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Posts posted by thailand49

  1. 12 hours ago, bwpage3 said:

    You hit the nail right on the head!


    Thai women, and they may be mislead by the farang, do not seem to realize farangs are rich, middle class and poor.


    They want to believe they are marrying the rich. They want to believe they are all rich.


    Is it an oversight on their desire to escape poverty, or are they simply victims because the farang never made her understand exactly what financial class he lived in?



    Not saying this is what happen?  Sometimes it happens so fast people overlook it due her being pregnant?  Then are times they just don't believe it due to rumors of other girls stories in the bars, etc.. even a Thai M.P. was quoted a few years back in the Bangkok Post, that if you want a better life " marry a farang "  there are so many stories about Isaan how the economy and the number of homes being build in Isaan as a example.

    Sometimes it is a discussion in contrasts, you are telling a girl you don't have money but yet they have a idea how much a airplane flight cost,  although your hotel might not be 5 days it is better than where they are staying. You say you don't have money but you are at Starbucks twice a day 300 baht, double what she spends on food for her and baby a day.

    There are times no matter how much you try they don't believe think you being cheap hiding something?  Then if you talk too much and long they tell you they understand because they want you to stop talking. 

    I have a close friend took her to a Law firm in Bangkok that he used a number of times, the lawyers were Thai raised in the U.S. spoke perfect English/Thai and pay them for their time to translated his conversation about his life and what to expect.

    There is no real answer solution if they just have their hand out regardless who they are?


  2. Without reading it on FB myself tough to know if she is complaining or complaining in a way to friends etc.. that it isn't what people make things out of marrying a farang?


    After all the time of her getting pregnant and immigrating to Germany?  and she still feels this way I would have to give the husband a lot of blame too.  Why? for not having a simple conversation that leaving and living in another country and culture isn't so easy. Obviously from beginning to end she has brought into the thinking if you want a better life marry a farang. What isn't explain if she does believe is we are no different than anyone else. There are people who are rich, people in the middle and people that are just getting by getting by still allows a individual to buy a ticket to Thailand have a holiday etc..

    Some how I assume this conversation never happen or she just though the guy was joking?

  3. The 3rd party, just forget it, even if you were to find them think? what are you actually going to get?  You are scrapping the bottom there.

    In regards to the dream,  I don't believe a 20 year dream is a 125 C.C.?  get out the registration and take a look. This bike is somewhere in the 5000-10,000 range. 

    If possible, take the bike to Sukhumvit Soi 55, this shop I believe will give you a real answer and cost as to the front end.

    Last, If the bike is 20 year old, I would offer no more than 10,000 baht for the bike, I'm guessing he would jump on it!  if he does then tell him the bike is yours then watch his reaction. If I'm correct he is full of shit..

  4. Not sure if fact, but it work for me I felt the difference.  For trucks with the gate up when you travel particular at higher speed the wind goes over the front of the vehicle over your ceiling and ends up in your rear bed, thus the reason you see not here, people with trucks dropping down their bed lid. Most people don't have trucks to carry construction material etc, that is why their are aftermarket products that you can remove the rear lid and place a net across. I think Nissan has a actually tubular bar I've haven't seen it here in Thailand.

    Yes, you can put some weight like sand bags right across the axle in the rear. This is what I use to do in my 1971 VW superbeetle since the engine was in rear and the front use to float a bit on the hwy or when raining and windy.

    I have a Toyota, Revo and have a permanent hard cover in the back that can be pop up and down, I'm sure you seen them that takes care of the problem too?

  5. Frustration right?


    Just because it is the dealer doesn't mean they have the best trained staff. in fact that is my problem with the dealer, they are very good about selling the bikes because they have a monopoly like Mityon.  I've written them before about their service that they are missing out on the largest market and that is service.  You look at the service book, each service has about 8 items yet we know it only takes a second to check most.  I go to the service every 4,000 and I have to tell the guy majority of time it isn't just the oil, you suppose to check the following. 

    Now your problem if you are in Pattaya, you are lucky there is a top notch shop on Sukhumvit 55, that is not only a supply store for nearly all the independent shops but also has great service.

    First, I would change the battery sounds defective to me!  for a original it is about 650 baht,  now make sure because the new PCX has that fancy locking system make sure it is really in the off position.  If the new battery goes out like the old then for sure you got a short.

    Then there is also possible,  as you know kick stands got to be up, you got to squeeze the left brake to get it started, there might be a hitch in that area that makes it seem like the battery is out. I once took it back to the shop that I got the new battery, because it wouldn't start as if the battery was drained, took a screwdriver loosen something on the left hand brake, took the air hose and squeeze some WD 40, and I was good to go. There is a sensor and it didn't make contact so it wouldn't start.

