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Posts posted by smileydude

  1. Silver car has had plate identified is reportedly registered to the army and drove through the crowd and threw either some crackers or small explosives into the crowd, supposedly the crowd that was anti protesters... later as the silver car drives off can hear an explosion and people look up to the flyover, then another explosion under the flyover clearly that one cant come from above...

    Getting more and more chaotic no one can tell whos doing what to who...

    So its been rumoured, the car is registered to the army somehow and drove towards the red shirts, threw some IED's and tried to drive away.

    Deliberate provocation of the red shirts and then we see PDRC men with rifles inside bags shooting at red shirts.

    Terrible and disgusting.

    All in my opinion of course.

    Please proof that there is a riffles in the bags shot by PDRC toward the Red shirts.

    Yes I see a bag. I don't see a riffles.

    Are you serious? There is a VIDEO in this post that shows a PDRC guard shooting a rifle from a bag. It's even on CNN and BBC.

    Take off your yellow glasses for a second:

    Both sides are armed. I'm not surprised as no one wants to be a sitting duck or feel vulnerable.

    The more important point is who instigated the violence.

  2. SmileyDude,

    You sould like you are being a bit "Thai" in your thinking here, about the verbal rudeness ...that requires force or violence? Isn't that like "Face" and Thai people who fly off the handle, because of something, someone SAYS?

    I generally think talking, should only be met with more talking or ignoring.


    Please reread the original post. I said that we should be examples to our children not to condone violence.

    I handled the verbal abuse without resorting to violence.

    Another member raised the subject of violence versus non-violence in which I was asked if physically threatened whether I would remain passive and I said no.

    oh and by the way, I am Thai and why does that make me more afraid of losing face then men of other races? Rather racist comment is it not?

    I think no man wants to lose face or his dignity in front of his family but force should only be used in self defense. That is my point.

    • Like 1
  3. A man received a message from his neighbor: "Sorry sir I am using your wife....I am using it day and night...I am using it when you are not present at home....in fact I am using it more then you are...I confess this because now I feel much guilt...Hope you will accept my sincere apologies"

    Man shoots his wife......

    Few minutes later he received another message: "Sorry sir, spelling mistake...its not wife but wifi....

    Lesson of the day: Check your grammar otherwise it might be NOT UNCONSTITUTIONAL and have dire results like foot in the mouth disease.

    • Like 1
  4. Its the same everywhere. Cars are status symbols for most people and status commands respect.

    Everyone wants to be respected as superficial as this kind of respect is.

    But for some people who can afford it, we go for the finer things in life because you usually get what you pay for.

    You get safety.

    You get comfort.

    You get speed.

    You get style and character.

    For me, styling and design always comes first. Reliability second. Some people are more logical and go for Prius's and Accord's which are great but bland.

    If it doesn't break the bank I always go for what appeals to me on a visceral level and I appreciate functional art. I'm the one ogling over a Bang&Olufsen stereo, a Dyson fan or a Phillip Starck headset.

    Cars are functional art to me so if you see a dude driving in a odd-looking Nissan Figaro its probably me enjoying nostalgia.

    • Like 1
  5. This article is rather short of explanations from banks as to why they didn't participate, despite its title. Kosit is executive chairman of Bangkok Bank.

    "TDRIs Research Director Viroj Na Ranong pointed out that although the government should sell as much rice in stock as they can, but it could not carry on with the method indefinitely, as the problem would become more complicated."

    What on earth does this mean?

    "Minister of Commerce Niwatthamrong Boonsongpaisarn said the government has released into the market over 1 million tonnes of rice in stock in the past month, and was stopped short when parliament was dissolved, since the caretaker government could no longer carry out any projects that would commit the new government."

    He doesn't explain why the government defaulted on its obligations to the farmers in October before the protests started.

    Basically a non-article.

    I think what he means is that the government needs to raise the money to pay back farmers by selling unsold rice stocks at MARKET rates instead of trying to solve the problem by taking out loans which eventually will require taking taxpayers money meant for other things to pay back the loans. Basically passing the buck onto us for their incompetence.

    Thaksin thought in all his cleverness that he could manipulate world rice prices by hoarding millions of tons of rice and when demand was beyond supply he could sell them at inflated prices. Of course he wanted to make commission on top of his scheme and at the same time guarantee high rice prices for farmer = votes.

