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Everything posted by Captor

  1. Thanks for the answer. Hopefully they can fix the problem ????
  2. Sorry for asking, but was there no newsletter yesterday or is it only me not got one? There has been problems recently so that is why I ask if there is problem again?
  3. OK, then I know. Thanks for the information ????.
  4. What insurance company was that?
  5. That is some serious pointing going on there.
  6. Yes it is a whole day event. But much cheaper. Don't feels like they are taking your kidney when it comes to payment ????
  7. But he has his doctor's shirt on! So all good! ????
  8. Nice, I am still not living in Thailand hence my question where you are. I am looking around where to settle down and good gov. hospitals is valuable information for me.
  9. OK, thanks. Me too prefer gov. hospitals.
  10. Thanks, yes I think they are the most greedy there are.
  11. What hospital?
  12. So it will finally be same as in the rest of the universe - 25 mg. But will that change anything? Will there be less burning which is the main issue?
  13. Yes, that will be the plan. Thank you all.
  14. OK, I understand. Yes there is a sticker on the box that contains the ampul. So should be OK. Thanks for answering,
  15. OK, thanks.
  16. Thanks. Yes that was my intention too and just have the papers in case any questions arise.
  17. You think I should go in red channel and show it all? Or just go on green and show prescription if asked for? I was planning for the latter but that is maybe better go through the red?
  18. I mean the certificates I have got from my doctor stating the history and treatment. Send them to foreign office and Thai embassy for assure the are real and not something I made up. The prescription I have anyway.
  19. Thanks, all. Is there need for legalization about the hospital certificate? And maybe prescription too? Just in case to show when arriving Thailand? I have emailed Food and Drug association for asking about this but not got any reply.
  20. There are no pens just the ampules. I need to find a clinic where they have needles and can give me the injections. Should that be a problem? They are very expensive in Thailand so I want to bring some If possible. Maybe 3 ampules for the first 9 months. After that I need do find a doctor who can give me more prescriptions (if needed) and also check my health concerning this.
  21. I wonder if I can bring medicine (Nebido 1000 mg/4 ml) to Thailand for maybe 6 months use? I have a doctors certificate for the medicine. I know that I only are supposed to bring for 30 days of use but if I have a doctors certificate that I need that since a cancer treatment? Thanks,
  22. Have you tried this online pharmacy? https://medisafepharma.com/ I asked them 1 week ago about Nebido 1000 mg/4 ml and they did not say anything about that they not have it on stock. I asked for the price and the answer was 7500 THB.
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