    Then last, there is that stupid  " idol switch " you don't need it turn it off,  when using, as soon as the light changes you hit the throttle it drains the battery since it has to start the bike.  I switch my off, and current battery is 3 years and still going strong.


    Good luck

  6. 9 hours ago, Dogmatix said:


    Yes, the facts are totally unclear and I am suspicious of car companies in Thailand, having had a bad experience with Chevrolet mentioned earlier in this thread.  It is possible that the customers made some unrealistic demands but does that justify suing them for damages?  The article looks slanted by whatever Mazda's lawyers or PR people have said and possibly also badly translated. It is unlikely that anyone would admit that they were habitually speeding and then blame the car manufacture. It is more likely that they cited engine problems at speeds within Thailand's legal speed limits.  Even if the customers are totally wrong, I think that suing them is vindictive can only result in an own goal. 


    I once worked for a consumer company in the UK and one of the golden rules I learned from the home sales department, during my initial training, was that the company never got into legal wrangles with customers, even bad debtors, as the reputational damage, if cases got into the media, was considered likely to far outweigh any financial damages awarded by a court which might not have been collectible anyway.  After the final warning letter from a solicitor the company never followed up and just wrote off the bad debts which avoided criticism of its admittedly somewhat dubious marketing techniques.         

    I think we are on the same page, things are just so uncleared, when it comes to Thailand, it isn't just car companies? that use their power to push the little guys around. I like you think there is a lot missing here in the report and agree avoid bad press at all cost. We don't know if Mazda, made the attempts in writing to ask them to stop etc.. but the normal process when one don't is to file a complaint and the threat to stop is normally a $$$ attach to it. 

    In this case, it was Mazda, which comes across the big guy bullying the little, thus the reason the lawyer step in to protect them. The lawyer cited basically free speech, and I'm all for that but today even Online, one can go too far beyond and if you can't back it up the lawyers get involved which is what is happening. In the end, I think this will settle itself Mazda HQ in Japan will make it go away. 

    I think this topic has shown me regardless of how good their cars and truck looks but stay away. Glad to find out Ford and Chevy hasn't change much either. 

  7. 57 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

    No problem accepting your opinion, despite its incoherent presentation. I was making the point your misspellings and grammatical errors were so blatant you shouldn't be criticising Thai Visa for incorrect spelling.:shock1:

    I can see the light is on but no one is home here!

    This isn't rocket science but a bit uptight maybe you are associated with them unless you are the moderator or on payroll let them defend themselves!

    The difference I'm not on their payroll, if you are going to get pay then prove read what is published, we have enough fake news going on at least do the job right and get the spelling right.

    That is the difference plus my remarks was to be somewhat joking but I guess your uptight butt anything is going to send you over the top! Maybe if you are so concern and up and up about yourself go get a job with them.

    I can see where this post is going to end up, so before they Bye!

    • Sad 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Dogmatix said:


    Mazda is a large Japanese company in Thailand with powerful local connections. I would guess that the customers got frustrated with their refusal to stand by their products and hiding behind Thailand’s non-existent consumer protection law. Perhaps that induced the customers to go a bit over the top. But Mazda has really gone over the top by suing its own customers and I am sure they have exaggerated the customer s’ alleged wrongdoings.

    I guess that is your opinion of the article but I see it the other way until the full story comes out?  I think Mazda did offer the help the customer just the customer wanted some outside the scope of the problem with the vehicle which was the " speeding issue "  to demand and it was a demand otherwise they continue to go online with their opinion which they did. Again the customer wanted a 10 year 500,000 KM warranty?  I think Kia offers a 10 year but 500,000 Km, what car maker offer that? Mazda came back with less, less means to me 500 was too much so they made a offer. Then why demand a 10 year bumper to bumper when the problem was isolated to the speeding. That is why I said Mazda should just fix the problem. Based on the story written and we can only go by what is written unless you know more? I feel you just can't yell fired Online, you got to stick to the issue of the problem and not want a full coverage on the entire vehicle. If Mazda had refused to fix the problem then I think the consumer have a case, based on what I read even in Thailand, with or without consumer protection they don't have a case since their demand is outside the scope of the problem being stated Online which is speeding.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, tweedledee2 said:

    What does free sound like to you?  Our daughters are now 15 and 8 and both have attended Ban Sano School since the youngest started Kindergarten.  Prior to that, the oldest attended another school near our former home.  Our only expenses have been what we spend on the clothes they wear to school and their daily lunch, nothing more.  We have paid no money to either of the schools for them to attend. The 5050 baht (less than $170) pays for 1 year of high school.  If you subtract the cost of uniforms, meals and the English teachers fee, there isn't anything left for anyone to get rich.

    Sorry you seem to miss something " books "  " uniforms " and the English teacher fee "  which shouldn't even be charged since the government has stated many times to the Asean community that we will do better to meet standard. 

