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Everything posted by Captor

  1. Is not the monthly payments between you and the credit card company? Between you and the shop the product is payed in full + the VAT payed as well.. So you should be able to get it back in that case.
  2. But I just read this: Top 30 ranking in US News & World Report’s Best Countries List. ????
  3. Is he really Swedish? He has a typically Finnish name. Maybe got Swedish citizenship at some point and then of to Thailand were all the other plonkers go.
  4. Ah... OK. Thanks for the explanation. Sounds a little bit like facebooks website for business owners.
  5. Yes, I think they have 11. But not sure if they are on leasing or if they actually sold them to Thailand.
  6. Why not ask the Swedes? They are producing great submarines with the quite Sterling engine and they are not Nato members. Yet.
  7. Why always this "team" pictures like it is a football team or something? Is that for show of to the bosses?
  8. Will there not be a new airport in Nakhon Pathon just west of Bangkok? My wife talked about it some time ago. A big one. If that is true than I think the need for one in Hua Hin will be less.
  9. NOT flush down the loo! Bring it in to a pharmacy that can take care of it the proper way.
  10. In a couple of months the burnings will start again. I am excited to see what they have learned from last years butnings...NOT! That is all forgotten now...it will be a new surprice same as every year.
  11. Exactly, it makes at least my life harder, when I follow and try to understand the topics in here at aseannow. I think if the correct words would be used it would increase the understanding in this visa/extension jungle that is complicated enough anyway.
  12. OK, thank you. So normally the common rule is when applying for a visa that is to be made on an embassy or consul outside Thailand and only applying for an extension will be done at an Immgration inside Thailand? Sorry for my question but I am getting confused when people here asks questions about applying for visas at Immigration inside Thailand. They are simply using the wrong name most of the time?
  13. I see. I did not know that about conversion. Thank you very much for the info.
  14. Is this about visa or extension? Is it possible to get a visa when already in Thailand? Or is it an extension the op is talking about?
  15. Interesting! I will try that next time I need to make a call to a landline. Thanks!
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