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Everything posted by Zyxel

  1. A mother is called to her teen-aged daughter’s school, and the teacher tells her, I’m sorry to have to tell you, I caught your daughter eating candy in the bathroom.” The mom says, “I’m a little surprised, my daughter really watches her weight, she won’t eat half of the stuff I cook, says it's too fattening, but if she WERE eating sweets, why is that a reason to call me down to school just to tell me about it?” The teacher looks embarrassed and clears her throat and calls, “send her in!” A pretty brunette comes in, looking flustered and the mom says, “that’s not my daughter.” The teacher says [ahem], “that’s Candy”…
  2. A girl went to the Doctors Surgery. “Doctor every time I go to urinate I always seem to flush out postage stamps from Costa Rica” The doctor inspected her “Young lady they’re not stamps from Costa Rica, they are labels off Bananas”
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