    Look up the word free.

    This government and it has been stated by their own Thai critics that they need to change the standard of education, along with that is how they this government funds the country. As it was explain to me by a vice mayor of a major City in Thailand. How much a province gets is based on Household in the province so do the numbers the small the province the less money thus the criticism by Thai scholars they need to fund schools in your area just like they do in Bangkok. It isn't rocket science what their own people are asking for that the big City gets.

    Free, is a free English to meet their goal Asean, Free uniforms since they required them, Free books, were your's free the country you came from?  Teacher should get a decent salary so they wouldn't have to supplement their income with tutoring their own students, they shouldn't charge extra to tutor kids to prepare them for O-net.

    Get you head out of the sand before it is too late.

  10. 1 hour ago, zaZa9 said:

    This was also my view - Im from a Commonwealth country and have lived in others and never heard of a Co. suing an individual who has complained about a product - even a group of individuals , as long as they have not published falsehoods.

    But I'd rather listen to others  and learn something along the way  than yell , "Wrong"  , as I dont know all the laws in all the world... and after all , we are talking about Mazda  IN Thailand.



    Not siding with Mazda, but the way I read the story is the consumer has a specific complaint regarding these vehicles like " speeding " the demands from the specific consumers wanted Mazda to cover their vehicles for 10 years 500Km, Mazda offer less ( why not just fix the problem if known ) if it is just one or two problems why ask Mazda to cover it bumper to bumper? when the consumer didn't get their way they continue to air their complaints on the website it isn't as if Mazda didn't try I think it is unfair since it is near impossible to defend itself on a website and that goes for any company. The lawsuit it seem was to give them a level playing field with these consumers.

    A true story, In 1991, I purchased a Jeep fully loaded, from day one I had problems water leaking when it rained, bumper to bumper problems, lucky I got the extended warranty the biggest was the ABS system continue to go out coming down a deep hill the ABS system goes out.

    Through the dealer recommendation I apply the lemon law, got a hearing I had a one inch folder of service records for breakdowns, when I filed I got nothing but attitude and in the hearing the representative said lemon law only applies to one specific items so your application for buyback or replacement is refused.

    I didn't think I got a fair shake so I at my own expense had the car wrapped like a yellow lemon with a sign listing all the problems on the windshield and not to buy a Jeep! and parked  right in front of the dealership for the weekend.

    Never heard a word thereafter make sure everything was working and traded it in for a Toyota.

  11. Done this number of times, my choice my is to have it sent to the address I using in the States. Once everything the cards arrives my family member puts it into a FedEx envelope I have already made out for any document that need my attention.  You can also use DHL or UPS but none including FedEx will deliver to any P.O. Box  and make sure to use a service with a tracking system.

    As noted, you can ask you bank to forward it to Thailand but this takes more than just a phone call, I had Charles Schwab offer to send the new card to Thailand but I needed to fill out some request form. 

    A simple document yes can cost but if you got to have the card you got to pay.

  12. Just from the story it seems things are being handle all wrong?

    There is no consumer protection or there is one that just does nothing like every department in Thailand?  They voice the problem but have no power to act as if these department exist for a paycheck?

    Thus, when there is a problem with a vehicle the consumer doesn't have a voice to get the research done and if a real problem exist have the vehicle recall and the problem fixed.

    Maybe I'm out of touch but 10 years but 500KM, why wouldn't any maker even negotiate the terms wouldn't it be cheaper to just fix the problem and if they can't have something like the "lemon Law" take the vehicle back or replace it.

    I agree with the consumer must have a voice but the terms being requested is for the entire car and not the particular problem.  This I would have to side with Mazda to sue the customer to stop them from what seems to be blackmailing Mazda.

    This is Thailand, speeding what is the problem driver here seem condition to speed so maybe it isn't going fast enough?

    As for ThaiVisa, who posted the story they got the spelling wrong.:signthaivisa:



    • Like 1
  13. Congrats, it doesn't matter how you do it what the method is use in doing it, the objective is do it and it seems you have done that. It is a disease!

    My brother like my father started very young he was a smoker for over 50 years. He had very little friends or visitors at his house it was filled with smoke, he never open one window, brown stain dripping from the walls, his clothes smell, bad hygiene habits to add.

    We didn't have much in common except for the love of my nephew I try to get him to stop for years, I think he was easy 3 packs a day?  I still remember the last smoking conversation we had the date and where he told me " I don't want to quit I like smoking and by the way who ask you and what does it have to do with you ".

    Years later, he told me he had this bad cough for a while that he felt it was allergies,  I told him your next veteran doctor visit you need to mention it,  he also said you notice anything since I was visiting?  he told me he stopped smoking, I said that is great inside I was happy but I was also worry why?  that his doctor appointment is in two weeks.  I return back to Thailand, thereafter I got a call from the family that during his doctor appointment he was diagnosed with stage 4, throat and lung cancer. 