    He forgot that India, Vietnam and other rice producing countries did not need to play by his rules thus they upped their production and world rice prices fell below the estimated 15,000 baht/ton. Now the government needs to sell the rice at market rates of 9000 baht/ton which is better then letting the stocks rot in storage as advised by TDRI but they knew that if they did that they would not gain any profits and hardly raise enough money to pay off all the farmers (even though the guaranteed price to farmers was about 7500 baht/ton) with the remaining 7500 baht to be shared among those colluding in the scheme. They are holding on to the rice stocks out of greed and to hide their losses but rice has a limited shelf life unlike other commodities so Thakky made a bad miscalculation. Thaksin is setting up the Ministry of Finance and his own sister for the fall as he knows of the legal implications. Of course he is scot free of all responsibilities. Way to save your own hide bro.

    • Like 1
  6. Though we are born of different temperaments we are likely to be emotionally molded during our upbringing.

    I think it starts in the home with good parenting.

    If kids make mistakes explain with reason instead of emotional disapprovals.

    Control your anger in front of the them eg. when viewing/reading about political events or when stuck in traffic (rage).

    Avoid curse words

    Judgmental and gossipy parents with racial tones lead to children with the same mindset.

    My wife was once scolded harshly for taking pictures of exotic animals in Chatuchak market in front of my kids and myself. I confronted the guy and told him he was very rude and that he should apologize as my wife did not see the small sign saying "no photo" (obviously for bad publicity reasons). He refused and continued to rebuke us.

    Inside I really wanted to teach him a lesson (and practice some of those wing chun moves!) but I took a deep breath and let it go because both my girls were there. If I had pummeled the guy what would I have proven?

    Its okay to use violence because your bigger or trained?

    Lead by example.

    A fine post with a lot of genuine wisdom - some of it sounds almost pre-WW2, and that's no bad thing in my book of life. The only question-mark it raises in my mind is the issue of violence, or of non-violence. Although i strongly believe (well, know) that violence in general leads to a no-win, god-awful aftermath - hours/months or in the case of a conviction, years in clink being abused in all manner of ways - your final question: "It's ok to use violence because you're bigger or trained?" is not merely rhetorical for me. There are so many occasions in personal life and in the life of a nation where yes, violence is completely justified - and i'm usually smaller, but it wouldn't cross my mind when i'm furious enough ! Your restraint in THAT situation was definitely wise all round though - the moron was only verbally abusing you - but if he'd shoved you, what would you have done ? What if his shove had put you on the floor ? Still a pacifist ? It would have taken monumental amounts of self-control not to deck him then. Your emphasis on child-development is terrific, and i think it's an area of human knowledge that is almost belittled these days by some of the 'child-centred' thinking, but i imagine that since you are 'trained' you wouldn't want your kids to be punch-bags for all and sundry as they take on the challenges of growing up, so in some situations, maybe turning-the-other-cheek would not be the best choice. It's easy to be clever with hindsight, but maybe the best handling of your particular 'situation' in the market, would have been to ask your wife is she was going to be spoken to like that by a fellow Thai (i'm assuming that of course). Love the first paragraph; and my answer to your last line, is Yep, sometimes; but only when it is unavoidable.

    (Ed: it's not your last line, it's your final question, sorry.)

    You raise some interesting points about violence versus non-violence.

    First I am hardly a pacifist thats why I trained myself in self defense and compete in IPSC competition shooting. I strongly believe in the 2nd amendment and also have trained everyone in my family how to properly handle firearms.

    I believe in the right to use lethal force to protect myself and my family and will not hesitate to do so in a life-threatening situation.

    To be honest if he shoved me I would have broken his arm. I am hardly a saint.

    As for my wife, I actually did glance at her before I withdrew and she gave me the look that said "honey its not worth the problem of ending up for hours in the police station". I defended her honor and she felt that was enough. Of course my evil side said I should have reported him to the endangered animal protection agency but I knew they were in his pockets otherwise he wouldn't be selling them out in the open.

    I define force and violence as different things. Violence is based on an emotional response without just cause as what often happens between youth gangs and when mobs of people of opposing religions and political ideology meet. Force is a planned action to contain a threatening situation such as by the military or law enforcement. On a personal level force would have been my subduing any physical threat which I think would have been justified but in this case I think the perp's bark was mightier then his bite.

    • Like 1
  7. Its possible but not very healthy when you're in a relationship with a thai girl.

    Thai girls usually do not do well with the "female friends" concept.

    Even the most self-confident ones don't like unwanted attention on their bf's. Who does?

