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Everything posted by Captor

  1. That sounds strange...
  2. I have never seen one of this before. I will order one.
  3. That sounds reasonable.
  4. I wonder why this happen over and over again in Thailand? They are charging the phones and then falling to sleep while still charging? And then maybe they roll over the phone while sleeping? And then the short circuit occurs when "breaking" the USB? But there is no high voltage on that end of the USB I think. Or is it? But they say it is not the voltage that kills but the Ampere? Maybe someone with electricity knowledge can lighten up the issue?
  5. It looks like a micro-USB B. It is definitely not an USB-C. I attach a picture of a USB-C.
  6. No, it does not look like an usb-c.
  7. The picture is not showing an USB-C cable.
  8. Yeah...thats what I wrote...
  9. Maybe try out Signal?
  10. As far I can see you can use line for landline calls only if you have a subscription. Is that not correct?
  11. Are there never investigations after an accident about what really happened? I never see anything about that in the media.
  12. You think there will be a follow up with the real reason for the accident? In that case that will be the first..
  13. And not true reporting. All green in Bangkok?! Sure! That has never happen. Better look at IQAir from Switzerland: Live Animated Air Quality Map (AQI, PM2.5...) | IQAir www.iqair.com
  14. I have also noted the road fences in Thailand having this shape that makes it possible for vehicles to go over it with high speed/pressure.
  15. Maybe the officer tested the goods first?
  16. Maybe, I have never seen him on Interpools webpage.
  17. Interpol don´t know anything about the red bull case. He is not reported to Interpol in the first place.
  18. Agree, the best would be if tourists stop to come. THAT would speed up things a lot
  19. Thank you for Answering. Did not know it was public holiday.
  20. Hi, I have not got any newsletter the last 4 days. Is it only me or do more members have the same issue? Best Regards Captor
  21. Tired of reading about this never ending dangerous-dogs stories as nothing ever will be done to change the situation/problem in Thailand.
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