    I was the trustee of his estate and after 9 months of treatment and care it had render him a vegetable and speechless. I got a call from his doctor one day to come home your brother wants to see you.  The visit he had written down his wishes etc.. although he couldn't talk I remember the look on his face it said it all about the conversation we had in the past and thank me for everything I was doing. 

    We pull the plug that night. The downside and I don't wish this on any smokers is although it is you that take in the smoke because when things like this happen it is others who have to clean up the mess.

    Good luck and health because the hardest part is yet to come and that is staying off it.

    • Like 2
  14. On 1/18/2018 at 2:06 AM, tweedledee2 said:

    We have 2 daughters attending government school 10 km NE of Surin and it is free. We have already registered the oldest daughter who will be starting high school in Surin next year. The cost including uniforms, books, meals and English class with a fee for native English speaking teacher totaled 5050 baht.

    That doesn't sound free to me?  Sure it is all relative but even at 5050 for a pure Thai government school I know many can't even pay that while the government official are getting rich in Bangkok.

  15. I've owned a number of bike in the States, Harley, big bikes, here in Thailand it doesn't take much to kill yourself you can do it on a scooter 100 cc.

    In Bangkok to each his own but I don't or can't see anyone having much fun if they got to clutch. To be honest, there are times I want to get something bigger with a clutch a bigger bike giants tires in the back with a big roar between my legs to maybe make up for my age but then I come to my senses just enjoy getting from point A-B, on my Honda 150, the ride is like being in a little car, smooth and good on gas that is all one needs.

  16. 4 hours ago, kurtmartens said:

    I hear what you are saying, I really do.  I just don't, honestly, see what the big deal is paying more to live here.  It is still cheaper than most of our home countries.  Paying 20 Baht for a bottle of water doesn't seem excessive to me.  Now, what bothers me is if you are a regular at that store the owner clearly didn't see the bigger picture of keeping you as a customer. 

    That really isn't the issue here which is whether you can pay more or not? It is what if the shoe was on the other foot?  I hear this logic from individual like you (nothing personal) but the logic really doesn't hold water.  I term this due to the exchange rate makes people who come here not the Land of Smile but Land of Stupidity.

    I have a close friend, he isn't well off but does o.k. never has help anyone in his life or step into a church or as far as I know even made a donation to a charity. Yet when he is here starts throwing money around saying Thai people are poor and he wants to give them a uplift in life, any and every excuse to pay more.  I told him whenever you open your mouth make sure no one is around you because they would think you are stupid. I said the above to him and if he really felt that way I could take him to a shelter where he could give his heart content to the real poor and disadvantage or go to the corner of Sukhumvit and throw your money out on the street plenty poor there too.

    I have no real problem with this type of thinking but you can say it all you want to make yourself happy but why not pay more for everything be consistent which you know you aren't and can't. If that was the case why not pay more for your current living accomadations, more for all your food, your clothes, your transportation, etc etc all cheaper back home,  yea a bottle of water good example? :sorry:

  17. 5 hours ago, Daveyh said:

    I've been here 15yrs witnessing all this behaviour knowing full well it will never change. I've also tried on occasions to politely discuss & reason with the perpetrators of this common trend here in Thailand. All that resulted in, was anger, indignant that they were wrong,  "you make problem you go home" rants etc ..... that basically told me to f##k off & if I did'nt like it f##k off again! The dark side of Thailand is always in the background & very little needs to be said before it raises it's ugly head ..... sad. I have very few Thai friends here since arriving in 2003 ;-( ............. I wonder why this is? 

    We must be related, I have been here about the same time. I came here like everyone just wanted to be left alone not looking for trouble. I pretty much live with Thais population in the beginning I pretty much kept to myself listening to other expat talk about Thailand people and culture. The longer I stay the more I saw what was going on and it was a matter of time before it hit me too.

    For years, I did my best not to get angry didn't want the wife or son to think I hated Thai people but as years gone by they themselves see it more and more from their own people.

    Years ago my son and his friend wanted to go inside " believe it or not "  the Thai guy quoted me the price and mines said I was a farang.  I told him off nicely using some simple logic that the operation you work for is Farang owned, should the operation only hire Americans, if you were to travel to the U.S. how would you feel if this same company charge you double for being Thai? 

    To save face he said "  if you live here that long show me something like a Thai license "  pop it out he got a bit upset as you noted. By now I just told him seen it before got two tickets and I waited outside for them.

    This to me is all label by even one of their former MP,  " the more patriotic the more stupid ".

    Sadly, in general is how so many Thai are taught in their government schools it is like they are being brainwashed?

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