    But then again it all depends on how you hold yourself in front of other women. If you can appear friendly yet platonic to other girls in front of your gf then you might have her trust. Advances will be made and girls have a special radar detector for that so learn to maneuver the hazards.

    I would actually be more concerned if my gf had no jealousy whatsoever as it often indicates a lack of emotional commitment or that they're straying.

    Navigate at your own peril and good luck with the balancing act.

    • Like 2
  8. Though we are born of different temperaments we are likely to be emotionally molded during our upbringing.

    I think it starts in the home with good parenting.

    If kids make mistakes explain with reason instead of emotional disapprovals.

    Control your anger in front of the them eg. when viewing/reading about political events or when stuck in traffic (rage).

    Avoid curse words

    Judgmental and gossipy parents with racial tones lead to children with the same mindset.

    My wife was once scolded harshly for taking pictures of exotic animals in Chatuchak market in front of my kids and myself. I confronted the guy and told him he was very rude and that he should apologize as my wife did not see the small sign saying "no photo" (obviously for bad publicity reasons). He refused and continued to rebuke us.

    Inside I really wanted to teach him a lesson (and practice some of those wing chun moves!) but I took a deep breath and let it go because both my girls were there. If I had pummeled the guy what would I have proven?

    Its okay to use violence because your bigger or trained?

    Lead by example.

    • Like 2
  9. Symptomless carriers are always the most dangerous factor in any disease outbreak. 1.2 million is a very alarming number which is probably less then the actual number so the next time you hook up with a girl and you base her health status on how "clean" and "good" she looks and want to have fun without protection, think again. HIV doesn't only ruin your own life but that of everyone who comes into contact with you intimately, especially loved ones.

  10. Some Facts:

    The BAAC has only about 3.1 billion left in its account.

    The government currently owes about 100 billion to farmers in the rice-pledging scheme.

    The government will owe a total of 190 billion baht by the time rice harvesting is over in February.

    The Finance Ministry has approved the borrowing of over a100 billion baht in loans but no financial institution (in their right mind?) has come forward to offer loans that have no collateral and looks like a black hole.

    The farmers are suffering as can be seen from the protests and suicides and the entire program is obviously a failure.


    Time for the government to own up to its mistake and solve the problem instead of just trying to save its own ass.

    Rice subsidies as good as they are for getting votes are not feasible in the long run as a single country cannot dictate world rice prices by hoarding. When you factor in corruption via middlemen and most of the gains going to wealthy landowners and rice millers very little actually benefits the average rice farmer or encourages competitive and efficient farming practices aside from subsidy handouts.

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  11. and yet....Amazingly there are still people who actually support this government

    I guess perhaps being that for those who earn below the taxable income level why should they care how taxpayers money is being spent when they contribute zero? Of course don't forget the manipulating middlemen getting rich siphoning off it like parasites. I'm sure they vote where their pockets are.

  12. If you want to snuff someone out right now is really a good time. Just shoot em and plant an anti-government scarf and wristband on their body.

    The BIB at their convenience will conclude protest violence and throw the file into the cabinet, case closed.

    Same thing happened when Thaksin went on an anti-drug campaign warpath and thousands of bodies piled up. All victims were classified as drug dealers etc. when in fact many could have been well-planned extra-judicial exterminations of political rivals and competition.

    Ask the Human Rights Commission, most of the cases never saw the light of day in court.

  13. Dr. Pornthip is without doubt a person of integrity and competence and is very much respected by the public and her peers in Thailand.

    She is reviled by the police and southern insurgents for her work in the south and for always making the police look like idiots with their second rate gathering of evidence.

    She was dismissed as director of the Central Institute of Forensic Science just one week before the murder of Akeyuth Achanbutr, the very outspoken critic of Thaksin and his sister. He was claimed to have leaked a video of the PM (Yingluck) have an escapade with a prominent businessman at the Four Seasons hotel.

    One guesses that the powers above did not want her to find out the truth during an autopsy of Akeyuth which was conveniently and subsequently assigned to the police forensics department. The case has so far concluded that "Ball" his driver did it, very professionally may I add as Akeyuth usually is accompanied by several bodyguards and carries a weapon. The case has gone hush and is already forgotten by the public.

    The information provided about Dr. Porntip on Wikipedia does not seem to be entirely accurate, but as we know wikipedia is open sourced so there is a disclaimer on its origins and accuracy in itself.

