' your mail in from gmail. Has the advantage of spam trapping bad mail, and the disadvantage of blocking all attachments that contain executable files.

    PM me with a real e-mail address if you need an invite.

  11. No - just the March April storms, the rain is still to come. The difference being storms flood my condo, rain doesn't.

    And RTWO don't worry about being questioned, some are questioning whether I saw the plane or not. Fortunately my wife saw it as well and agrees with me (but then she always does - NOT).

    For someone else the Antinov carries cargo from many countries not just Russia. In addition I believe it is from the Ukraine which might or might not be part of Russia these days!

  12. When someone says 'military' I tend to shut up and close my eyes.

    But MarkyMark could have hit on the answer, something to do with the runway extension?

    Whatever, if the plane comes back look out for it as it is interesting to watch.

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