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Posts posted by SidJames

  1. I live about 5kms from there & it was a thoroughly unpleasant few days the last time that they held a dance music wkend.

    The sound checks started a day or so beforehand & went on intermittently throughout the day & evening.

    There were obviously some aftershow parties because about an hr after the main music stopped it started up again but this time the windows on the house weren't rattling & went on til the early hours.

    The roads were gridlocked & that was when the Suk was fully open, it's now a crawl at the best of times with the road works.

    One last thing, the Gardens host a large troupe of elephants from calves up to mature adults who communicate on a low spectrum of sound & the baselines that will run for a minimum of 8hrs straight must be torturous for the poor animals who no doubt will be drugged & chained to keep them calm much like a fair amount of the attendees who will also be drugged but not chained.

    I will get a hotel in town with the family methinks for the wkend so we can get a bit of peace & sleep.


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  2. On 3/25/2022 at 3:07 PM, scubascuba3 said:

    Dollhouse was quiet early on but later much busier, lots of girls in there so I don't care if few customers, they seem happy with the money they make.


    Pinup was very popular and packed i had a free girlfriend who worked there, i had to kick her out to go to work

    If you don't mind me asking but exactly is a 'free girlfriend'?

    It's not a term that I am used to.

  3. The brother-in-law is tooled up but when we spoke he didn't know anything about cleaning & lubricating it at all & I know next to nothing so can someone advise on the best local domestic shop bought products (ie: Bid C) to clean then oil the piece please?

    Also could you recommend the best way to store such a weapon over the months to stop it rusting or degrading while stored for many months at a time unused?

  4. The live of bars & restaurants between that 7/11 shaped like a ship & the Big C turn on the right hand side of Pattaya Tai was full to the rafters with customers still drinking & eating after midnight some with live bands for all the world to see.

    The crackdowns only appear to focus on the foreign owned Pattaya establishments.

    Koh Chang & Phuket also doing as they please.

    How is Bangkok doing these days?

  5. 3 hours ago, Bruno123 said:


    Don't continue making sense. If you continue to do so you'll leave no space for the foreigners who hate themselves along with their kinfolk.

    Wholly unacceptable to attack and to cheat your customers.


    It's a place for drinking and revelling. If the security cannot handle someone who is drinking; get better security.

    In my venues, anyone being overly rowdy and refusing to calm down would be firmly gripped on either side by security and walked out. Any further noise and they would be permanently banned.

    Fighting is for animals. The bar owner who piped up about attacking his own customers is a sad case in point. A hooligan running a bar.

    There are a few of them around town as it goes.

    One recent appointee from a well known football club that is being sold by order of the UK government

  6. I'm renewing my 5 yr DL & at the transport office they gave me a list of things that I will need includung a link to dlt-elearning where I had to answer 2 questions then watch a video but none of the play buttons are clickable so I can't watch the video.

    Has anyone had the same problem & is there anything that I can do resolve this or get around it?

    It appears the site is registering that you have watched so that you can go forward on the website to get a pass certificate which has to printed off & presented with the other paperwork.


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