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Posts posted by Nawak

  1. I use Safari 5.0.2 on my iMac and Macbook Pro. I use it because it just do what a browser should do and with Gimmer Blocker and ClickToFlash I'm not annoyed by advertisings and flash animations.

    I've also Camino and Firefox installed but rarely use them.

    I have also 2 GNU/Linux distribs and Windows 7 as virtual machines in Parallels and with these Os's I use Firefox. I'll give a try to Maxthon.

  2. Day to day, if you're unsure, best to not do it and stick with da nod with a smile. ;)

    That's how I understand politeness; the nod with a smile. In the moobaan we don't wai much among thai residents and I; only once when I come back from Europe after 2 months away. Then we stick with the usual "sawasdee krap", the nod and a smile. I think a friendly and respectful attitude is the best way to be welcomed here.

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