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Posts posted by FangFerang

  1. When are they going to arrest the police who caused the deaths of those two boys that started the riot? I know, NEVER!

    Now, now, you are posting messages that will confuse the public and endanger national security.

    Lots of boys die here every day, and none of them are in the news, well not unless they were special boys with special parents in special neighborhoods with special names.

    Nothing to see here...move along.........

  2. China is seriously crashing. It's big run is over. It's cashed in most of its liquidity trying to prop up its economy and its debt has soared. It really has no more bullets left.

    Its labor is no longer cheap and shipping costs to and from China and the West are too high to make it pay for manufacturing. Robots are replacing a lot of cheap labor.

    We're watching another communist dictatorship, in a long line of them, in its death throes. Communist China and Russia - the two biggest losers on the planet.


    You seem to be from a planet no one has visited yet. Is there any intelligent life there?

    The Chinese are undergoing growing pains, nothing more.

    At least that's what serious economists are saying. Does your planet have economists? They're different than cashiers or book keepers.

    Maybe you should read a few books before you visit Earth. That way you at least can talk to first grade children and play jump rope. Hold off on the ho scotch, though. That requires neurons and muscles.

  3. Why did so many seemingly intelligent countries give up their national sovereignty to this EU? It's not only going to break them financially, but the open borders are going to overwhelm their traditional citizens.

    Good bye Europe.

    Thanks to the EU for policing, otherwise all multinationals would have a tax free heaven while the rest of the people work their asses off to pay taxes.


    If each country was responsible to only itself it could make its own rules. Many times corporations have been given tax breaks to encourage them to move in and create jobs. Then the economy improves and taxes are paid by the workers and at the cash register. Many people think that more jobs and more people paying taxes is a good thing.

    If you absolutely hate corporations including the jobs they provide then this doesn't work for you out of your own prejudice. But if you look at the numbers, places who have enticed big corporations to move in and provide a lot of jobs have usually prospered.


    Yeah. Right. Prospered when? When banks collapsed under a completely wild west system of unrestraint? You deny your own antecedent. Almost like trying to crow George the Butcher Bush's remarks just before he bailed out the banks.

    "I like markets. They keep things going <sic>".....

  4. I am astonished. After the Israeli bombing of the counterfeit intaglio presses in Syria awhile back, cutting off the cash is sure way to starve the hydra (all sixteen heads).

    I'm not astonished they did it. I am astonished that someone in the Western military industrial complex had a good idea, even if an obvious one, and they executed a plan.

    About that, I am astonished.

  5. Only a very few high quality Chinese films have ever been viewed on American silver screens, and there were more than a dozen just in the last two years. After unsuccessfully launching reels of quality films, only to find the Hollyweird door and gateway to American distribution locked, bolted and under guard, the Chinese finally figured out how to penetrate the entertainment market...

    Buy into it.

    Good. Half of what Hollyweird has been launching are either tired retakes, sorry prequels and sorrier sequels, people are sick of wasting time and money for mediocre products at premium prices. Star Wars the Force Awakens is a notable exception to this, but Mad Max, the Spider Man remakes and retakes and refakes (and a LONG list of others) were a complete waste of time and money for consumers.

    Let the Chinese have a go--it will shake up the complacency in LA--and LA needs shaken up rather harshly, IMHO, and I do not mean an earthquake.

  6. If no one had caught it on camera, the Hi-so would have walked, the other guy fined and imprisoned.

    Do they really think no one knows what is going on? A few months back a celebrity girl was caught with drugs, but even though they had the sample it was deemed "insufficient evidence" and she walked. A mushroom picker in state land was sentenced to a gazillion years awhile back. The red bull heir... And ON AND ON AND ON AND ON.

    We are laughing at you. No wonder the rabble flocked to Thaksin.

    They had nowhere else to go.

  7. The real complaint from Issara is..."The leading candidate did not support the DPRC".

    That's it, in a nutshell. The Sangha council is above politics. Issara has once again complained that his stage does not get enough traffic, just as he complained when the protests occurred.

    Give it a rest, young monk. The Tripitaka told you to stay out of politics, but that interpretation leaves no room for television stars, and which galls you. Older minds, more in tune with the Dhamma, will ignore your loud squeak.

    I am embarrassed for you. Say thank you.

  8. Well done to keep this hardware off the streets. Frankly, I wouldn't want ANY Thai holding a RPG in their hands. ANY Thai.

    How did the "two arrested youths" have the connections to secure war weapons? It's more than a hidden mastermind question. It's one of safety.

    Where is this crap coming from? It could be military as easily as some militant political faction, and quite probably more easy to procure from those that always have possession of such inventory..

  9. The demand for rice is very high in foreign countries. All you free market psuedo-gurus are way off base. The commodities market and speculation force volumes low to keep per share prices as high as possible.

    t maintain this thousand of tonnes of US wheat are bought and burnt every year, under guard by men armed with automatic weapons.

    The illusionary "free market" is now controlled by middlemen. In the US fisherman and farmers are forbidden from selling directly beyond miniscule volumes.

    One big reason many are starving is that middlemen insist they serve and important function.

  10. Instead of selling to traders, why not observe the King's Self-Sufficiency model and build some plants to create finished goods while the price is so low? Finished goods have virtually no limits to shelf life from rubber, so stockpile that and wait for the price to rise.

    Everyone could laugh all the way to the bank, and taking the incoming volume off the market would also make the kilo price rise.

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