    As for this case, as a professional, Dr. Porthip can make educated guesses on the caliber of weapon used etc. but without solid proof will not confirm it on a report lest it be used misleadingly. Thats how forensics work. Scientific proof or no opinion. Has nothing to do with her competency. The trajectory can be concluded of course with a degree of accuracy and it seems the killers were professional, coordinated and accurate.

    Not your everyday redshirt protestor but more like those with military training. Whoever's work it is is not as important as what is stands for. Tactical intimidation and suppression of protests on a coordinated level by professionals. This is the signature hallmark of those in power and not some pro-government supporters.

  14. I wonder if any of this had to do with the convoys of police vans I saw heading northeast on friendship highway. From Saraburi to Bangkok I counted at least 5 convoys consisting of about 10-15 vans and 5-8 police trucks per convoy. The windows were completedly tinted out so I couldn't make out the occupants but each convoy could have easily transported 200-300 personel. Cambodians? Thai border police? Yingluck and Chalerm's cash stash?

    Definitely alot of movement going on.

  15. Becoming the laughing stock of the world? A farce?

    I fail to see this.

    All I see is rampant corruption, people getting sick and tired of Thaksinomics and a deep division in Thai society created by politicians manipulating and stoking discontent on both sides.

    Unlike the violent social discontent currently seen in Ukraine or the Arab spring movements I think Thailand's situation is pretty mild. So maybe the mildness makes it farcical?

    I think we'd be the laughing stock of the world if we kept putting up with such blatant abuse of power and unprecedented levels of corruption by an elected government.

  16. I infiltrate here on a regular basis and don't think red, yellow, or whatever color thai you are should attempt to sway the expat community here in Thailand as they know better then to believe internet warriors more then what they actually see.

    Of course Thaksin has hired lobbyists to influence the Washington Post and even US senators to side with the government because its much easier to fool people half way across the world who have no idea where Thailand even is or give a hoot to seek the truth. I'm sure Chevron with their agreement with Hun Sen and Thaksin over drilling rights in the Gulf of Thailand would like to see him back. There's always somebody with their hands in the honey pot calling the shots.

  17. Lots of advice already given some great, some rather harsh.

    From your post you seem conscientious and responsible, more then most guys would be so that is commendable.

    You also seem alot less worldy and aware of Thailand's perils, in which your story and all the advice given here may come handy to others.

    Though the odds are stacked against her for this story being legit, giving her benefit of the doubt does not have to be painful for you.

    Don't do, give or commit anything based on emotions or guilt. If she/he is really your child you have a lifetime to take responsibility and care for her/him so no hurries. As for the girl, well she isn't really your responsibility if she dropped you but it all depends if there are real feelings or not.

    As many have already said:

    1. Get solid evidence of the pregnancy, eg. certified pregnancy tests, Ultrasounds + visual confirmation(physical exams) from reputable hospitals etc.

    2. Prove the child is actually yours through DNA testing.

    Once you've sorted that out and by chance it is your child, then you can choose to be a part of the child's life which I hope you will.

    This doesn't necessarily mean having to commit to a relationship just out of guilt or chivarly. That would only complicate things and be painful.

    You can be a single dad or support the child financially depending upon the agreement. Whats important is the child has a chance to grow up like any other normal kid. I doubt this would happen if you only gave money so you'll have to think that one through.

    Best of luck mate.

  18. This is a first report and first reports always get modified.

    Still, it's no secret an assault rifle is far more powerful and devastating than a handgun, so this is a serious development. If the elite groupings are involved going after one of their own, broadly speaking, then none of them are safe.

    And this is a bushwhacking, a targeted pickoff attempt, which begins to add an eeriness to the shadow boxing already going on.

    Actually if it was an M16 which uses 5.56 NATO rounds then NO a 45 or 357 is more devastating. It's a larger slug.

    Edit : it seems it was an AK47.. 7.62... much bigger slug


    More info.. looks like he may have made enemies locally as his radio station was bombed in August.

    Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Sorry have to disagree. Assault rifles like the M-16 5.56mm 40 g rounds travel at over 3000 ft/sec compared to 900-1400 for .45 or .357 rounds in 3-4" barrels. The force in Joules plus the fact that the rounds fragment and tumble upon entering flesh causes devastating tissue injury/damage way beyond what most civilian rounds can cause.

    Nobody deserves to be shot for political reasons but when you mess with the bull you get the horns.

    Politics in Thailand is dangerous and always gets personal.

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