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Posts posted by smileydude

  1. Kudo's to her for putting up a gutsy fight. Luckily the attacker worked alone and was inebriated otherwise she may not be alive to tell the story.

    Poor girl she must be emotionally rattled.

    Drinking + horny = rapist

    Every woman should be taught the cajones iron fist grip.

    And if thats not enough the infamous biu jee (wing chun) fingers straight into the eyes and I'm not just talking what Moe does to Curly.

    They should require that all rapists be subject to sitting in a holed out chair (think James Bond) while a dozen girls line up and smack them with rope tied into a knot. That ought to make them think twice before trying this sh#t again.

  2. The less fortunate Thai does not feel a class struggle as in the old saying "In the water there is fish, in the fields there is rice."

    Do you see or feel this unhappiness among farmers, the so called poorest population?

    The majority of those in the provinces do not go hungry with the support network of relatives and friends, something uncommon in the western world.

    The power struggle has always been going on in Thailand's history but now the strategy has changed with the introduction of the democratic system.

    To win in this system you need numbers and no better way then populist policies and creating a cause.

    Thaksin is not Che Guevara.

    Thaksin is a master of manipulation and is riding a wave with the help of socialists, NGO's and Northern and Issan politicians.

    As Professor Esther Duflo said in her book Poor Economics the reason people are still poor is in the feeling of hopelessness.

    Those with a stronger mentality are able to claw their way out of it. The rest just pass time and accept their fate.

    Many an example can be seen from those who rose up from poverty to riches did not require subsidies or free handouts.

    What they had was their own will not to accept their fate.

    Give people basic access to healthcare and education so that they can dig themselves out starting with their mindset.

    LIke in the saying: Don't give them fish, teach them how to fish.

    What the PTP and Thaksin provide is not the answer to poverty but an answer to staying in power.

    • Like 2
  3. From my personal experience AIS's 3G network is not as good as True's outside of Bangkok.

    AIS has been rather sluggish in expanding its network outside of Bangkok as its been taking for granted its large customer base and weaker competition (DTAC & True) due to concessions it has received in the past.

    Why it received these concessions we all know but for me this is a good wake up call for AIS's complacency no matter who owns it.

    • Like 1
  4. I'm assuming they talked to your wife in thai and assumed she would not tell you otherwise it is very rude, crude and a terrible thing to imply. Some people think they're giving smart advice and that it makes them look caring or street smart when it fact it makes them look truly evil. The fact that your wife told you about these unwelcome advice and has actually cut off those friendships says a lot about your wife which is lucky for you as many wives who have other plans obviously would not let you in on their schemes.

    Just tell your wife that you have no plans to drop dead any time soon and that she should tell her friends to go drop dead.

    You are obviously both worth more to each other alive.

    • Like 1
  5. These figures hold true if your riding a motorcycle and live in the provinces.

    The reason why the stats are so high for Thailand is because of motorcycle accidents, which usually involve one of the following:

    Drinking and driving (especially holidays like Songkran)

    driving into oncoming traffic

    cutting in on the left of vehicles who are turning

    changing lanes at whim without signaling

    drag racing to impress the girls

    Basically its driving with no regards to traffic laws.

    If you drive a vehicle other then a motorcycle and don't often sit in the back of a pickup your odds of survival increase dramatically.

    If you drive mainly in Bangkok your odds are even better.

  6. Tida should just come out of the red shirt closet and tell everyone what she's actually thinking.

    That she believes in socialism/communism, that books and intellectuals should be banned and that Thailand should be like North Korea and Cuba, where instead of 10% of the population being poor, everybody is equally poor and the only elites are the generalissimo's and communist party members (like herself).

    • Like 1
  7. Farmers have the capability to bring down the government just in the sheer number of votes but the only way that is going to happen is if the farmers REALLY learn their lesson that politicians who promise subsidies and other forms of populist free lunches for their votes are insincere. For ever baht given politicians expect a return of 100-1000 fold.

    Farmers have to realize that they were being used as a part of a corruption scheme of epic proportions.

    If farmers are paid and go back with the same mentality that corruption is okay as long as everyone benefits then its back to square one for Thailand. Farmers need to be part of the thai society that says the buck stops here and vote in decent MP's.

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  8. Does not look good in the public eye for the monk to accept the compensation and handle the money himself.

    I understand he may not give a hoot what people think and is confident that he is doing the right thing, that is fighting injustice and evil, for that I respect his stance, but instead of accepting the dirty shin money he should have insisted that he be given rooms.

    I'd really like to see what would become of that stance.

  9. looks like brand new tractors, unlike agricultural machinery which is seen in the countryside.

    somebody lend them to the farmers?

    also it looks like there are several groups, each with a different objective. It seems somebody is playing politics, instead for the farmers to represent themselves.

    those national flags on the tractors are worrying, a nationalist card is played too often in thai politics, always against interests of the majority

    Conspiracy aside how does it matter? The government owes 130 billion baht to the farmers.

    The NACC has found irregularities and corruption in the rice-pledging scheme and the PM is being called to hear the charges. Its pretty obvious that its a scam of epic proportions and the farmers are suffering.

    How can the government expect to sweep this under the carpet? Eventually, be it intervention from 3rd parties or assistance from people who see the injustice, whatever you want to call it, farmers will be heard and the government needs to own up to their incompetence and resign.

  10. Abhisit has his strong points:

    Intellectual capacity (degree in PPE from Oxford)

    Relatively clean image.

    Oratory and debating skills

    and his weak points:

    unable to connect to grass roots people

    rather aloof image

    one man think tank

    not wealthy enough to get everyone to toe the line

    not senior or respected enough to get everyone to toe the line

    negotiating skills

    Leaders to run the country in theory should have the attributes Abhisit has but they also need to have the ones he doesn't have. No single person can have every skill thats why you need a combination of good advisors and skilled politicians.

    Problem is skilled politicians usually have their hands down the honey pot.

    How about the Singapore model where politicians and government officials are paid as well or better then in the private sector so they stop wanting for more plus the strong anti-corruption laws. Or is it impossible to satisfy Thai politician's greed?

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