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Posts posted by FangFerang

  1. Crunch the words anyway you like, but where the money crunches will set the standard. The operator cancelled tours. BFD. If the Malaysian government stepped in...it would impede Malaysian and Thai money. So the operator takes the ostrich approach and buries their head in the sand.

    To both governments, that is all that is required,

  2. "What America needs is a young,charismatic leader who does not care about politics and can really fix what ails America." Take out "young" and how about Bernie Sanders?

    Trump is playing the Dick card, one he has been working on for years.

    He's not young or charismatic, cares deeply about politics and can't fix America. Why would you even think he's the one?

    Well, a lot of people like Sanders because he has done three things. One, he voted against the Iraq War, a war based on lies, and even detailed the aftermath becoming ISIL. Fact. Two, he has sponsored more pro-veteran bills than any other member of the Senate (while Dems and Repubs recently voted to reduce veteran's benefits -- which is horrid, given the load of veterans who need help). Fact. Three, he knows a strong working class creates a vibrant economy, not tax shelters and tax cuts for the upper five percent (who simply reinvest the money in the most profitable companies, and those companies who shelter their assets overseas to dodge taxes and and never provide jobs to US citizens while simultaneously protecting their access to the American market, where the biggest dollars are found). Fact three -- and they are out! It's a triple play!!

    Trickle down economics, trickle down politics, and trickle down media are coming to an abrupt end. People are becoming more aware, and the message cannot be controlled anymore. The age of speaking vaguely is coming to an end. I admire and consider facts. I despise the weakness of baseless generalities.

  3. Millions of pills? This was no small operation. I have serious thoughts that they might have been funding terrorism.

    Just serious thoughts, and anecdotal at best, but still serious thoughts. A simple majority of the terrorists that "masterminded" the 9/11 US attacks were Saudi. I think maybe someone (US/GB/EU, or all three) said to the House of Saud. "You need to help us with this. You would be helping yourself too. Yes, we caused a good deal of it, but you never made arrests after 9/11, so we whacked the Iraqis so the public could feel justice was done."

    And somebody actually listened. I do not like any of this, but I do not think I am wanking at the moon.

  4. I believe there has been a lot of back channel activity that boils down to this:

    US/EU: "We don't like you using slaves, but we like the money you help us make more than human rights. What we will do is complain in the news and with some sparky comments from diplomats, but we will keep importing."

    Thailand: "Mai pen rai!"

  5. I was looking for words like trespassers and squatters and found the word villagers in their place.

    Is the reporter trying to create his own version of 'truth'?

    You must have missed the part about the villagers living there before the land was declared public land, and given no alternative were therefore put between a rock and a hard place-- force majeure made intentional.

    Are you cherry picking, trying to create your own version of "truth"?

  6. The Police, Prosecutors, Judges, Laboratories, Thai Government, UK Investigators, UK Government and Victims Families are all in on this cover-up to protect a tiny island headsman. blink.png

    This of course only makes sense to those who have a hatred for Thais,Thailand or just are getting some faux self-esteem from playing detective and coming up with conspiracy theories.

    You see, it worked on you too. They fooled you.

    FYI: It only takes covering up critical evidence in the very beginning (by the first one you listed) to get the thing going, it doesn't need to involve all those others you listed.... but you are not into hearing anything potentially logical as it is just hatred for Thais and conspiracy theories.

    You went way too far. "Hatred for Thais"--um, what? Somebody disagrees with you and you go ballistic? What is that?

  7. ...nothing to do with the volcanic eruptions lately....hmmm...

    ...dunno if we ever get 'a whole story'.....

    I understand your skepticism, and the fallout from erupting volcanoes would only influence the weather after at least three months after each eruption--the particles take a long time to diffuse.However, these events are very rare, and we do not have more than two centuries of data, but that does not mean human beings are (perhaps) altering the climate. We are.

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