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Posts posted by thailand49

  1. Exceptions are the problem!  So if you have held or holding a longer license means you are allowed to drink more? Be more responsible? One limit for everyone! period.

    Now the reality, These Vans are owned by the Transport company that runs the buses throughout the country particularly in Bangkok and Pattaya. You know the white ones with the red and blue strips on the bottom.

    NO ENFORCEMENT!  RULES REALLY ALREADY IN EFFECT!  In a country like U.S. these types of driver fall under the B class for Commercial drivers, they are required to have a log book for every vehicle that must be filled out prior to operation. Prior to employment must provide a 3-year history from the Department as to their history of driving which here in Thailand isn't required nor is there a national database to track drivers history. Then there is random drug testing and a required certified medical examination if cleared must carry the medical clearance with their driver license.

    These types of drivers are everywhere on the roads in Thailand no one is checking there is no doubt in their enforcement this death is as much the responsibility of the employer and here in Thailand they blame the driver which is part of the blame when they start to make the employer start to pay major money only then will they start to get the message.

    Driving is a privilege, not a right the major reason he will not be charged with anything major and will be back behind the wheel because of the police and the government thinking the got must work and feed his family so they will go lightly just another life and sadly the Thai, in general, go along with this the honour system which doesn't work Thailand is a fail State!


  2. 20 hours ago, essox essox said:

    does it matter in this case.....the authorities are at fault for NOT identifying a deep trench..


    Sorry, it does matter, think about it if it was your kids?  2 am,  14-16 what do you think they were doing that late putting themselves in a position for something to happen and it did.

    Yes agree the authorities are at fault, there are a number of these holes like this Pattaya Klang, 3 road,  all not identify,  when I going to the clubs at night and going home darkside late at night covered or not I know they are there the position of the barrier placed correctly No but I have enough sense to know they are there going at a safe speed which I don't think they were or even care at that age that late.


  3. Here is why?  today in the Bangkok Post had a story on the case. The police charged him with 4 infraction none had to do with what he did with the women.

    To get the exact charges you will need to look up the article yourself but if memories serve me correct one was not turning on the meter, operating ten years without a valid license, can't remember the other two maybe one of them was picking his nose/toe or something like that?

    The police the system is at fault here no real enforcement which is attributed to many of the biggest problems here in Thailand. The continuing belief " the honour system " is going to work.

    Thailand is a great place to live in spite of the trash in some people but in reality, the Government is a failed State!

    • Thanks 1
  4. I don't like saying this because my son is Thai but today I'm having one of those "This is Thailand " moments.  In general, and you will never be able to get this point across to them because they are just so proud of their country that there isn't anything really wrong it is just us Farang bashing them. 

    The system or total just total lack of their education system seems to spills over to their leaders and the BIB which is the reason this guy wasn't already in jail.

    The excuses they come up with makes it hard to not notice!  You can't make this stuff up as to how stupid they think and being as such I would suggest Thai men are just too stupid to be criminals. ????️‍♂️  If I was this stupid I kill myself!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  5. Just my 2 cent!


    The problem I see here many people take it for granted that these immigration officers can actually read and write English. Believe me, they can't in general but they aren't going to come out and tell you they can't.

    How do I know my favourite pastime is to test people and play mind games so I can get a reaction I do this all the time even down in Immigration Jomtien. I play the respectful helpless old Chinese man with a slight fake limp asking a lot of questions making them feel all helpful and warm inside so I can figure out what to expect down the road.

    The reality, if you need to do the income it is going to be difficult unless you have been getting the money deposited into a Thai Bank for some time.

    If you are just doing it now if you know and believe that critical thinking isn't part of their education curriculum it is going to be tough for them to figure it all out the reason they want all the deposits done on the same date each month. It is near impossible, example your pension comes on the 1st of each month if it falls on a Saturday Sunday you might get it two days before or a day after, then if you are an American in general if your Birthday is like 14th, you will get it the 3rd Wednesday of each month that could be 15th, 17th, 20th when it comes to your Social Security.

    It isn't rocket science to us, but the majority if we were working immigration, can take Bank statement look at the deposit the wording next to it and the date and match it up with the next month and so on. If you know Thais at all the more you talk the faster more frustration the switch goes off and they stick to their request. Look at them while you are talking you will see the signs you been tuned out!

    That being said I have the pension money to do the income but much easier to just ship money over whether I like it or not and do the 800,000 deposit. I'm married at this point even too lazy to convert to marriage or even change our joint bank book which has her maiden name so I just shipped another million since I need 1,600,000 joint different names

    Remember just keep it simple. This is Thailand in some cases!



  6. I can't dispute the comments or the stats others are throwing out. I've not been to any office in Thailand but Pattaya. I have no idea or stats as to why people are there but what I do know is from Soi 8 to the current location the place is still too small so that being said unconfirmed by any stats the place is usually packed to the rim at least the last 13 years I've been doing my Extension.


    Without any stats, if you are observant and organized can pretty much figure the best time to go and get out without a problem. As for the prices, it still the same especially the extension and multi-entry I'm not surprised it hasn't been raised since they are doing a volume business it would be stupid.  


