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Everything posted by Captor

  1. Because he did not go back to Sweden. So they could not catch him. And he was in the embassy for many years. He raped for sure. I happens to know the woman and she was traumatized and wanted it all to end. Lucky for the rapist!
  2. Israel? Hmm... They dont look so happy in the TV news when reporting from tha war...
  3. Ah, ok. Thank you. I did not know that is common in Thailand. It was completely gone in Europe but has come back some now with immigrants from middle east and Africa.
  4. We will never know the outcome as we rarely got information about what happens next in stories like this. Me too hopes they are putting away for a very long time.
  5. Especially since they prefer to hide this insurance. No talk about hub of free insurance or something like that...
  6. Dont forget the hub of taxes!
  7. I wonder how many russians there are in aseannow?
  8. If I not remember wrong he hates dirty farangs, no?
  9. And then? It will be to late antway... The problem are business owners that accepts credit card payments without legitimation.
  10. That don´t look like real concrete!
  11. Tha lawyer look not Thai. Is he allowed to work in Thailand as he takes a Thais job?
  12. Russia is doing that already...
  13. Thailand - The hub of foreinger taxes. Good luck...
  14. A whole lot of money. Which they will loose now that expats move to Phillipines, Vietnam, home etc.
  15. What will we get back? Same as Thais? For example free/cheap healthcare?
  16. What will we get in return if paying tax in Thailand? Same as Thai citizen? For example free/cheap healtcare....? My guess is nothing in return.
  17. Maybe HE can do something about the air pollution which seems forgotten already until next time.
  18. Look like not all too many other boats are interesting in saving/helping the people onboard . Considering another boat passing by on the video as nothing unusual happen.
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