    As for visa especially tourist to the U.S. I can attest the chances are nearly slim and none to get one although it is possible. 


    As for insurance, I think everyone should but the system here forces many to go without especially when you get to be my age 67, the coverage now is reduced while the premium is 3 or 4 times and any pre-existing condition isn't covered. What is being offered is basically a form of blackmail as far as I'm concerned!



  7. 20 hours ago, ezzra said:

    The other way around would have been much better, hang yourself first and then the little one stupid old cow, what did the little one did to you that you ended his life just to spite your husband...

    Agree!  sadly the thinking in this case.  Son, to Asian males Thai included, is number#1 passes on the name etc. killing the son you get it?  that is the revenge part.

  8. On 6/4/2019 at 11:33 AM, Dmaxdan said:

    The fragile ego of the spurned Thai male strikes again. A pathetic excuse for a "man".

    My thinking "  this isn't a man physical form only immature.  Like I say to my wife just because you got a dick and it gets up doesn't make you a man and that goes for people everywhere. I thought I put that in before if not already this type of stuff happens in other countries too.  


  9. Don't worry fellow Brit Brothers, you got the Americans back all these years were in this together. Trump is there now ( for the record I didn't vote for him )  he is going to put the Great back into Britain as soon as confirmation there is a trade deal the pound will be going back up but of course, don't even think 50 be happy 42?????

    • Like 1
  10. On 5/24/2019 at 9:23 PM, Puchaiyank said:

    This is an Op Ed, opinion editorial, opinions are like bottoms...everyone has one...


    You get paid to write this article?

    The guy head is so deep down the anal canal he can't see the sunshine because he is happy to have a job.


    • Haha 1
  11. Let me sum it up right from the poster mouth " operate independently " confirms the right hand has no idea no control as to what the left does "  just confirms to me at least why one department points out a problem and nothing get done a big reason something so simple can't be fixed this setup is laced with corruption that being said when it comes to money they require things that just don't make a whole lot of sense?

  12. NO NO NO!  All wrong! 

    This is one of the worse intersection of all Pattaya, Sukhumivit 53, Darkside also called Nernpludwan. The intersection runs above the train tracks the speed limit is marked at 50 KM/H there is no signal in operation this is one of the worse intersection and roads in entire Pattaya in my opinion. 

    On this day I was right in the front on my bike at the intersection on Nernpludwan the vehicle coming up usually play a very dangerous game and that is I'm larger don't get in my way if they don't have to rarely do the vehicles coming up want to give way in fact majority go as fast as they can behind other cars closing the gap providing no break for vehicles or bikes on Nernpludwan. Cars on Nernpludwan no better always blocking the intersection it is dog eat dog!

    Majority of the time I can judge properly and know I can get through the intersection without causing oncoming vehicles to slam their brakes providing enough time to slow down. Today while waiting I was thinking of going but I heard the Ford put the gas on metal to let everyone know " here I come "  the motorbike instead of waiting took off through she had plenty of time to just take her foot off the gas and apply the brakes and hold the wheel straight she decided like most driver here ( in general ) swing the wheel thinking no problem she lost control of the vehicle she was lucky the vehicle didn't wipe all of us out and it didn't flip over the bridge and down to the train tracks. There were no skid marks indicating no attempt to brake and I can attest she had time so lost control!

    I sat there in disbelief as to what she did want to pull her out and bitch slap the shit out of her but that would be a non-Thai reaction. More than enough people ran to help I didn't need to stick around to see or hear the excuses from her or the bystanders.

  13. Of course, this is Thailand so what you might get in England isn't really relevant. Aside from your insurance here is it in English that clearly states it should be fixed?

    In the States, in general, you got two types of insurance Homeowners that cover fire and floods then you got one that is optional that covers as you described plus appliances.


    When it comes to the possible leak?  determine if it is actually a leak?  make sure everything is in working order like your toilets and they are turn off then go to the street meter and see if it is moving.


    From experience,  when it comes to bathrooms by the naked eye seem seal but over time they leak. If it was a broken pipe etc. if your ceiling is sheetrock it would have caved in long ago. The easy way if sheetrock is to cut a section to check for the leak the area regardless needs to dry to prevent mole.  


    If it isn't a pipe then I think the grout has failed start around the drain area and remove the old grout and replace and let dry. 

  14. On 5/23/2019 at 7:18 PM, darksidedog said:

    I have mixed feelings about this. I am happy that Somchai has put his hand deep in his pocket and ensured the kids are financially set. I am very unhappy that he seems set to escape jail time. Sure, he has shown contrition, but two people are dead because of him. If he is allowed to stay out of jail, it will send a message to every other rich person that you can drive as drunk as you like, wipe out as many people as you like and walk free by lobbing out a few dollars. I hope the court recognises this and ensures he does see time behind bars.

    That is the problem I agree,  police have no business deciding the case there is a criminal and Civil element here the two don't mix but the police seem to think they are the judge and jury here which is why stuff like this continues.

    Mix feeling at least he is putting out a lot more than the RedBullshit kid family only kicked out 2-3 million to the cop family he ran over. He just raised the bar!

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